Identity of "DJ Tw34k", Antifa thug in Portland

Fuck with this faggot

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Death threats to ICE agents and employees

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I let his employer CorVel corporation know about his shenanigans

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Here you go

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I called him. He picks up.

Stirring up some controversy because there never was a problem?

You're a faggot

You have to be brave enough to use them for them to be effective. Rule of thumb, tough posting over the internet is done by people who don't have the courage to attack in the real world. Real killers don't like giving away the element of surprise. You live a Hell of a lot longer if you don't tip people off to your violent activities.

Wearing costumes makes you too easy to identify by people who wish to do you harm. The super heroes in comic books get away with it because they have Plot Armor. Also, flashy costumes grab reader attention and sell more products. You don't have Plot Armor. Most of you are not selling a product either.

Quit LARPing and start walking your talk on whatever ideology you are going with this week.

Jake fuck off no one wants to doxx you faggot

>Antifa thug in Portland
ah yes i remember this guy, will let him know

Good find. Hope he likes pizzas....

No and I'm nothing to make this guy famous by fucking with him online.
This is exactally the shit they use against the right. In fact I would not be surprised if this thread was started dj tweaked or whoever

Love your flag fren


BRAVO ! You are doing God's work here.

He’s to afraid to confront us head on so he’s trying to make himself look like a victim first

Let's make ANTIFA suffer

Send all of this to the FBI immediately

I'm not him.

His mom's name is "Mary Estes". You can find her in the comments on his facebook profile pictures. Her address is 3858 Pennsylvania St #82 Longview, WA 98632-5222.

He's also got a brother named Bert Jepson but can't find his address.

Jacob Jepson aka DJ_Tw34k lives at:

333 Northwest 4th Ave Apt 917
Portland, OR 97209-3970

Attached: address.jpg (1612x804, 295K)

I did.

Thank you pasta fren

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MIssing a few tattoos in that image.

Not your personnel army, kid.

He threatened the lives of police officers/law enforcement, what is he risking realistically?

absolutely based

these two are not the same, or he's using temporaries.

What an insufferable faggot.

Minimum 20 years since he's seen posing with guns

>I'm not him
Confirmed not him.


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how do you do this lebanon?
i've seen you in other threads and you're a master doxxer

i want to suck his dick so much now