How will socialists explain the Venezuelan crisis?

How will socialists explain the Venezuelan crisis?

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Now they will blame it on the US backed coup and sanctions.

Maduro didn't gulag the Venezuelan aristocracy. Now he's gonna get murdered by them.

>foreign interference caused this
>we must go back to real socialism

>Chavez only nationalized 30% of the economy so it’s not really socialist

"not real Socialism" Like they always do

America and europe bad
Russia and china good

>Rich people hoard all the resources

But how is it real socialism though? Rich capitalists stayed rich and got even richer still.

>not real socialism

Da fuck are you asking me for? I am telling you how the Socialist will answer.
Every time Socialism fails they say it was not real Socialism

What's most likely is they will credit Chavez with any apparent success and blame Maduro for all the failure

(captcha: select all images with a bus)

Not real socialism, state capitalism and other gobbledigook

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American interventionism.

The shit that launches venezuela into a bloody civil war.

because its literally not socialism unless youre a stupid fucking mutt living in some shitty farm that considers public education communist in which case you should be gulag'd

They blame "corrupt government"

Then in a few years we will be told that "because of American interventionism in Venezuela it is now America's moral obligation to accept Venezuelan refugees."

Ignoring that all the problems with maduro also existed with Chavez

>Muh american sabotage
>Chavez reduced poverty until Maduro came into power
The last one ignoring how Chavez was lucky enough to die while oil prices wer over 100usd.
Lesson: no point in speaking to socialists. Bullets is all they deserve.

Ok Jow Forums define these words for me


>it’s not real socialgasm
Useful idiots

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define socialism

Oh rly? Then please explain what the 3-tiered exchang rate system was, which was a direct subsidy on the import of goods, anihilating any incentive to produce locally.
Or how car factories were required to sell vehicles at a loss to employees?

What a retarded question, they never fucking strengthened their one-tick pony economy, this would've been the result regardless of whatever dominant political ideology was in effect.

the problem isn't socialism

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the problem is capitalism

They will say that Venezuela did it wrong and THEY will do it right. Also they will call you hitler if you disagree, forgetting hitler was a socialist.

Wrong. All you had to do was not subsidize your population by handing out dollars for cheap imports of every good under the sun.
The catastrophe in venezuela is a direct result of socialist management which places "social welfare" above everything.

fuck you hitler

sounds like a problem with international exchange rates not in venezuela's control and desperate currency manipulation and price controls implemented by an administration over its head as damage control to hyperinflation

has nothing to do with collective ownership of industry nor does venezuela have a particularly high percentage of collectivized industry compared to western European countries

Emo communism

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that doesnt happen
that only exists in your mind
even Jacobin thinks venezuela is shit and they are a literal socialists

hitler wasnt a socialist
he murdered all of the socialists in the nazi party and his entire regime existed to wage total war on "Jewish Bolshevism"

Oh yeah that never happened

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>"Revolution" is funded by CIA
>Venezuelan government isn't actually socialist
>Anarchists in the region aren't doing anything
>Just another miserable, apathetic country

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Americans obviously disrupted Venezuela because we can't stand it that socialism should be successful.

Wrong again. Exchange rate was set by the venezuelan central bank, nothing to do with international markets.
Problem is they gave away dollars for very cheap if you said you wanted to import basic foodstuff. The result of this is obvious: why produce locally if I can import for pennies?
GTFO here with your "but it wasnt real socialism" shit.

> the americans did it
> the western imperialists at it again baka

Tbh, a low-IQ population deserve a low-IQ ideology and government.

They didn't bat an eye when Chavez was nationalizing and giving them "free" shit, and now they cry....
Yeah, get fucked!

>expecting halfwits to ever own up to the failures of their retarded woman-tier ideology.

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>the Führer of The National Socialist German Workers' Party from 1921 - 145 was not a socialist

Are you trolling? Tons of hollywood socialists praised Chavez in 2012. Oil was at 100usd a barrel so he could splurge on social welfare. Shame it doesn't last like that forever.

Actually, I can't think of an example of socialism existing and then "failing", all countries that claimed they were socialists were actually oppressors and their societies suffered.

An example of socialism succeeding is revolutionary Catalonia.

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none of that is unique to socialism
Hong Kong has a pegged currency. Are they now socialists?

and kim jong un is democratic right?

>Shame it doesn't last like that forever.

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Well it's the sole reason of being for the Venezuelan army, everything is justified because of it, the hyper inflation the secret service the russian troops, etc.

The less the americans does, the less likely for Maduro to stay in power.

socialism isnt taxes you dumb boomer

>Socialism isn't taxes

Wrong again! Hong Kong has a single exchange rate. Not a 3 tiered monstrosity like Venezuela. You are clueless on this topic, and prefer to just spout "not real socialism".
Would love to teach you something but I got a long flight ahead of me now. Best of luck.

>collapsed quickly when nationalists attacked it

Wait for enough time to pass after we get in and restore a democracy: DAYUM DUH DICK SUCKIN USA DONE FUKT IT ALL UP!! THEY WAS GOOD BOIS DEY DINDU NUFFIN USA """"MEDDLED"""" WITH THEM!

like the capitalist in 1929 and 2008?

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>american flag
boy am i not surprised
tell me how old you are

thatcher is a neo-liberal kike

Wow amazing insight, why are socialists so smart?

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lots of countries have price controls
lots of countries have pegged currencies
lots of countries manipulate currency

none of this is exclusive to venezuela or to any particular economic system

>american flag
>taxes are socialism!!!!

>turning point jewsa

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Venezuela has lots of oligarhs... How is it Socialism, again?

Again: you are clueless. No decent country has distinct exchange rates deppending on which product is being imported.
Gonna fly now.

exchange rates arent socialist you dullard

At which point does a country successfully defend itself? Revolutionary Catalonia lasted for 3 years with millions of people with an anarchist system. That's an amazing success for socialism.

Historical materialism is difficult to progress, the enlightenment of the people is necessary for the continued success of socialism.

Venezuelan case includes military intervention of the industry, soldiers are terrible factory administration.

You keep stunning me with that amazing socialist IQ.

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taxes arent socialism

Whatever moron, enjoy being stupid and lessening society and existence wherever you go.

world wide oil glut

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>Pissing away your foreign currency reserves on social welfare isn't socialism


what a guy

it isnt. socialism is incredibly specific to one thing in particular which does not happen to be international exchange rates and monetary policy.

how do capitalist explain economical crisis?by claiming it was no real (insert economical ideology here)

System may have some social elements to it. Dosn't mean it socialist.

You're not any better disinfo agent.

they unironically think burning down the economy and going into a recession every 10 years is the most effective and efficient way to structure society

the fuck are you mad at me for
what fucking disinfo am i spreading

Here's a meme

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Socialism is communism is Democrats

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one of the dumbest things i have ever seen on this shitty board

>something good happens
That's not real socialism
>something bad happens
Lol commie sucks!!!!!!11
And vice versa

Already are explaining it kek

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That is real socialism dick. That is what it’s meant to do. That’s why you have giant corporations pushing it in America.

>muh sanctions
>muh based putin will save venezuela from ebil cia coup

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They'll claim it's not caused by socialism but by privatisation


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