>Doesn't wake up at 6 AM
>Has only 1 income
>Thinks sex matters
>Does not lift
>Has never fought another man, ever
>Does not believe in God and a higher meaning in existence
>Does not read 1 book per week
>Quotes others and constantly paraphrasing people he 'looks' up to
>Does not indulge in the arts
Doesn't wake up at 6 AM
That's your future soon.
Wagie wagie get in cagie
All day long you sweat and ragie
NEET is comfy
NEET is cool
NEET is free from work and school
Wagie trapped and wagie dies
NEET eats tendies, sauce and fries
Based and sigpilled
But he does bow to Mecca 5 times a day, so he's got that going for him, or if he's from a little farther south geographically, he's got the BBC.
>Has never fought another man ever
Why does this matter?
i never fought my father, the post.
>Quotes others
What's wrong with quoting others if you agree with their opinion?
>the arts
>Has never fought another man, ever
I know of several people with brain damage or memory problems because they fell for the fight pil. Only fight people if your ready to die user.
Memes constitute art too. And memes are better than 21st century (((art)))
Knowing combat and how to control your reactions and instincts is important.
Lol retarded christfag kill yourself
> Wake up at 5:30AM
> Side project made $1.1k last month
> Lift 3x/week, cardio 2x/week
> Literally beat up the guy who was dating my wife in HS
> Make music every day
> Read 1hr every night + in the shitter
Feels good to be based
the implication is that you're a pussy. but randomly fighting someone as a method of self improvement is retarded and you'll just end up in jail, knowing the luck of most betas. its mixing up cause and effect - the genetic high T, physical and neurochemical profile of alphas is what makes them get in these fights in the first place (and win). seeking confrontation when you don't have these things is like seeing rich people with fancy cars and deducing from this relationship that in order to become wealthy you need to take a loan and lease a Ferrari.
This is why I want Trump to shut down the government again. Fuck paying taxes to NEETs, you all deserve to get in the oven.
based and comfypilled
You must be friend with a lot of abbos mate, or people in Aus fight with bricks every single time
A pussy like you cant go every day. Going big dick on that road bike for 1hr+ in 50c heat and then go the gainz house and lift.
Books and arts are gay
Redpill me on lifting.
Couldn’t hear you behind that memeflag, kike
I'm still at work at 6 AM. Fight me, daywalker.
I agree op, good post.
you forgot
>squat next to Pajeet and shit on street
if you need redpilling on why you should be stronger than you need something else first
I dont wake up at 6 am
I don't read a book a week
>should i an hero?
I've been fighting other men since diapers faggot
Your flag is the Zionist flag not mine crypto kike #IstandwiththeFurher
Sweden is on the same routine the United States is, apparently. Sad.
You get to look good, feel good and get more pussy than beforehand, what redpill do you need fuck sakes
In high school you and your friends wouldnt slap box ever?
Tendies tendies give them now
You fat ungrateful sluggish sow
I shall spend my hard earned good boy points
On cheap ball pitted burger joints
Mcdonalds, Wendys, Kfc
Only one type of tendie for the neet
That which has the juciest meet
That which give a drink so sweet
The greatest tendies are cooking
At the royal palace of burger king
meme flag
>acts tough
are you guys even trying?
And there it is. Good post. Sounds like the same reason that bull dykes always end up "over-acting" like men and come across as wannabe tough basedboys because in their frail minds, being masculine means talking in a deep voice and telling everything that moves to fuck off before you kick its ass.
Why does she have a 5 o clock shadow?
>telling me how to run my life
WEW lad
>Fuck no, I like to sleep in
>Neetbux motherfucker, I've been labelled as a potentially dangerous societal problem and cannot work
>Of course it does if I want to have children, stupid
>I walk, I find more things to think about while walking
>I am a formerly enthusiastic street brawler, tempered by age
>If you need God to provide you a higher meaning, then you probably have no principals that make sense to you on their own merit
>I compose music now, I read all the books on my list already
>Grew out of that when I dropped Facebook like five years back
>What I just say
You're pretentious, but I'd probably buy you a beer, because at least you don't sound like a big poof.
Lots of people read on the beach, Pajeet.
Based poo we’re all gonna make it boys
This conversation is over kike.
Good post. I do most things except lift and read(haven't read in a while but should really pick it up).
>be college student
>busy but still manage to work out 4-5 times a week
>have been pretty consistent for 2.5 years
>get really busy with school for a week so don’t lift
>don’t lift the next week either
>or the next week
>suddenly it’s been three months of no physical activity and I feel tired and sick all the time
How do I get back into it?
meter's all fucked in this it should be
tendies tendies give me them now
you fat ungrateful sluggish sow
i spend my hard earned good boy points
on cheap ball-pitted burger joints
mcdonalds wendys kfc
only one tendie for the neet
the one with the juciest meat
that which gives neets a drink so sweet
the greatest tendies are cooking
at the palace of burger king
I really don't like resorting to pointing out people's spelling mistakes but since you just had to mention that you're an avid book reader....
>then you probably have no principals that make sense to you on their own merit
Man I wish I had a team of boomer-aged women that work in education to give me life advice.
nuf said
Aren't communists supposed to be FOR a welfare state? >:^)
1hr+ in the shitter?
How long does it take for you to poo?
Go to gym fattie
>t. christcuck wagie who just discovered self-improvement
You are hereby stripped of American citizenship, and kicked out of the white race.
Homonyms are just brain-farts, you know that.
And cripes, don't start me on middle-aged women, I've begun to suspect that the solution may involve killing them all and turning them into fertilizer.
They're so easy to upset it's almost like they were never meant to live.
that's a ladyboy