Meet cute girl through mutual friend

>meet cute girl through mutual friend
>instantly hit it off, go on a date with her
>date is going well
>"user, what's your instagram handle"
>"don't have one"
>"I don't have any social media. I don't like it"
>next day she texts me "user i just think it's creepy that you don't have any social media. it's a big red flag for me. sorry"

What the fuck happened? When did social media become a mandatory requirement to girls?

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>not raping
Oh, you have a lot to learn my neocon friend

It's so they can stalk you and see if your one for them! But thats totally not creepy cos woman!

>implying it's a bad thing that she outed herself as an idiot and disconnected herself from you

because their entire lives revolve around seeking attention, and social media is the perfect platform for vain dumbasses.
Bullet dodged bro.

>don't participate in modern society
>girls won't date you
Yeah you shouldn't be surprised

She just wanted a prop for IG photos.


well you browse pol

so I guess you are an alienated weirdo

so she dodged that bullet

seems to be a good rule of thumb

Just say "Ok" and ignore her. Say nothing more. Nothing less. Just "Ok" and drop her like a hot potato. If she says anything else don't respond. Just one, single "ok".

She will text you back in 1 - 5 days wanting to see you again. I guarantee it.

Text back "k"

Also, hit the gym harder, you aren't attractive enough.

Same thing happened when I told a girl my apartment was in the suburbs and not the city lol. We were chatting and gonna meet up n she ghosted and blocked me when I told her.

Just say: “I spent too much time on social media and I realized it was negatively impacting my life. I had a good night with you. Have a good one!”

You don't want to date someone who lives for social media. I told my gf(now wife) when we first started dating that I don't use it and I expected her to close her accounts if she did. She closed them and hasn't used that garbage since. She is happier without it, having since told me it was a source of stress for her.


So many wasted words. My fingers only have so much strength user I can't waste them on thotties.

cucked and bluepilled

I had a LTR while not having fb, would use my gfs occasionally to see what retarded nonsense was being pushed

> "user, you don't have FB?"
> "No, it's not manly to post selfies and pepper my friends with inane internal monologue. Why what's on yours? You a cringeworthy sloot?"
> "Oh user"

>1 post by this ID

See how living social faggots like this cuck, shill out for the Jew. Find a woman that isn't a online thot,

Tryhard beta faggot

This. Holy shit. Women are the biggest fucking creeps on the earth. They stalk the shit out of guys all day long on their thot apps

When a girl doesnt like you she will take any reason to get away from you. In fact you should be happy she didnt ghost you, because that's their usual go to.

It wasnt the social media. Plain and simple you're unattractive. Something you did during the date turned her off. Or maybe she only went because of the mutual friends.

Either way you're not attractive enough for her and she tried to turn you away gently

But isn't this almost all women now? Even the smart ones? People seem to think social media is like, the basic requirement for dating now.

>What's your instagram?
>"Social media is for losers."

I'm not a weirdo. Quite a social guy.

You faggots are right, what was I thinking. Should’ve just raped then killed her. That’s the Jow Forums way.

kara boga is right


>I'm not a weirdo.
You are hiding behind a meme flag on a New Guinea wheelbarrow image board, and trying to convince us you aren't weird.

This shit glows in the dark.

This. I'm convinced that I'm nothing but a Facebook status to my wife of 20 years.

So you have to have a totally normie, cucked out, no-contro profile with all information exposed, family, work environment, background, and lots of pictures AND live in the city with the rest of the urbanite SJW tribe. Living in the rural areas and suburbs and

having no social profile is now and automatic assumption, you are a _______. to them, Living in a new era we are . Non-participation and living private is seen as subversive.

No, you should treat her like the child she is. Read an article nigger:

This. Not having social media is a red flag of being a pol nazi.

Do it!

you are a 4channer so clearly her instincts about you being creepy were correct, she just needed an excuse

>giving a fuck about some vapid whores reaction to normieweb
fuck not found, fuck not given

Not all. Most smart women would overlook it in a prospective partner if they were otherwise well-adjusted.

Its because social media can be used to profile retards and loners. A social media account can be used to reveal a persons social standing. The only people who do not have social media accounts these days are literal ultra autist retards who have no social skills besides being toxic online. A girl will never go out with a loner dumbass social reject, because women crave status and hanging out with a loser is harmful to ones standing in society. Therefore she will rightfully reject any creep who wants to hide the fact that he's too autistic to establish meaningful social relationships.

She’s right. You need at least have some grown up social media accounts for girls to be comfy with you. I built up my FB a long time ago with 400 friends or so. Never use it really. I got my LinkedIn at 500+ connections and got an old Instagram account with some travel pics.

All girls I date check out these accounts before we go out. The 500+ LinkedIn shows them I am serious in business, my FB shows them I am not a social loser and my old Instagram shows them I like outdoors and have friends and family.

>mfw ID

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>"user i just think it's creepy that you don't have any social media. it's a big red flag for me. sorry"
This is supposed to be a red flag for you. Bullet dodged

send her the medical study on how insta/fb bad for your mental health

The jews have been molding us to be antisocial whores, plagued with anxiety and a lost purpose for countless years
End state is now, you see a jew any where in your life you kill them for what they are, not a man, not a woman, not even a child, only a jew
Humanity will be rid of its ultimate plague once and for all

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Are you married?

This. You got it all backwards bud.

I hear this kind of shit on the radio all the time. they think you must be hiding something sinister.

No more like
>yeah I'm getting the same feeling. Later.

Women get wet for literal serial killers, they don't care about well adjusted. OPs problem is that he's a beta faggot. He needs to hit the gym and stop caring what women think.

Must have been attractive enough to her to even consider going on a date with him.
>Inb4 she was just being nice
Women don't want to be seen in public with a quasimodo unless he has money. That's the only exception they'll make, ever.

Based and subversivepilled

OP, you came off as an unpopular loser by saying “I don’t have one because I don’t like it”
You should have been cool about it and said something like “Social media is for losers”.

To retarded girls. stop supporting retarded girls and later complaining that thots have it easier. Woman are fully capable of using more that two braincels, stop breeding degenerates

>thinking girls give a fuck about research and stats
lmaoing at your life

Lol nope. I ran a harem while having exactly zero real name social media. You know what separates being "creepy" from being "mysterious"? Being attractive.

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>never had Facebook
>never had an interest in snap or insta cause I hate taken pictures
>too lazy for that
>meet qt3.14
>tell her Facebook is lame and i could careless about it
>convince her to delete profile and Facebook app
>qt3.14 is now my fiance and mother of my daughter

We live a much happier life without Facebook

My cousin does not have social media as its a waste of time. Dude became an engineer. Makes 10k a month and already has his own house built with 3 floors at the age of 28. He also got a nice girlfriend and a pretty active friends circle.

Explain that shit nigger.

Respond with K or Ok and wait a few days

The fact she uses instagram should have been a red flag for you already.

>be same as OP
>"haha, add me on facebook!!!"
>"I dont really use it"
>"?? huh"

Fucking zoomers.

>Having a kid out of wedlock like a degenerate nigger
How does it feel to have a bastard child?

Because women need to vet men. Why is that such a weird concept. You're not marrying the girl whose parents your parents know anymore, you're finding someone who you likely have zero common links with. They have no way of knowing that you're not secretly a fucking weirdo or psychopath who puts on an act so that you can get close to them. They need to see that you're a functioning member of society in some way. It's not that hard, you literally just need to update your profile picture every couple of years with you doing something.

And it's nice sometimes to see what people you haven't seen or spoken to for a long time are up to. It's not that bad.

Fuck no.

Or she was set up on a date in front of mutual friends and didn't want to lose social status by rejecting him there. So she found an excuse later.

A better response would have been "hell no" but OP may have been doomed from the start, see above.

Its her not you. Shes a total npc.


Who cares, you fucking faggot.

>They need to see that you're a functioning member of society in some way
LMAO women literally fuck criminal niggers, what are you on about?

Between working out and building my software to make me millions, I don’t have time for that shit.

So when girls ask just be firm about it “I don’t have time for that shit, that’s for losers with too much free time” and they wet their pants

fifteen years ago
>WTF you post on forums on the internet lmao what a creepy nerd school shooter

>umm you don't have a facebook? wow just called the cops you psychopath serial killer don't touch me

normies everyone

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God does and any decent person. England has always been a cesspool of degeneracy. Good think Mohammad is taking over to clean your morals up

Perfect post, mice job. You're good at psychology just like me.

>hitting it off with a normie slut that uses social media
>not finding an autist shutin gf

Gold digging is the strongest instinct in a women, the fact that your cousins making 120k overrides all his other flaws. Though I wont be surprised if shes banging Chads on the sides, which she probably is.

Trust me if you were a roided up chad the lack of social media would have been no problem for her. Women aren’t complicated as they think they are.

You didnt do shit you lying fuck, stop LARPing online and go make some friends

user where do I find this austist to shut in gf

Meme flag and shitposting. Cant make this shit up

Pretty much. Society seems to have done a 180 pretty hard in the last 20 years or so.

Its fucking retarded.
Not all women are like that, but A LOT of the under-30 crowd have made that a deal-breaker.

It isn't even about being "creepy" although that thought is in the back of their mind, it's about the girl having a SECOND set of accounts to post her pics to.

>look at my beautiful babe
>look at her new clothes!
>she how cute she is when she travels
>look at the silly face she made in the pics

Women are so narcissistic that they need a man w/ social media accounts to help fulfill their narcissism

the best part is his gf probably sees the 100k he brings home after taxes roughly as average and wishes she had more

Where do i find those user? Feels like all fuckable women are npcs.

This makes me grateful for having met my wife before social media was considered “mandatory”.

>making millions

Ofcourse they wont care about other shit if you're making bank, she'll latch on to you, then arrange for some fuckboi on the side to satisfy her physical needs.


>Meme flag
>Not even politics

Sage, report and hide.

>Or she was set up on a date in front of mutual friends and didn't want to lose social status by rejecting him there. So she found an excuse later.
Could very well be another scenario also.

"I'm over social media."

Definitely this. One girl wanted to know the names of my ex girlfriends so she could stalk them too. It didn't last long between us after she gave me grief for dating a half-Asian broad

Unironically Church/Mosque/Temple and the various religious events and conferences they hold usually have match making

Women who think every fucking shit is creepy, are fucking weird as fuck. Nasty shits.

>bastard child
>implying legitimate bloodline is needed to pass on estate
>LARPing like you live in the medieval period

Kill yourself faggot

God isn’t real; he’s slamming more pussy and reproducing unlike you. Go jerk off to some foot porn you goddamn autist.

Why complain? You dodged a bullet.

Except his gf comes from a richer family than him. Your point is? I know cuckholding and wife sharing is popular in the US but keep those things to yourself

OK faggot, please go put your head in a bag of helium while people who understand whores try to help OP not be the little beta bitch he is. Look ITT and you find two classes of advice, roughly broken down as misogynistic DGAF and "please consider and validate wamen". Literal Chads vs. Virgins.

College. I found a girl that was a feminist and thought all men were rapists. Thus she almost never dated and didn't go out, no presence on social media either. It was an easy conversion to trad afterwards.

We Muslims don’t have those problems because our women know if they step out of line and cheat their life is over. The family may even do it for me

If only you could learn to dodge nuclear bombs

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What a virgin thing to say


>Falling for the marriage jew in the year of our Moshiach

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