Election Fraud isn’t a thin-


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Bye Red Giant

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b-but russia!

i bet that's only a small percentage too

And nothing will be done, well, illegal immigration will continue and they will always vote

This, we are so fucking pathetic we might as well be british.

A few weeks ago California purged MILLIONS from their voter roles.

Literally zero (((media))) coverage.
>really activates the almonds

>Republican state
>58,000 non-U.S. citizens who voted in one or more Texas elections, dating to 1996

Stop blaming the dems for your shit system.
Do better and check your voter rolls Republicucks.

>be California Democrats
>pass "motor voter" law
>people who get driver's licenses are automatically registered to vote
>pass law that says illegal immigrants can get driver's licenses
>you become a one-party state immediately after

> Thinks that because the elected officer is from.one party everyone working on the gov is from that party

What a brainlet

100k is huge, enough to swing elections.

So what this is la raza clay now.

just use motor voter and mass/california giving illegals drivers licenses as to how/why illegals are registering to vote.

liberals, unless they are insane, have no fucking clue and are dumbfounded when you point this out

Fuck off spic. Nobody wants you here. Let us live in our country in peace and why don't you go back to yours?

I am not a spic fuck face I am just stating reality.

Yeah no one wants them here yet they have taken over.

I want the census to purge the illegals

Sadly this

This, on top of that there is always the issues of ballot fraud where the local voter commisions (unless you call their asses out) will inflate numbers or make votes disappear
If somehow, magically, cali got their shit together and banned all illegal spics from voting, would it make a difference between those that received amnesty?

Mexican Collusion

so by exposing this they have effectively saved Texas?

Check. Not even close but it’s a good start.

Rework your system.
Over here we get an invitation to a specific location to vote.
That's the first security layer. If someone steals your ID but go into the wrong voting location, it won't work.
So you bring your invitation along with your ID, to the voting place.
It's not so hard to do, the state should know which citizens live where. That way you ensure the Mexicans won't be sent anything while your real citizens will.

If you don't make your system more foolproof, you kind of deserve to be fooled.

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Dems pretend Russia is "controlling our elections"; while they actively support Mexican influence in our elections, and both parties support Israeli influence in our elections.

Clown World.

>voter fraud isn't re-

No wonder the dems are against the wall.


Check. Also Republicans want to, Dems do not.
>muh racism

>Also Republicans want to
No they don't. They didn't do shit when they controlled the entire congress and the presidency.

democrats need to be guillotined

The Democrats have no control over Texas.

This is the Republican slave owners who let it happen.

Check. Ok.


He is the envy of the world. He is the God Emperor, President Donald J Trump.

Attached: Screenshot_20190127-154129_Brave.jpg (1440x2560, 814K)

Republicans were never slave owners. They were mostly Jews and all Democrats Read history faggot

>all these shill threads
>nobody discussing actual shit like this.


I want the numbers for California and Florida.

Cali is so pozzed it would probably still vote D for national issues. State and local elections are a different story. Once illegals get amnesty they're more likely to start drifting R over time.


Where's the proof for this?

The Republicans who live in Texas RIGHT NOW are in control of Texas.

They love their Mexican slave workers, and want more of them in Texas.
And you are blaming it on the Democrats who have 0 control without realising how deep in shit you actually are.

Attached: 1433956634616.gif (344x203, 3.88M)

It's this easy for a Mexican to register to vote in USA.

They make a system where Maexans can easily vote, and then they complain when Mexicans vote.

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Why didn't you link the districts of it? Or rather the list of the numbered congressional districts.
>7th, 9th, 15th, 16th, 18th, 20th, 23rd, 28th, 29th, 30th, 32nd, 33rd, 34th and 35th congressional districts
were the majority illegal ones

register to vote and voting are two totally different things. I hate conservatives so much, so stupid!

Probably more than that just around Los Angeles.


So where's the confirmation?

This isn't even the biggest problem though. They all have six kids who, at 18, to vote blue.

I honestly think they don't give a shit, as long as the illegals vote Democrat.

EHeretic! the Emperor is but just a man!

this- they are incredibly short sided.