It comes down to this. Choose one

It comes down to this. Choose one.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Come on potato nigger, it's an easy choice.
>ravings of one man.
>the word of god.

>No Koran

pasta user I...

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the modern bible is heavily edited a lot of gospels and books were destroyed in the past. so i guess hail hitler

Exactly. Mein Kampf wins every time.

The holy bible. Before anyone goes muh jew, maybe try to actually read the bible and see what the bible says of the Jews and what they did. Trust the bible, not a man preaching it to you.

>The classic "you can only have one" trick
Hitler was Catholic. Go home, JIDF.

If you read the bible and come out with anything but seething homicidal fury towards jews then you didn't pay attention, so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make

The Bible is a better Manga

Mein Kampf is old news and tells me stuff I already know

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I'll go with the real stuff, thanks.

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relatively based. at least muslims admit that their faith is middle-eastern, whereas chr*stians actually believe their fath is european..

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>Natural Selection
uhhh user hitler lost


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of course the swede defends islam

Heil Hitler

Hitler was inspired by the Bible in many parts of Mein Kampf

Sage the potato nagger


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Both Jesus and hHitler died for your sins.

Both were vilified

In time people came to understand Jesus’ sacrifice

In time people will come to understand Hitler’s sacrifice

Both books tell the same story

I don't defend islam, I denounce christianity.
>2 men murdered 2 women
>first says that it's not him, he didn't do anything, he's innocent with blood all over his hands
>second says "I did it, yes" and that's that
>state the second at least confessed

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This is the only acceptable argument against Hitler

That the bible is anti Jew. Shills say otherwise

Aussies on a roll

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*Spoiler Alert*

Everyone dies at the end whichever you choose.

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When have you last thought about the far-left commie killers, who murdered tens of millions in their countries during peacetime? Those so-called “worker’s paradises” were turned into prisons, with borders closed against people from escaping and getting out. An Iron Curtain. 1Sec Stalin and Chairman Mao are infamous for their high body counts, as I already mentioned, in the several tens of millions.

not if we can help it

Hitler > Jesus

trick question.
they were both written by the same person.

The Fountainhead.

Commies won user


>10 retards beat up chad thundercock
>retards are the superior lifeform
i can imagine why you would want this to be the case

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Imagine reading the New Testament and not hating Jews.

>Egalitarian suicide
>Worldwide white hegemony and leave
>Must choose one
Pretty easy choice


i havent read either of them which would you recommend?

I'd like to see the bible create a functioning superpower out of a pile of ruins in only 20 years.

Excellent post

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I live in the Bible Belt here, I always trigger all the christcucks by saying that Jesus was a sandnigger, not a blonde European. Instant butthurt.

"My struggle" vs "easy way to heaven"

Had a fat fucking chuckle.
Anyone who picks faith over Folk is an enemy of the Aryan race.

The Bible is for the soul, National Socialism is for the state.

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you would understand if you lived here

The Bible is the most racist book ever written. It's actually a collection of writings about the white race. It includes their origin story (Adam) and laws which, if followed, enable them to defeat their greatest natural enemy, the Jews.

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are you saying that the bible is the original mein kampf and that its been perverted over the years through poor translations and suspicious (((additions))) that turn it from a book of liberation to a book of indoctrination??

very low IQ post

Wrong. The bible is for the Semite, spiritual or racial.
National Socialism is for the Aryan soul.

The bible is a book of jewish witchcraft and shows subtle communism teachings.
Jow Forums loves it.

>rabbi on a stick
>asks to kill who doesn't believe in him
>love thy neighbor
>brother against brother, father against son
Christianity is Jewish. As a matter of fact, it has jewish roots.

Indeed. In particular, the New Testament. In many versions it states that Jesus had to hide from the Jews, since they wanted to kill him. He was hiding from the Edomites, who are the hook-nosed kikes that claim to be Jews these days. Jesus was a Jew, of Mediterranean appearance most likely. Kikes are sneaky liars who believe they can outwit God and force prophecies to happen through manipulation and falsehoods.

>Hitler was Catholic
He was pagan, kike.

The origins of the white race are from the Caucus Mountains, not from the Levant you CI faggot. Go shill your jew religion to other fools.
The concept of Hell comes from Helheim.
Fear of the unknown is for the weak.

No, Hitler is real unlike the kike on a stick.

Well I've read the redpilled passages from the Bible.. and some of them are really nice.
But a lot of it I have to really look away from quickly, as it feels like the book is trying really hard to make a sheep out of me.

Even a lion can be killed if enough hyenas attack it.

>It's actually a collection of writings about the white race.

The Bible is Mein Kampf for jews and somehow it's the white man's fault.

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Do you think thats deep or something you reddit tier christfag? The struggle of one man, is not the same as the dictation of reality by a book written by jews.

Mein Kamp is The Bible Part 3

That's a good way to put it lad.

>"adultery" used to include race mixing, but no longer does. Note that the verb "adulterate" still does carry the meaning of mixing something tainted into something pure.

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Right, i dont read jew bs

The pastor said:
>user, you cannot save yourself. Only through Jesus can man truly be saved.

Hitler said:
>user, you cannot save yourself - but you can better yourself and pursue a better world for you, your family, and your nation.

>Ethereal, mystical, low-effort feel goodery?

>Actionable, material, physical, chemical, and biological realism - forged by the hard work and efforts of an entire nation pursuing excellence.

Gee user, really difficult fucking choice.

Christcucks choose their religion over their race every single time.

They're perfectly okay with the United States being overrun by Mexicans because they're Catholics.

>adultery = adulterate
mind blown

The supposed rothschild AMA guy said that too. he said blood is the second most common word in the bible after god and it was meant to be the guide for bloodlines.

Mein Kampf.

Christianity teaches one to be weak in the face of enemies who wish to do more than just harm you.

Fuck off, kike.

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See also the 6th definition listed here for one early example of how "adultery"'s meaning has (been) changed:

>6. Among ancient naturalists, the grafting of trees was called adultery being considered as an unnatural union.

Since "adultery" is strictly forbidden by commandment, erasing one of its main early meanings ("unnatural mixing", and likely even specifically "race mixing" if we were to go back far enough) has been foundational to the goals of international Judeo-communism in bringing about their one-world order, etc.

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False Dichotomy - you can choose both.

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Interesting. Plenty of references to "seed", "tree"s and, of course, literal genealogies as well. Also note that in many places where the King James Version (and others) uses "neighbor", the original word which has been translated literally means "one who is close to you", and indeed can mean one who is close in genetic relationship to you, i.e. a fellow member of one's race or extended family.


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Remember brother, the Creator calls the ones that are needed, not the meek & pious.
Both of those books belong in the library.

Both work together

If it were legit the word of God, it would be supreme, but it is a jew religion

Love Jesus Christ character and would love that it would all be real, but it's literally just a myth

Adolf Hitler is just a man, dwelling in the possibility of the real and pragmatic. So...

Jesus Christ as God would dump Hitler absolutely, but it is not true.

Considering Jesus lived and died in Rome and Europeans formulated and carried out the Reformation................... maybe you’re retarded

>the story of jews
>the story of a jewish puppet

bruced and emupilled

I’m a Protestant skinhead. You’re a fucking faggot

Fuck you, I choose both.

>do i read a book filled with jew nigger teir shit that is most likely fake
>do i read an interesting historical novel about an interesting man who was actually alive and actually existed
hurr durr i dunno user

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Jesus existed you retard, don't believe he made miracles like it's written, but he was a real person.

You’re confused then
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Luke 16:13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Audible snort-kek. And of course it's Australia. Thanks user.

nothing wrong with being faithful to the Lord and defending your race.

believing the same thing as “””kikes””” while hating kikes

Yeah defending your race has nothing to do with serving a totalitarian political figure
Absolutely nothing wrong with racial pride so long as you do not allow it to embitter your soul

is left only the NT? why not both? hitler wasn't against religion

Not entirely true my brother

Has anyone here actually read Mein kampf?
It's absolute dog shit.

Ecclesiastes beats Mein Kampf on its own so even though I'm not a christian the Bible is the obvious better choice.

In my Tinder profile I unironically have that the only 3 books that anyone needs are: The Bible, The Art of the Deal, and the Kamasutra. In that order.

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yeah im not gonna even click that
afaik he had the backing of the pope
and the soldiers had belts with god mit umst
good enuf 4 mi

>"In one widely quoted remark, he described Jesus as an "Aryan fighter" who struggled against "the power and pretensions of the corrupt Pharisees" and Jewish materialism."
praise Christ and 1488

>Talmud v2
>Mein Kampf
easy choice there lad

it's shit

ignore the name it was from another thread

>no Evola