Time to counter-signal this bitch. Blackanons, if you want to prove you are based, now is your chance. Stick these up everywhere. If any MSM *PRAISES* this, we have a precedent to protect all IOTBW problems in the future.


Let's catch these journalists REALLY saying it's NOT ok to be white.

Attached: images (27).jpg (480x640, 16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Note: IT'S OK TO BE JEWISH will be rejected on site.

That's a lot of ink.


I’m enjoying being alive more than I expected in this timeline

It's okay to be yellow?

Not your personal army nigger

This thread proudly brought to you by HP.

We're in this together.

It's only not ok to be Kike.(well...muslims and shit)

I dont need a sign to tell me to be happy with my skin. If you were truly black you would already know

No one has money for that much printer ink.


kek, nice try coon

Attached: 1547895952912.jpg (500x500, 37K)

It's funny because when my printer is out of toner it says "black very low" ...I always murmur iq after I see it

>Note: IT'S OK TO BE JEWISH will be rejected on site.

Attached: yeaaaaahboooiyyy.jpg (250x250, 7K)

Well you can sit on the sidelines, faggot.

Is HP (((HP))).

This isn't about that, holy fucking shit.

But it's not really ok

im unironically fine with this

>I dont need a sign to tell me to be happy with my skin
That’s not the point of the exercise, it’s a counter swing to expose hypocrisy. Everyone should be happy with their skin

This is really fucked up and shows white privilege. Do you know how much ink it will cost to print these?

It's OK to be Human regardless of what subspecies you are part of.

Just came back home after trying to hang up these posters near my local church. I got attacked by a bunch of black bulls shouting things like "COON ASS UNCLE TOM ASS NIGGA FUCK YOU NIGGA!" That‘s the last thing I remember hearing before I woke up in a pool of my own blood. Don‘t hang up these posters, guys. They will savagely attack you like bloodthirsty dogs as they did to me!

Attached: D42478E7-63A8-44C6-B3DF-8A13C3683506.jpg (461x615, 36K)

Non whites are not your servants so you can at the very end exterminate us.

Pathetic rightwingers

This is a good idea.

black people are so based

I really wish I could be as redpilled as your average black man

Attached: 1523737178837.png (256x256, 30K)

Fake news

Well, we're all equally enslaved by the jews so I agree with your message.

Attached: 1494488595036.jpg (596x994, 397K)

You have to go back, Ashraf bin Jamal El-Mugabi.

I'm calling you out chang

Attached: textgram_1548599026.png (1080x1080, 47K)

Of course it's ok to be black. Every form of media touts POC as almost sacred these days.

I'm calling you out José

Attached: textgram_1548599059.png (1080x1080, 50K)

I'm calling you out Tanto

Attached: textgram_1548599096.png (1080x1080, 55K)

And Jamal: for your printer's sake

Attached: textgram_1548599042.png (1080x1080, 46K)


>too much ink
Reverse the color scheme dummy.

These should go up during black history month. Any media that reports on it would have no choice but to praise and support these signs. Could end up making for some good video compilations where they call out OTBW as terrible and racist, but IOTBB is worthy of their support (because why wouldn't it be?)

>there is no phase two
This isn't phase two. This is a separate counter campaign meant to further show the hypocrisy and bias that the media displays, in such a way that even the most hard nosed normie would have no way to defend it.

Attached: 1546614975739.jpg (1195x1500, 207K)

Attached: 1526621923540.jpg (1232x1191, 587K)

Getting the media to blatantly support this narrative while calling out IOTBW as racist would go a long way in breaking the conditioning for a lot of people

Is it being slid

Scoonby Dindu

Attached: kek.jpg (393x310, 29K)

printing those will cost a lot of ink
reminds me of blackfaxing in the old days

this, in essence it is not a bad idea, february is the right time for this

Its ok to nuke me

Costing us more money even now

Attached: 1548575151570.jpg (1024x538, 63K)

should do 'It's Not Okay to Be White' - it seems to counter the earlier claim but still begs the same question.

Attached: 1506762459053.png (1602x1348, 152K)

b8 but taken
The fact that they think this would have the same effect as it has with them

Attached: 1548560243713.jpg (1444x1172, 247K)

Attached: 1524954097699.png (2550x3301, 121K)

Attached: 1524954196575.png (612x792, 33K)

R*ddit raped this board so hard holy shit

We know.

I love these.

>Niggers, spics and chinks shilling for their own extermination thinking it’s all a joke
Kek, like pottery

you can seriously watch your genetic relatives feast on human flesh and rape children and still be proud? you look at your homeland, starving, AIDS ridden, still confused on how to keep up with 12th century Europe, and you are proud? does it make you proud every MLK blvd in America is a gang infested shit hole? does it make you proud that you turned Detroit into the laughing stock of American cities? does it make you proud knowing that every racial minority that has come to America has been far more successful than blacks? even central Americans look down on you.

The problem with this is, the statement "it's okay to be black" is trying to convince everyone else that being black is okay, and not subhuman.

The saying, "It's okay to be white" is merely trying to remind white people that they don't need to apologize to anyone and are guilty of nothing.

I'd never want to be black.

I think this would unironically piss the left off, even in a vacuum where they dont draw the parallel to iotbw.

>its MERELY okay to be black?
>is this meant to shame poc or something? They should be proud of their heritage!

Have fun printing that out. Stupid niggers

Both are retarded statements to any normal person.
These heavy-handed meme campaigns from r*ddit autists do nothing to further the cause, in fact they probably damage it.
3-4 years ago before this board was flooded with retarded children jumping on the trump bandwagon, this board was capable of subtle, effective subversion. Subtle being the key word here.
These days everyone just seems to be happy as long as their silly scheme makes the news, regardless of whether it has any positive impact.

Shill detected.

Being black is fine, as long as you don't pose a threat to others.

Not really. Redditors wouldn't be caught dead saying "It's okay to be white."

I can't hardly imagine anything more counter culture than saying "it's okay to be white" today.

Not really, Hans. Why don't you tend to Germanistan and stop trying to tell others what is okay while your back yard burns, yeah?

But it is okay to ne black you stupid faggot that's the point

Just dont be a nigger out loud, same goes for all races

Black paper, white ink

Perhaps I phrased this wrong. Being black is absolutely fine as long as you keep to your own.


imagine how the media will report on these fliers

Attached: 1547422233229.gif (413x233, 2.62M)

its not a retarded statement, look at pic related, this guy cain velasquez an MMA fighter gets away with "Brown Pride" tattooed across his chest, no one in the industry gives a fuck.

Do you think a white guy with "White Pride" in the same font, in the same place, would get away with it just as easily?

Attached: Cain188main.jpg (613x376, 85K)

You’re so used to assuming a submissive role that you mistake a hand of friendship for one of domination. I feel bad for you, I really do. So long.

so we are having a second wave then?

Attached: confused.jpg (1927x1715, 318K)

aren't copies a set price per page?

>mistake a hand of friendship for one of domination.

bullshit, this entire thing is only to help whites gain more power over other races. as soon as white guilt goes away, brown people are fucked.

Had to add the (Skinned) so communist fags wouldn't get the wrong idea and think they are acceptable
Fucking Kek

Just stick with It's ok to be black and let the stupid niggers waste tons of money on printer ink.




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2-Read the entire text.
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