Is there a genetic defect on the y chromosome of that is linked with the red hair chromosome?
Red headed women are like the cream of the crop but the men are an embarrassment to the white race. Whats up with that
What is it about redhead/gingers that makes the male hideous but females superior?
I've often wondered about this as well. Red heads are a funny bunch - also, with the women, they're either hideous or strikingly attractive. There's no average looking redheaded women.
jewish ancestry
Same case with hapa girls and guys and to a certiain extent blondes.
They show "soft" features. Red is a feminine color, whilst blonde hair and blue eyes is a sign of youth, naivity and innocence. Hapas have neotenous features etc.
You've obviously never seen a redhead without makeup on kek. There's a reason they were so much eyeliner.
i'd give my left nut to get a redhead gf
What's with the meme that redheads are untrustworthy? Ive been fucked over by a redhead myself but don't get how/why it's a meme.
because it's a scottish and irish trait and we hatet he irish
me too user
idk, arent most redheads nordic and irish?
yes but in eastern europe, red hair was completely associated with jews