Millennials of pol tell me why you stopped believing in God

Millennials of pol tell me why you stopped believing in God.

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i didnt, now go fuck yourself glowing nigga

Because that bitch has tattoos and God hasn't killed her yet.

Because he stopped turning people like that into pillars of salt

this post, OP

Le this

>post-wall catlady attempting "teehee look how quirky and cute I am"

I didn't. Only ones that have are those who are lost.

KYS nigger

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Would've had to start at some point for that, no?

are you sure about that?

Too lazy to accept personal responsibility.

Because Germany lost ww2

Same reason I don't believe in the Hollowhoax.

No evidence to support the claim.

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Omg! That man almost looks like a girl!

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believing in anything without concrete evidence is dumb
>tooth fairy
>easter bunny
>6 gorillion
>invisible friends

if god were real, he'd make himself known in an absolute manner.

Go to church, as a man it's even more important you take your family

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Look at my flag, look at my fucking flag.

God made him self known trough Jesus.
ITS just that humans are inpatient fucks cant wait more than 2000 years for a new miracle

Information Proves God

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then maybe create humans that are more patient next time

Fucked up too much in life.

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Many have given up on Christ because:
1) Requires work, faith, real hope, actual charity to have a relationship with Him
2) He's not a genie that grants their every wish
3) They neglect critical thinking, read psychopaths like Dawkins, and start thinking they're too smart the believe in God and start believing in stupid stuff like climate change, evolution, politics is god, etc.
4) Christ didn't give Democrats victories in the Civil War, Civil Rights Movement, 2016 Election; so they abandoned Him out of spite.

She's aging so rapidly , glad these shill threads document it

I never believed in god but I use religious reasoning a lot in arguments depending on the context. I LARP by assuming an holier than thou attitude with either bible or quran quotes. It works surprisingly well.

>if god were real, he'd make himself known in an absolute manner.

According the bible everyone knew God but they became evil anyway , this happend with the angels , and with the humans during the flood . But God should show him self you probably know it better then God

>god exists
>proof is this book a bunch of kikes wrote
heh nice try OP

>can't even control his own creations

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was gonna say, soe could have married James years ago and these updated millenial shill threads are getting uglier and uglier.

What is freewill of course God cant control us or we would be slaves .

there's no such a thing as free will if you have an all powerful god

if he was a chad he would want slaves

Remember when Soe was a qt?

Now she's just a childless harpy, sad.

i didnt want another Santa Clause dictating my moral compass
i didnt want to be a part of the catholic religion, being told everything i like was bad, being told i was going to hell unless i did all the thing i dont like
i wanted to be free and i got that freedom as soon as i left that life behind me

I am happy without a God, I am happy knowing I do right by my hand because i want to rather than because im trying to buy my way into an after life. It starts when you stop believing in a Hell and everything else starts to make you question more and more why you are following something deep down you know is not real.

>all these nonsequiturs can only be explained by the existence of god

>God made him self known trough Jesus.
so a guy who died almost 2000 years before I was around.
>humans are inpatient fucks cant wait more than 2000 years for a new miracle
aka wanting evidence, as if the omnipotent creator can't make himself known instantly if he so chooses

>everyone knew God but they became evil anyway , this happend with the angels , and with the humans during the flood
maybe god did a shit job of proving himself then
or maybe he doesn't exist
>But God should show him self you probably know it better then God
so is god playing 666d chess with humanity? letting vast swaths of people go to hell because there is a total absence of proof?

chistitanity is the ultimate jewish trick. religion is a contrived system to control people.
I'd go so far as to say that if god were real, he wouldn't want you to believe in unprovable bullshit; existence doesn't rely on baseless belief.

>the state of my country
>the state of Europe
>the state of the West

There is no god that would allow this

You did the mlg420 atheiztz owning videos with the MVP Dawkins who has the reading comprehension of a toddler. At least you can now enjoy having your children kidnapped, raped and put in your meat while the police defends the sandniggers poondians and puts you in the worst jails with hateful non-whites if you even just complain.

>if you know what God wants you would be one


I'd be spending my life on a Mongolian spice trading website too if I was cuck'd by Russia and then the EU.

>this is all he has to say like he has some moral high ground
Just open your window and look out

I believe in God. But the faggot pope has got to be killed for supporting the faggot lobby and appointing pedophiles to high positions.

if I want to be fed with fake trash I could just watch werstling with my family. Same fake but it's fun at least

Bulgaria looks nice these days, your shitty island of poo worshippers does not

I open my window and look to the rural English countryside.

My family has enough wealth that it does not matter.

Ironically, because a group of black girls at my high school got killed by a drunk driver. That was 10+ years ago now. As cruel as Nature is, it’s less cruel than the antagonist of Job.

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who is this boi?

Because so much evil shit is allowed to transpired with literally no repercussions and religitards tell me its all part of his grand plan.

Oh no, she's hitting the wall early. JAMES why did you do this to her!?

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>My family has enough wealth that it does not matter
Are you sure, have you renewed the loicens for it. You can easily forget about that and then all your fortune would be redistributed to """asians""" who will take care of your kids.

I got a grade school education and poof, just like that he was gone.

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Go no longer believes in us

I had a decent sientific education and was interested in knowing more about the world myself.
When I understood than all human religions, especially the Abrahamic ones, were bullshit and obvious nonsense I simply couldn't keep believing in a God in the traditional sense even if it was a comfy belief before.

I wasn't taught any belief in divinities.
I learned about religion through studying history and I was confused when I realized people still believed in it.
Its like believing in Santa Claus.

I stopped believing in the faggy church

all the world has one belief, treat them the same, no matter how much differently they act. what could go wrong?

Soe a cute, but she is bullied a lot.

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Because they probably believe in Soe.

Evangelicals, salafists and zionists are the same.
Some use individual terrorism, others use state armies & drones.

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Christianity and ultimately all semitic religions have done nothing but stifle progress for thousands of years
And I'm not talking bullshit social progress like left wing idiots, I mean actual progress towards being an advanced society, We can't go into space because we throw money at savages because we brainwashed our people into believing in giving shit away to the "helpless". Western society is falling because we've conditioned ourselves for centuries to care about others, while other races are taking advantage and spreading rapidly.
Call me a larpagan if you want but at least Odin's archetype embodies the search of knowledge and evolution.
TLDR: Christ is not European and is just a coping mechanism for those who need something bigger than themselves to believe in

God never gave me a gf and forced me to watch hentai porn as a substitute while learning to code so i could create my own AI waifu. how can such a cruel being be called God?

Because god is a jewish invention

>your brain on pure american education
At least you're already destroyed.

Epicurus is problem of evil

Burden of proof is on those that claim there God exists

Carl Sagan's the demon-haunted world:science as a candle in the dark

Listening to Sam Harris criticize religion for just a few minutes

realizing that religion is just a set of rules with no enforcement until you're fucking dead. Religious people continuing to break their gods laws or even being emboldened by them

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Because it's a ridiculous concept with nothing FEELS to back it up

Because "God" as you know it is semitic neanderthal deity that was forced on us. European man always sought mystical meaning in nature. Abrahamism HATES nature. Only good thing about it is that it's pretty much completely limp and half-dead now, and will soon be gone without a need to remove it by force.

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Imagine being such a brainlet that you don't even understand the most debunked problems ever. You're worse than a redditor.

Never did.

I was taught that YHWH = LORD = 2nd Person of the Trinity (peincarnate Jesus). Makes Manson, Dillinger, Corona, Ramirez, and the Hillsiders look like punks. Hitler, Himmler, Stain and Mao is more appropriate. A Bronze Age campfire story. A bucket with too many holes. A pathetic system of "worship".

>be literal mongoloid rape baby
>"stupid american!"

Orthodox Jews are OK. They think that British people are the tribe of Judah, which is why the Anglosphere supports Israel. I just think everyone should read Youngs Literal Translation of the Bible into English. It's seriously autistic once you remove all the flowery language from the King James version. Jesus wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes on Pol, he'd be chased off the board for using straw man arguments and circular logic.

that bitch also looks like she's past 30 already despite probably being 25
she's gonna hit the wall so hard it's gonna be funny as hell

Not believing in God allows you to do whatever you want. Not believing is the easy part. The hard part is believing with convinction because that brings with a lot of responsibility

Epicurus is problem of evil still stands. you have a reputation that you can add to the intellectual debate? Please enlighten us you fucking wittol

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But Christianity teaches removal of personal responsibility. It teaches that nothing you do matters, that life is meaningless.
Are you fucking stupid? People who don't want to accept personal responsibility turn to God to let something else be responsible for everything for them.

I pretend to believe in a God because atheists are bunch of Marxists, feminist, basedlatte scumbags.

>Orthodox Jews are OK
I stopped reading there

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Concept of free will and god having a plan are incompatible.

>God made him self known trough Jesus.

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>doesn't even knows about the concept of free will

Moloch is the only neanderthal deity that forced itself onto others idk what the fuck you're saying when you use God and not Moloch

Because Moloch maybe deceived and subjugated thru false churches?

Quit being a fucking commoner about this im getting sick of reading this ignorant clown nonsense

God's job isn't to control you in life though. He made you and you repay him by living according to His word. If you do you go to Heaven, if you don't you go to Hell. Simple as that

just to inform you cuz you're so fucking stupid that you cant figure it out on your own, even if you do believe in any fucking deity, you can do whatever you want, AND WITHOUT CONSEQUENCES. That's why Christians commonly fuck babies mouths, murder, and commit all kinds of other sins that are dictated in their holy book that they're not supposed to do that they do anyway.

Your argument that people that don't believe in (your) God can do anything they want, is just church rhetoric and a shit claim that you're not even using two of your fucking brain cells to challenge.

Person A who is a Christian and Person B who is an atheist both have the ability to commit murder even though it's both legally and religiously deemed wrong. Your argument is invalid.


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An American one, which is more indoctrination than education, which explains your post perfectly

>Christ didn't give Democrats victory in the Civil Rights Movement
What the fuck are you talking about? Yes, he did.


GOB (GEORGE OSCAR BLUTH) has arrived fazellas...

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owow what is that

Read Torah.

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I grew up

Some women have penises and that’s OK.

you might as well be talking about Zeus and Hades you silly bastard

Because like I listened to a few Matt Dilluhunty podcasts and looked at the evidence. Plus like religion has brought mistreatment of indigenous peoples for like thousands of years. It also like reinforces patriarchy. Might as well believe in a flying spaghetti monster.

Tits or GTFO.

Sam Harris:“ And I hate to break it to you here at Notre Dame, but Christianity is a cult of human sacrifice. Christianity is not a religion that repudiates human sacrifice; it is a religion that celebrates a single human sacrifice as though it were effective: “God so loved the world he that gave his only son,” John 3:16. The idea is that Jesus suffered the crucifixion so that none need suffer hell, except those billions in India and billions like them throughout history.

This doctrine is astride a contemptible history of scientific ignorance and religious barbarism. We come from people who used to bury children under the foundations of new buildings as offerings to their imaginary gods.

Just think about that. In vast numbers of societies, people would bury children in postholes—people like ourselves—thinking that this would prevent an invisible being from knocking down their buildings. These are the sorts of people who wrote the Bible.

If there is a less moral moral framework than the one Dr. Craig is proposing, I haven’t heard of it.”

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WOAH EDGY how long have you waited to say this fred

I wanted to have sex before marriage. Once you stop going to church and start asking questions the whole thing unravels.

American "Christians" are a joke and I don't believe there is a sky wizard that created everything then disappears for the rest of eternity

its funny how the concept of heaven and hell is consistent across a lot of religions.
it's almost like heaven is the selling point for people that think infinite life sounds good

I'd rather go to hell than submit to a virgin god who threatens people to serve him because he's insecure about his penis size