What’s wrong with White Women?

What’s wrong with White Women?

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Oh look it's the exact same thread as yesterday.
Sage goes in all fields

There is nothing wrong with white women, it's the white man that has become soft and cuck on all levels, even physical.

White women are garbage. They are Jews with vaginas.

White men failed to enforce any standards of behavior and a lot of them are enabling some of the worst behaviors.

Sophie Turner is a gross slag. Every picture I've seen of her off the set of her shit-tier show is disgusting.

sophie turner has 1.8million followers on twitter and retweeted that photo
im sure lots of people just go through twitter looking for media and not paying attention to the text tweet

What's wrong with white racists speaking on behalf of other white people?

lmao she exposed that image to masses

She's right though.

She's a stereotypical leftist trashy whore. Go look up some of her off the set photos. She's your average roastie

Dumb whore did us all a service.

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it’s her bread winning nothing surprising, the funniest would have been if she told you she’s kikes

Because they're not into preserving European culture, history or politics. The ones that hop onto this bandwagon are merely larping to get attention and be different. When will autists finally understand this?

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Well, you heard her, Jow Forums - she says she wants to be the poster girl for white nationalism. I guess we owe it to her and to ourselves to make it happen.

>What’s wrong with White Women?
They're addicted to black and brown cock.

any woman looks for most safest way to exist
today it's kissing kike's and liberal agenda's ass. so that's what they do. if it were safest to heil hitlers, they all would heil hitler ever better then the most hardcore SS officers

coz women are fanatics of mainstream agenda.

there is no fixing women. but if we were to make the right-wing ideoly mainstream then all women would turn into 100% right-wingers

>Sage goes in all fields
Announcing a sage is a federal offense and can result in up to 3 days of ban without appeal.

Sophie Turner will be throwing her genes away on a Jonas brother mutt manlet-SAD!

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It's not just the safest way, or there wouldn't be so many coal burners. Women are a tangle of contradictions that make me question both evolution theory and intelligent design. They're narcissists who crave attention and want to be in charge yet can't stand being the center of attention at all times and avoid responsibility as much as possible. They want to dominate others yet are unhappy unless they're being dominated, even if that means being beaten and treated like cattle.
Really, things make a lot more sense if you realize that women are children. They lack any cognitive power beyond that of a 12-year-old.

This. Based polbro. Tradthots know that being "right wing" is relatively untapped male attention.
>b-but they actually go out and protest/make content
Because they know nothing will fucking happen to them since they have vaginas.

blacked.com is one of the most popular porn sites among white men, they are just following your wishes

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she basically low key spread the message, dumbass

This, sadly. Women are shit because the men who are “supposed” to be leading them are shit

Too many white men are beta leftist cucks. It stands to reason that our women are fucked as a result.

>They lack any cognitive power beyond that of a 12-year-old.
True, albeit insulting to twelve-year-olds

True as well. People should be ready to accept losing a bad job for standing up for themselves. Sadly, most men are scared wagies.

Women are stupid, emotional, and gullible, and will believe anything as long as society says it's the right thing.

Looks like we found a new meme star

T. Discord tranny.
