A simple question

I heard that Trump may be a crypto-Zionist. Is it true or just another conspiracy BS like pizzagate? What do his deeds tell?

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Yes he is part of the world government. Best you can do is repent and hope you'll be raptured before the craziness begins. You've been warned.

begon satan

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He's definitely not crypto.

he's a crypto kike and must be gassed like his cuntry.


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He isn't a crypto Zionist, he is an out and out Zionist. Also if you meant to imply that he's a crypto-jew, I think you're wrong.

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fucking nigger


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No just a life long new yorker, home to 5 million jews. Probably a realist about israel as he is with virtually all issues.


This, he's been vocally supportive of Israel since forever, also he's the most pro-Israel president in a long while.

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>thinks pizza gate is fake
are u jewish?

Hes not a crypto kike
He dosen't try to hide it

Attached: Totally not a Ziocon .jpg (2027x503, 431K)

look up Adam Green from Know more news. comprehensive information on the zionist trump

this. Every one who has a functioning brain has nothing against Jews.

That they are our greatest and most important ally and that all goys live to serve

so what if he is?

trump is a blessing, he's literally an official manifestation to all the nay sayers and deniers about YEAH US JEWS CONTROL THE US GOVERNMENT, AND ITS ACRONYM AGENCIES,NOW STFU AND PAY US TAXES.

That in itself has had an incredible impact on all the world's politics.

>literally destroy iraq
>war in syria
>the great push to destroy Iran
>Ghadaffi overthrow
>trade war on China
>extortion and world wide corruption

yeah, kikes are gonna pay big time for those

Yes unfortunately. Every president of my lifetime has spread their cheeks for Israel, Trump is no different.
Wilbur Ross (now secretary of commerce) & the Rothschilds bailed him out in the 90s. Think they didnt expect a return on their investment? His entire cabinet is filled with Christian Zionists, goldman sachs kikes, and war hawks that do Zionist bidding. Sheldon Adelson was his biggest contributor, Trump even said himself Adelson was going to fund Rubio because he would be "the perfect little puppet". All of the alternative media that pushed him so hard are openly and adamantly pro-zionism. He's been connected to the kosher mafia since the 80s.
Check out the documentary Trump's Zionist Ball and chain. Know more news, Matthew North, and Nicolas Devincenzo on YouTube has good content about it. Johnny Gat on bitchute is the best in my opinion.
Hate to break it to ya Russia, maybe something will change, maybe Trump will put America first at some point, but its highly unlikely

Also pizzagate is real, fucking ding dong


>Yes he is part of the world government. Best you can do is repent and hope you'll be raptured before the craziness begins. You've been warned.
>Implying the rapture already hasn't happened.