Who else is here because they lack a sense of friendship or community with anyone else?

Who else is here because they lack a sense of friendship or community with anyone else?

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Other way round. Coming here eventually led to pulling away from most of my social life as it became apparent how stupid and degenerate most of it was.

Everyone is here because it's the last place you can share ideas. (((you))) are scared of that.

I like to discuss things that most people don't like talking about, or even understand for the most part.

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I had all the makings of an alpha-jock but, I found the red-pill rabbit hole and fell down too quick

I genocided people

Have a snuggle. You have frens here

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Came here cause of a crisis of faith in my community, countrymen, and nation. Now I hate all 3.

i have only like 3 friends, i hate retarded people which is pretty much 95% of the people. i fucking hate social interactions and i can't stand fucking normies. i'm only here for the memes and keks

What are you talking about? I don't understand.

I've told a jew I've never seen the evidence for the holocaust, and he still likes me.

Thanks. Needed that. Funny how we're demonized but, you won't get real support anywhere else.

I'm white American. Mostly Irish/English/German


Yea, whatever

No you're an Israeli and you recoil like every other shill and call yourself white when called out even though you don't know if the person you're talking to is white. This place isn't for identity politics but (((you))) try to make it that way.

I consider you all my friends.

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nice, fren.

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Jow Forums is my only fren. I love you goys. No homo.

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I got married and bought a house. I now have no money or frens.

Jeez, honestly I'm just drunk and felt like making a thread on Jow Forums. On what basis are you calling me a jew? Ooops, forgot muh parentheses


There ya go

>What are you talking about? I don't understand.

that's exactly what I'm talking about.


I have 4 children and a very cute hubs. I’m here because social media sucks and I can’t post how I really feel. Although I’ve been pushing the envelope. Up early making homemade biscuits and gravy for breakfast for my crew. Now I’m leaving because there’s no way in hell im showing my boobies.

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I'm here because I'm taking a shit right now

I had a few friends when I came back home, one moved away to live in a new town, the last and best friend I had, had a daughter with a single mother and now all of his time is spent working or with her and his daughter and her two sons.

Because everyone who says anything is Jewish
I legit don't care about friendships. Every "friend" I've ever had just wanted to go and get drunk or high while listening to rap. Social pressures are literally non existent to me.

But seriously why does Jow Forums now use parentheses instead of just calling a jew a jew? Is there a legitamite reason or has Jow Forums been subliminally influenced into using non-derogatory lingo?

Almost the same here. I already did a social experiment myself on human relations and it turned out like I expected. It's all fake and only exist on a give and take level. After that u can no longer have a meaningful relationship with anyone because I can only think in those terms. Weighing what I gain in contrast to what I give. If the balance is not in my favor, and it rarely to never is, the relation is not worth maintaining. I'm also planning to cut myself of my family. Although my family only consist of my mother and sister.

zionists aren't jews

Yup. I just hate that most people get their news from shows like john Oliver. It would be fine if they were just ignorant of the decline, but when they actively contribute to it, It just makes me not want to hang around someone so miserably stupid. Even my own sister has been infected as she revealed that she didn't want kids because it would interfere with her career and going on vacations and such. After, I explained to her that her mindset is exactly the reason birthrates are so low and why we have such huge immigration from the third world, and that a society that has low birthrates are destined to be taken over by societies with higher birthrates, as the society with lower birthrates will simply die out, along with all those freedoms that it gave to women. her reply? "So? Ill be dead by then". Wanted to slap the shit out of her so hard.

My nigga

dawww arent you adorable

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Im here for the lolz

Your kids better not be black. Is your husband redpilled?

what some people obsessed with reproduction?

I like transgender woman. They are more appearing for me. I have transgender gf and consider marriage if possible

I told my parents my idea and they reject me cause such marriage will not reproduce children

I don't need children. marriage is for love. so why is it bad to marry transgender woman?

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I smell a scared Jew. Call a jew a jew.

friendship is magic, motherfuckers

To keep the story going

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>You hate democracy
>you want to kill people
only because they want to kill me
>exposed as criminal
Literally prove it. Oh wait.... you are retarded. NVM retarded poopy retard baby.

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you dont need any one OP. fuck other people. fuck them in their mouth hole so hard you break their think bone

single parent with no social life. always found it difficult to make friends, and now it's impossible. this place is alright when it's not flooded with sheckelburgs after a news story breaks.

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To speak to other Jews

At least here people will listen to what I have to say instead of always laughing at my autistic face

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this is your community you dumb fuck.

that and here you don't have to maintain friendships like you do irl. I always found the timing of irl stuff confusing like, how long do you wait to contact someone again after hanging out, shit like that. also here it's a good mix of brainlets to pick on as well as people with actually good takes on things.

probably seems pathetic to an outside observer but it works well for me.

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>Jow Forums
Lol fuck off retard.

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