for discussion of british politics™
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The techno-industrial system is exceptionally tough due to its so-called “democratic” structure and its resulting flexibility. Because dictatorial systems tend to be rigid, social tensions and resistance can be built up in them to the point where they damage and weaken the system and may lead to revolution. But in a “democratic” system, when social tension and resistance build up dangerously the system backs off enough, it compromises enough, to bring the tensions down to a safe level.
During the 1960s people first became aware that environmental pollution was a serious problem, the more so because the visible and smellable filth in the air over our major cities was beginning to make people physically uncomfortable. Enough protest arose so that an Environmental Protection Agency was established and other measures were taken to alleviate the problem. Of course, we all know that our pollution problems are a long, long way from being solved. But enough was done so that public complaints subsided and the pressure on the system was reduced for a number of years.
Thus, attacking the system is like hitting a piece of rubber. A blow with a hammer can shatter cast iron, because caste iron is rigid and brittle. But you can pound a piece of rubber without hurting it because it is flexible: It gives way before protest, just enough so that the protest loses its force and momentum. Then the system bounces back.
So, in order to hit the system where it hurts, you need to select issues on which the system will not back off, in which it will fight to the finish. For what you need is not compromise with the system but a life-and-death struggle.
To work effectively toward the elimination of the techno-industrial system, revolutionaries must attack the system at points at which it cannot afford to give ground. They must attack the vital organs of the system.
Some examples of vital organs of the system are:
A. The electric-power industry. The system is utterly dependent on its electric-power grid.
B. The communications industry. Without rapid communications, as by telephone, radio, television, e-mail, and so forth, the system could not survive.
C. The computer industry. We all know that without computers the system would promptly collapse.
D. The propaganda industry. The propaganda industry includes the entertainment industry, the educational system, journalism, advertising, public relations, and much of politics and of the mental-health industry. The system can’t function unless people are sufficiently docile and conforming and have the attitudes that the system needs them to have. It is the function of the propaganda industry to teach people that kind of thought and behavior.
E. The biotechnology industry. The system is not yet (as far as I know) physically dependent on advanced biotechnology. Nevertheless, the system cannot afford to give way on the biotechnology issue, which is a critically important issue for the system, as I will argue in a moment.
Fuck the queen and fuck england
Again: When you attack these vital organs of the system, it is essential not to attack them in terms of the system’s own values but in terms of values inconsistent with those of the system. For example, if you attack the electric-power industry on the basis that it pollutes the environment, the system can defuse protest by developing cleaner methods of generating electricity. If worse came to worse, the system could even switch entirely to wind and solar power. This might do a great deal to reduce environmental damage, but it would not put an end to the techno-industrial system. Nor would it represent a defeat for the system’s fundamental values. To accomplish anything against the system you have to attack all electric-power generation as a matter of principle, on the ground that dependence on electricity makes people dependent on the system. This is a ground incompatible with the system’s values.
Ray mears is the real unabomber, ted was the fall guy, 6d chess.
Probably the most promising target for political attack is the biotechnology industry. Though revolutions are generally carried out by minorities, it is very useful to have some degree of support, sympathy, or at least acquiescence from the general population. To get that kind of support or acquiescence is one of the goals of political action. If you concentrated your political attack on, for example, the electric-power industry, it would be extremely difficult to get any support outside of a radical minority, because most people resist change to their way of living, especially any change that inconveniences them. For this reason, few would be willing to give up electricity.
But people do not yet feel themselves dependent on advanced biotechnology as they do on electricity. Eliminating biotechnology will not radically change their lives. On the contrary, it would be possible to show people that the continued development of biotechnology will transform their way of life and wipe out age-old human values. Thus, in challenging biotechnology, radicals should be able to mobilize in their own favor the natural human resistance to change.
And biotechnology is an issue on which the system cannot afford to lose. It is an issue on which the system will have to fight to the finish, which is exactly what we need. But — to repeat once more — it is essential to attack biotechnology not in terms of the system’s own values but in terms of values inconsistent with those of the system. For example, if you attack biotechnology, primarily on the basis that it may damage the environment, or that genetically-modified foods may be harmful to health, then the system can and will cushion your attack by giving ground or compromising — for instance, by introducing increased supervision of genetic research and more rigorous testing and regulation of genetically-modified crops. People’s anxiety will then subside and protest with wither.
thanks for fucking up the thread retard
real thread here
Radicals Are Not Yet Attacking Biotech Effectively.
Some radicals do attack the biotechnology, whether politically or physically, but as far as I know they explain their opposition to biotech in terms of the system’s own values. That is, their main complaints are the risks of environmental damage and of harm to health.
And they are not hitting the biotech industry where it hurts. To use an analogy of physical combat once again, suppose you had to defend yourself against a giant octopus. You would not be able to fight back effectively by hacking at the tips of its tentacles. You have to strike at its head. From what I’ve read of their activities, radicals who work against biotechnology still do no more than hack at the tips of the octopus’s tentacles. They try to persuade ordinary farmers, individually, to refrain from planting genetically-engineered seed. But there are many thousands of farms in America, so that persuading farmers individually is an extremely inefficient way to combat genetic engineering. It would be much more effective to persuade research scientists engaged in biotechnological work, or executives of companies like Monsanto, to leave the biotech industry. Good research scientists are people who have special talents and extensive training, so they are difficult to replace. The same is true of top corporate executives. Persuading just a few of these people to get out of biotech would do more damage to the biotechnology industry than persuading a thousand farmers not to plant genetically-engineered seed.
Hit Where It Hurts.
It is open to argument whether I am right in thinking that biotechnology is the best issue on which to attack the system politically. But it is beyond argument that radicals today are wasting much of their energy on issues that have little or no relevance to the survival of the technological system. And even when they do address the right issues, radicals do not hit where it hurts. So instead of trotting off to the next world trade summit to have temper tantrums over globalization, radicals ought to put in some time thinking how to hit the system where it really hurts.
Trying to grow a beard and it looks all pubey and gross like his and the mustache twirls up I'll give it another month and if it stays Shit its going, wanted to look like gandalf not Muhammad
Gentle reminder that vaccines contain excessive amounts of chemicals that can cause brain damage and autism.
My name is Ray Mears, and I'd just like to draw your attention to the fact that the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
>Another gullible user sips from the retarTED kool-aid
>on a sunday afternoon
Does ray mears also give advice on how to disrupt the techno-industrial system by blowing up receptionists and computer shop owners?
Brexit is never gonna happen. May's deal failed and instead of just exiting the British government now wants extra time to negotiate more.
Brexit in name only.
Ram him.
Like I will trust your view on ted
those are some nice shirts, think I need to get some richer greens into my brucecore wardrobe
also a good field watch, is that a G10?
Dated a fat Arab girl once. She would have been fit if not for the weight, I reckon they put it on from fasting it must fuck up their metabolism early. Her mum literally tracked her via her phone though. Went for a coffee and snogged her on the first date/never called her again. Would a tapped it if not for the fat IMHO the girl had paler skin than me.
Aren't you a registered nonce?
It's irrelevant.
Looks like one, bushcraft LARPers love military watches. Most of the stuff you see him wearing/using is available at his shop:
I think spending loads of money on kit for that kind of thing misses the point a bit, but I suppose he has to support himself, you can't eat worms every night.
i won't be tolerating noncery in my thread
But how can you even expect anyone to believe you when your name is on the register?
irish bastards ruining all the fun.
> banning social media because teenagers kkill themselves
> cops harassing people for retweetes/likes in Faceberg
lmao. can't wait for that Kaliphate raising up.
Have you consulted your local imam yet, Habibi?
What? I'm simply stating that your name is on the sex offenders register you nonce.
give me something new to larp about
why are you so upset at me? I'm not the one who put you on the nonce register
>Industrial Society And Its Future
>Technological Slavery
>Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How
>Offers no real solutions
>He himself pretty much admits defeat and says there is little that can be done that will ever make a difference
So did he ever achieve anything except poisoning dogs and building wooden pressure caps for bombs?
didn't your mum kick you out of the house and into the shed in her back garden?
I can see the blue of my veins on my forearm and my nipples are pink pretty sure I'm white as fuck now read my blog posts you filthy user
nigger i'm see through
Reminder that seigeanon tried to get us on that new terrorist register
This looks like the watch:
what new terrorist register? how many can you have?
you can't be see through silly
why didn't you show up to the fight you arranged you massive pussy?
look at how mad you are typing in caps. you sound pathetic.
oh rly?
pic related, me.
Who here has their own personal jani for free?
based eddie owning a janny
clean his shit janny bitch
You need different skills facing down Islamic terrorism than you do with suppressing local discontent.
honestly the CWC G10s are pretty inexpensive, about the same price range as a seiko diver and several other half decent field watches I've been looking at. I could get one of the less offensive Gshocks like the square one but they are still ugly, and LARPing is part of my work uniform, I want something that looks reasonably good.
I wonder what these Traser ones are like
me obv
cute electrocute