Germany's Merkel calls for 'zero tolerance' of anti-Semitism, hate

>BERLIN - German Chancellor Angela Merkel underscored the urgency of combating anti-Semitism, racism and hatred more than 70 years after the Holocaust, calling for new ways to keep alive the memory of the millions of people killed by the Nazis

>Merkel, in a video address released ahead of Sunday’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day, said it was everyone’s responsibility to ensure “zero tolerance” of xenophobia and all forms of anti-Semitism

>“People growing up today must know what people were capable of in the past, and we must work proactively to ensure that it is never repeated,” Merkel said

>Millions of people were robbed of their rights, tortured and murdered — including an estimated six million Jews — across Europe from 1933 to 1945, when the Nazis ruled Germany

>The German leader called for new forms of remembrance due to the dwindling number of eyewitnesses from the Nazi era, and because of persistent hatred and incitement today

>Merkel expressed deep regret about anti-Semitism among Germans, as well as hatred of Jews among Muslim migrants and a hatred of Israel that she said could not be tolerated

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Other urls found in this thread:

>calls for zero tolerance of anti-semitism
>imports tens of millions of muslims

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semites are fucking trash terrorists, and so is merkel

>zero tolerance for anti Semitism
>let in millions of rabidly Jew hating Turks and Afghans



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I'm sure this will end well.

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apparently this is your number one enemy now europe. Make sure to inhibit white males from pro-creating

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Her family would not be proud

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you're retarded.

I absolutely love this timeline.

Wow à German looks German what a scoop

>imagine being so disgusting you have to make laws keeping normal people from hating you

Yahudi btfo by semitic man in Merkel's zero tolerance for antisemitism Berlin

Importing millions of third world Muslims is the obvious answer to curing anti-semitism you stupid cunt.


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what do they keep doubling down on things that create more nazis?

>tens of millions
Oy vey, got my whole storage filled up to the brim with Moooslims

Get fucked nazis

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Like those millions a week for your NHS?

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>b-b-but what about brexit though?! brexit!
>come on everyone, l-let's laugh at britain! h-ha ha

I'm laughing at your fantasies and gave another example of it

keks @the Kikes

Makes you wonder if the elites realize the contradictions.

germans circa 2015: 'what the fuck is merkel doing?! this is insane!'
germans circa 2019: 'diversity is our strength! fucking loser brits are missing out on so much vibrance!'

you could torture a german for years and by the second he'd be scoffing at people for not being tortured for years.
i don't think there is a people on earth so adept at rationalising the status quo as germans are.

>the contradictions

>as well as hatred of Jews among Muslim migrants
How does she plan on fixing that

remind me again which european leader it was who said that migrants were welcome in europe? not just germany, but the whole of europe?
and how many arrived in 2015? how many arrived since? is it greater than 2 million?
yes? then millions is apt.
you lean so hard on an advert plastered to the side of a bus that barely anyone saw, such cope has seldom been seen

>that barely anyone saw

>zero tolerance for antisemitism
How islamophobic

Good thing g*rmans give citizenship to niggers born in their soil, otherwise this cunt would not have stayed in power!

So she brings in 5 million Muslims LMAO


I don't have much experience with Germans, but from what I've seen online this is pretty accurate.

We got it the first time.

yeah, you're right - the remain-supporting media picked up the bus advert that nobody ever saw, and publicised it to try and hurt the euroskeptic argument. more people saw remainers smarming over it than saw the advert itself, but it was all for nought - the vote for brexit was predicated on national interests, not on economic ones.

a german, who is legally not allowed to pursue national interests by the constitution we, the french and the americans wrote for you, cannot understand that, because his culture and school system drums all national sentiments out of him and sublimates them into football.

I think it's dam funny, PVV and FvD in the Netherlands don't have to be so dam philosemitic, we have a small mostly sephardic population of Jews, no history of very much antisemitism, no Dutchy cares very much, oh no but let's introduce american-tier zionism into Dutch politics, I am sure that won't back fire and actually create antisemitism.

when you realise the real enemy will never be individually unmasked... its probably some billionaire neet kike.

So Merkel is admitting she is intolerant. She must resign immediately.

i have experience with german uni students, and they're an eerie lot.
germans helped me to understand why the gnostics believed that some people didn't have souls.
they are clever, normal looking, even pretty on average, but talking with them is painful unless you are discussing tv programs, you could write their dialogue in an afternoon, with a brutal hangover.
part of me wonders if they are just very closed people, but you can go to kc and see for yourself that they are the same in private.
when germans mock 'kevins' and haartz-iv recipients, i wonder whether they aren't the most sapient beings in that benighted place.

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Fuck this kike bitch.

You are underestimating the influence of mass media and education brain washing.
Also if I ever talk about how much I hate migrants I would lose my job in a second.
There is nothing you can do.
Maybe one could star some kind of amok but would this really change anything? I doubt it.

Most people run an NPC programm on stuff they arent interested about, but they feel they need an opionion on.
So you ask someone about nuclear energy and they go all "muuh bad not good" "they said reenewable will support everything" etc.

I´d say you can breach this conditioning quite easily and inform them about the errors in these statements, but only by around.... maybe 50%?
The rest is so indoctrinated and fixated on "their" standpoint (which isnt theirs but the medias but ok) that it is between very difficult and absolutely hopeless.

For example you say:
Reenewable energy cant cover 100% of our needs and even if, the sun doesnt shine 24/7.
>But there is wind energy.
Which also doesnt plow the entire day...
>Then we just use hydro, geothermal whatever.
>I´m totally sure that some future tech will enable us to go 100% eco.
And till then we just dont use fridges or what?

Thats how it usually goes.

>be germany
>import muzzies
>zero tolerance for anti-kikery
>arrest all the muslims
>send all prisoners to work hard labor in the countries they came from
maybe she really is hitler's grandkid?

This so much, I just can’t figure them out. I’m not memeing they are unlike any other lot I have ever encountered.

I would describe the feeling of a normal conversation as a game of ping pong. I say something then you serve it back with your take on it then I hit it back.

With Germans you get none of this. It’s more akin to playing ping pong with a wall. It’s clunky, it’s weird, it kind of works but not really, and most off all I’m doing all the work therefore making it an all around much more boring experience.

I went to a Uni FULL of Germans and the only 2 people I felt a semblance of a connection with was with an Aussie and a Brit.

What the fuck is their problem??

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Wait I hate tolerance now? And the Holy Coram? What does France’s Merkel say about this?

I´d say there are two kinds of Germans.
The peons who really like to wörk and enjoy mostly non-intellectual stuff like wandering, traveling, TV etc. plus a small nerd-hobby like collecting gardengnomes.
But in general they dont like to think much, they can if they really must but they dislike thinking about stuff.

Then the people who like to think and enjoy it but are generally just more autistic version then the peon German.

>Most are friendly but need some time to get warm, try going to a pub with em.... a few times.
Or they were annoyed with you smalltalking? Smalltalking is very much disliked here, either you say something interesting/informative or you shut up.

Nice try, the German gouvernments of the past decades all did their part in importing antisemitism.

As of today the important antisemitism, that which actually causes physical harm to jews, comes from the muslim community. The largest right wing extremism group isnt a domestic, but a turkish one.

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They kept asking me basic questions like “what are my hobbies”. I get where theyre coming from when they ask that but you don’t ask it like that!
When someone says something so autistic to me I kind of blank out and don’t know what to say either now, so I say something like “I like doing things on my computer”.
Then it’s just a clunky mess after that.
Sometimes I manage to find some more common ground but it’s hard to do.

I briefly liked talking about Donald Trump with them though.

> It’s more akin to playing ping pong with a wall.
What you were trying is small talk.
Small talk is considered an insult to intelligence of you conversation partner in Germany.
You either talk about stuff that genuinely matters or you don't talk at all.

>rapes everywhere
>housing and living costs exploding
>unsustainable pension politics

But no, we need to address the urgency of combating anti-Semitism

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Ahhh i see youre beggining to crack the code.

Next, they declare that 'Not being a slave to the Jews' is anti-semetism and then take away all your rights and make you slaves.