Roastie Q: Should beggars be choosers?

Guys, you already know the situation with lack of marriagable women, we cant change history, so there is no need to dwell on it...
If youve stopped masturbation and watching porn youll loose that self-depracating demasculinizing, cucky feely you get when thinking about it, it works 100%, youll stop focusing on women and start feeling genuinly masculine when you abstaing from onanism.

Never the less, even if you deal with problem succesfully on an emotional level (its that simple, just stop masturbating), problem is still here, good women are lacking today more than ever. So what do we do?

***the future of our race and civilisation depend on this***

1. man up and marry a roastie
2. finda unicorn (virgin at marriage, Ill give a pass to tatoos and debt honestly, but not prefered)
3. monk mode - be usefull by being single

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Other urls found in this thread:

study on option 1

pic rel is a political couple of a rising rightwing libertarian party

>guys is the president
>girl is some roastie that wanted the most powerfull guy in party, classic
>married her at 25 or smth, she was 36 or smth
>bitch lied about her age in media
>2 >white kids

so here is the issue
>roastie is creating MAJOR dramas within party and pushing herself in front
>doesnt even use her marriage surname (Sinčić) but her surname (Palfi), not Sincic-Palfi but legit her own name
>brings other double surname roasties in
>suddenly more and more of those types


Attached: zivi zid sincic palfi.jpg (960x632, 165K)

>looney thot that had 2 jobs in her life, lost both after getting into fights with supervisor and customer. She worked at fucking grocery store.
>lied about finishing college, she probably didnt even went there
>apparently was spreading legs left and right in her home village, rumours are all over and considering her characterI see why

basically the bitch is a total psycho

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>it's this thread again

>1. man up and marry a roastie

About 2. and 3. its already said enough, but if you go for 1., its best to choose less roast over more roast, and honestly we should be able to choose even if beggars sicne wrong beggars choice can make him even worse of a beggar

What do you guys think?

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The only real 100% deal breaker is having mutts

hey, whats up? are you the gal from previous thread?

>The only real 100% deal breaker is having mutts

I dont think its the only deal breaker. Not all roasties are equally roasted, but I dont think anyone should marry a full blown roastie, nor does it help us

They're at the bottom of the totem pole but there's only so many of us that can go monk mode before our fertility rate is like 0.1. A white baby is a white baby even if it emerges into the world through the flaps of a roast beef sandwich

>A white baby is a white baby even if it emerges into the world through the flaps of a roast beef sandwich

Im talking about marring them, not just pumping them, so a whole other issue

I mean if this girl was just a major idiot and a nobody it wouldnt be such a big problem but the ammount of damage she causes in this position and influence is mind blowing...also Sincic is a wholesome dude and a soldi looking guy, with his position he could have easily founded a more solid wife, but he settled for a roastie.
This party could literally save Croatia but then...her. Now the entire party is under this bitches control. There are big problems that arise with marrying roasties.

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>A white baby is a white baby even if it emerges into the world through the flaps of a roast beef sandwich

I lol'd.

What about microchimerism?


cmnon give me smth, what is the right approach to reforming roasties?

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1. based trad reformed roasties
2. death of the white race

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Wew, are these people from zagreb?

>Why are they so ugly and short?

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>1. based trad reformed roasties
>2. death of the white race

There is a third option: science.

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>Wew, are these people from zagreb?
>>Why are they so ugly and short?

yep, kaj ima gore?

>There is a third option: science.


I'll just keep looking for a unicorn. Marrying a roastie is absolutely out of the question, and monk mode is really just my default state until said unicorn is found.

no one here is begging.

it is YOU who is begging us. perhaps YOU should offer something good in exchange if you wish to attract our interest.

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I'm not Croatian, but I have an apartment around Trogir.
I'm just used to seeing 1.95m tall tanned men with fanny packs.

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>I'll just keep looking for a unicorn. Marrying a roastie is absolutely out of the question, and monk mode is really just my default state until said unicorn is found.

Good luck user, I guess Ill try the same, thing is even if you can swallow marring a roastie (pun intended) there are big issues with that choice.

Lets say entire generation just says unicorns or monk, that still wouldnt mean death of a race, unicorn families always have way more children, reformed roastie families its 1-2 if they dont divorce and they NEVER reform fully, so unicorn option might actually save us. + marrying a roastie affirms roastie behaviour in future gen so there is another problem

>it is YOU who is begging us. perhaps YOU should offer something good in exchange if you wish to attract our interest.

that is what I was saying, are you a roastie or a unicorn?

>I'm just used to seeing 1.95m tall tanned men with fanny packs.

plase Sven stop with sexual fantasies about croatian men

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ypipo made science, bruh. Japan can get down with it too. It is only a matter of time.

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>worship my God with you is my favorite

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Even if it was a real thing it wouldn't matter unless it was in the gametes, besides if your baby had your genes plus the moms plus the guy before it would be a mutant with beyond down syndrome.
Be real mon

That is a delusion, besides if that tech was real why would the gov let randos use it. They would use it themselves to great slaves.

>besides if that tech was real why would the gov let randos use it

another thing is this SF were to becme real, why wouldnt governemtn use it to breed browns, it would cheaper than to save them from mediteranian sea

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You haven't actually tried living with a promiscuous woman, have you? Give it a try and hope you are one of the lucky ones who finds a girl ready to settle down. More likely though, she will cheat on you and long for her youth and beauty just like the old cat who sings Memory, in Cat's the musical. Life is not easy. Not even on the best of intentions.

>You haven't actually tried living with a promiscuous woman, have you?

nope, but Ive seen how it looks IRL numerous times, not pretty

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