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Is Iran really the bad guy?
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Dozens, through Hezbollah.
Iraq started it though.
Iran didn't attack Iraq.
Iraq attacked Iran.
You’re not even trying
>name one country Iran has attacked
The United States of America
>embassy seizure, embassy is legally us territory
>Beirut barracks bombing
with or without proxies?
Israel, Iraq, Syria, US, Im sure there is more if you do research.
Hezbol doesn’t exist
We don’t exist
Stop looking looking into the Middle East American mutt, let them bleed each other dry, we may kick them out of Asia Minor and Europe one day
Here’s your (you)
technically Syria since the FSA has claimed that they sponsor terrorists.
By fighting the jews, Iran is actually the only ally the American people have. They fight our enemies because we are too weak to do so ourselves.
Iraq started the war.
Spain: Iran gave money anf financed the creation of the commie party that is now "Podemos" that wants to destroy the country.
The commies say that "It wuz legal", and also that iran financed the "asociation" that after became the political party, so they did not dirtectly financed the party....
So at least one.
They fund terrorism
they act via proxy forces & non-state actors - smart dudes desu
We don’t?
>American flag
>Implying someone attacking israel is bad
Like Pottery
US Embassy was American soil.
Do more research than a wiki search
Iran isn't the bad guy. Iran is hated for gaining as much influence as it has through diplomacy with it's neighbors. and it's "harsh" stance against Israel and it's existence.
Baby Boomers get the rope first.
Embassy is not legally a country's territory you sperg
Saddam invaded them what is there to miss
Yes it is sperg
The FSA aligned with Nursa they have no leg to stand on
Yid detected
>Hezbollah is an ally of Iran therefore they attacked other nations
By that logic the US is accountable for the invasion that Saudi Arabia started in Yemen
Israel, through their proxies.
Iran deserve to be nuked and i'm not even joking. I want to smash Khamenei's skull, stab him in the eyes and feed his body to pigs.
attacking jews in a country isnt attacking a country. if anything they were doing a favor.
Based ally
thats great but in reality you want us to do all that for you at great expense in blood and treasure to our already suffering nation.
Iranian over here. We have never attacked anyone and never will. We are peaceful people.
Iran is based af. You can tell by how bad the usual suspects are trying to engineer a war/revolution over there. And Persian Qts are pretty hot.
you do know the Syrian government asked the Iranians for support as allies against all the Saudi proxies and foreign powers like Israel in Syria, and that's why Iran has troops in Syria...
Iran will outlast Israel
Every leftist that is aware of Yemen will blame it on America. In fact people blame America for everything possible.
So you're saying they actually managed to unify the middle-east; those guys must be pretty good.
America on 9/11. never forget
Khamenei is a faggot and will prolly die in a few years. Having said that kys kike.
But it’s not gonna happen and you’re gonna keep wishing you could along with your declining Jewish population
The Saudi monarchy was installed by the British Empire so it's really our fault.
>persian qts are hot
Fuck off you literal virgin.
Imagine being this fucking stupid.
That doesn’t refute my criticism of your statement
persian qts are hot though
Iranians are white. This conflict is manufactured for the benefit of the chosen ones.
Israel, they just launched a rocket at them from Syria the other day
Israel has committed dozens of unprovoked air strikes in the past including a week ago
He didn't imply anything. He just listed countries.
Iam not the original user of the question. Iam not saying your wrong. I am saying that people use that logic to shit on america for 30 years now. If it applies to the US then it should apply to everyone else.
Daily Reminder that whoever helps reclaim Palestine by destroying Israel will gain the support of the entire middle east and Muslim world.Iran has the potential of becoming the most respected country in the entirety of Asia if not the whole world.
>name one country Iran has attacked
The only people who hate Iran are shabbos goys like Trump and Jews.
I'd sip Pina Collada's out of your skull while lounging on the beach of Jaffe while you Jews are shipped from the shores of Palestine back to Europe. My dream is far-fetched but not as far-fetched as Israel destroying Iran.
You were saying?
Yes, we know all women are whores.
>"No it was Iran!"
>"No wait it was Hezbollah!"
You Jews need to make up your mind, also the title in your link even says "alleged."
>Iran hates fags today
>Iran attacked Greece in the days of Athens and Sparta
Read the thread, Bong. Iraq attacked Iran, not the other way around.
> unprovoked
An embassy is not legally the "guest" country's territory. That's why they can be ordered out
Iran is a puppet state doing the bidding of Israel. They helped clear out Iraq and Syria for greater Israel it's all political theatre they won't attack Iran because it is a vital asset. With it Iran no US military build u in the region and Israel is exposed. The CIA put the mullahs in power you should all know this. Jews in Iran have more freedom than Muslims they are enriching themselves whilst the whole country gets poorer still. It's nothing but another controlled opposition state like Russia and Turkey playing their part there is no real antagonism these terrorist acts are all designed to get you emotionally involved and want more war it's fake and fucking gay.
The United States. What exactly do you think assaulting an embassy and holding that country's people hostage for a year is?
Defence is a form of attack
Shows what you know you brain dead pleb because the world is exactly how the news media shows it right? You are all cattle especially the patriotic sort like yourself supporting your state rather than your people who need to be woken up and know of the demonic international Jew.
Iraq invaded Iran, defending themselves is common sense, that’s like saying Germany was attacked by Britain because they fought back
Jew does not control Iran my friend.
Yes, for daring to rebuke the USA and Israel.
I'm sorry I thought we were at war with the Eurasia and have always been at war with Eurasia.
I always wondered if iran was kiked, total blackpill if true.
Proof faggot
Same fag
The Middle East was pretty easy to unify before the invention of Islam. There were tons of great empires from 3,000 BC all the way to 600 AD.
Islam is the great cancer, and Muslims are not to be trusted.
USA/UK/France backed Khomeini. Read this in full before responding:
BBCPersian has found recently declassified documents in US National Archive about secret plan of president Kennedy to overthrow secular government of Pahlavi in favour of Shia clergy led by Ayatollah Khomeini through a coup plot in 1963.
US gov & CIA had formed "Iran 918 Group" consisted of a several Iranian Army commanders to overthrow Shah's government if he resist any Islamic revolution. One of the group members was Mohammad-Vali Gharani who later became Iran Army's Chief-of-Staff after Islamic revolution.
Later on, Carter's administration was also becoming tired with the Shah since he was no longer being an OPEC puppet, and Carter's administration initially backed Khomeini:
It is fairly clear from the linked document and several other declassified papers that elements of the US government were actively conspiring against the Shah from the mid 1970s until his fall. The Shah kept pushing for oil price hikes at a time of economic weakness in the West, and just after the US domestic oil production peaked. With that revenue he was embarking upon ambitious development programmes. Eventually, the US managed to get Saudi Arabia to undercut the official OPEC oil price and therefore undercut the Shah. Revolution came shortly afterwards
The USA began distancing itself from Iran since William E. Simon's 1974 petrodollar deal with Saudi Arabia.
Also, on a funnier note, Carter's ambassador to UN also called Khomeini a saint
jew country
Can't wait for Iran to fuck you kikes
Yes it is you twat. That's the whole point of it.
You'd both look nice covered in glass.
Now I understand why their women are all covered up.
Sparta back in the day
Should I trust Wikipedia on Leon Frank? That's what I thought, kike.