Europe paint bucket thread

Europe paint bucket thread

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why nuke sweden ?

light green/red all

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Consider suicide.
Fuck Jow Forums.

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What's wrong with PewDiePie? He's just a successful YouTuber. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Be Germany
>Open flood gates for refugees
>Realise you can't handle them all
>Call EU
>"Everyone who doesn't take our refugees are racist"

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he's in uk tho, and he's not a libshit like other swedes, hell, he even lost his swedish accent.go hate on ma boy pewds somewhere else, pajeet

Sry meant to refer to OP.

Another paintbucket thread. Ugh...
Just fuck off

Attached: euro map.png (1374x1245, 70K)

begone gypsy

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>like england
>like germany
>love france
>nuke sweden
You're really in denial about your country being more cucked than mine, are you?

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Based to the core.

Holy fuck this has got to be the most retarded map ever. Nuke Poland yet have mixed feeelings about hohols? And you want Russians to die by fire but not nuke?

Tf is this shit?

>Hohols ok
>Poles mixed feelings

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the only correct answer

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also I'm taking the local's merits coupled with how much they cucked themselves, which is why I don't hate sweden, since despite being cucks, they are not the same as albozergs who need to be RAIDed

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Why in the world do you love Germany but dislike Italy and France?? But like Spain??

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finally based Ukrainian not some random pidoraha behind the Ukranian flag

why do you hate the Neetherlands though?

Are you a Crimean Tatar refugee?

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Look at my map full of enemies.

Note - I do not hate all people from there. Just most and goverment

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It's like saying I accuse the hand of stabbing me and not the owner of the hand


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Because in Germany they are paid the most for cleaning toilets

every time

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i'm a simple gypsy exterminator, also Stefan's land will be reclaimed

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forgot to add Denmark to the crusade

We should get genocided too.

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>hate ruskies
>love hohols
how to spot hohol guide for dummies

Du kleiner wichser XD