Why are they trying to kill cash?

Cash is the great freedom giver. Your name is not registered on cash, you can just hand it over to whoever and get goods or services.

But there has been a push against cash and for “card payments” around the world. These card payments leave an electronic trail which gives authorities are track record of where you go, what you do, who you pay and for what.

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They are getting ready to implement the Mark of the Beast soon.

>thinking it's about the data and not just the pure and simple fact that you can't tax cash transfers easily

Be serious. Where is the war against cash coming from? Do people seriously not understand that cash provides a level of anonymity and freedom that they lose with electronic payments?

>Why are they trying to kill cash?

>Cash is the great freedom giver.

leave while you are still bluepilled and naive.

because cash can not be taxed. Once its in your hand they can not tax you on it. thats why working illegaly for cash on the side is the real redpill

as always the rest of the world is falling fo the jewish lies

The NWO Reptilians will reveal themselves in government and then force everyone to be their sex slaves

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All bills are printed with a unique id, they know who extracts them and they know who deposits them
The tru parisians currency is gold and silver