Alexandria casio-keyboard was a bartender before being elected to Congress...

Alexandria casio-keyboard was a bartender before being elected to Congress. Why would anyone think that she has the ability to determine the future of a country? Her green reform plan sounds like something cooked up by a bunch of stoned teenagers, which makes sense, since she sounds like a 16 year old when she talks (she should get an award for being the first Congress critter to use the phrase "tippy tippy top" in an interview).
This is the problem with American voters, they see something shiny and say "oooh, purty!" and start worshipping it, not realizing that it's just some pretty paper with nothing inside.

Attached: alexandriaocasiocortez_08022018.jpg (640x360, 25K)

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feels > reals

What does a person's past have to do with them running a country? As long as they do their job or people want them it should fine even if you were a prostitute.

Her policies seem pretty smart to me. Taxing people that make over $10M 70% for every dollar over $10M just seems so reasonable I can’t believe we weren’t already doing it. Honestly what’s so bad about that? Serious question

Attached: 713DC350-86EF-4A03-89E1-92A998FD5C35.jpg (640x480, 40K)

Attached: mle6Hwh.png (627x430, 257K)

FACT CHECK: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a female human, not a piece of shiny paper.

Her energy plan is an abomination. Lefties don't realize we use fossil fuels because it's cheaper and that forcing quotas foces energy companies to invest in renewables and retrain their workers which all in all ends up in our bills. They did this in Commiefornia and now they pay sky high electricity bills.

We also would have accepted
>occasional cortex

So you want to punish those that are successful? Because that 70% tax on millionaires wouldn't make a dent in our national debt.

Attached: green energy.png (505x373, 28K)