If a diety is a product of nature

then human to God is no different than mice to men.
Would you agree?
I'm struggling to understand polytheism, ones specifically that believe in Gods being born and I can't get past their definition of what a God is.
If God is just Human + (600,000 years of evolutionary power AKA natural) then are we Gods to dolphins?

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Yeah, sure, why not

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>If a diety is a product of nature

That's an idiotic assumption.

cool story bro

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It's my belief that a presupposition that any God would by necessity have existed before the creation of anything whatsoever to be called God.

For example, if we live in a simulation. The nerds controlling this matrix aren't "Gods", they are some whatever the fuck organism evolution created.
Who came before the nerds?
Who came before it all.

That's the only title worthy of "God"'

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Explain to me the logical pathway.
How can it be a "God" if it was born into the world like you and I?

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Thanks fren

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In the sense it's superior to you and the way people look up to their superiors. It's a form of idolatry but so is polytheism. It wouldn't be a God in the sense that we understand monotheistically which may be why you find the idea confusing.

The link you just made to it being Idolatry was perfect.
I can't believe I didn't recognize that's literally just what it was. Nice

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Can I rationally prove that idolatry is a logical fallacy?

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I dunno, can you?

Well I'm asking you.
Do you think my original premise is falsifiable evidence against the theory?

Anything created from nature is no more divine than you and I. We are mice to men when we look at false gods.

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mice can see men so its a bad comparison. We are all eyes in the head of god and existence of god is everything living around us.

I would compare god to space aliens. Would make sense but we have no concrete proof. Religions are for people that get sucked into to by opportunists. With the internet, Modern religions are finished

I'm no expert, but as far as my memory reaches, even the polytheistic religions have a certain progression of Gods.
I may take an example from Greek Pantheon, and correct me if I'm wrong.
in the beginning there was only Chaos, from which all life, universe AND the IMMORTAL gods came to be. and then the whole shebang of who begot who starts...
but the point is - it all started with one being/deity. so in polytheism the actual "present" Gods are merely a creation themselves, creatures beyond human power, but creatures nonetheless... Humans called them gods because of their tremendous power and because they meddled in the affairs of mortals. now the ultimate creator, Chaos (praise be to Kek :D) is so far removed from the humans, that they don't even pay him much attention.
so, from this perspective - yes, we could be considered gods in relation to lesser beings...
but there are greater beings than us, and still greater ONE being than those...
all this is just fucking Ouroboros

Because all the Gods are just the manifestation of the Supreme Self which is equally the Self of all of us, all the Gods and the universe. The purpose of life is to wake up and realize you are that infinite Supreme Self and all this that you experience flows out of and is dissolved back into you.

> This self was indeed Brahman in the beginning. It knew itself only as "I am Brahman." Therefore it became all. And whoever among the gods had this enlightenment, also became That Brahman. It is the same with the seers (rishis), the same with men. The seer Vamadeva, having realized this self as That, came to know: "I was Manu and the sun." And to this day, whoever in a like manner knows the self as "I am Brahman," becomes all this universe. Even the gods cannot prevent his becoming this, for he has become their Self. Now, if a man worships another deity, thinking: "He is one and I am another," he does not know. He is like an animal to the gods. As many animals serve a man, so does each man serve the gods. Even if one animal is taken away, it causes anguish to the owner; how much more so when many are taken away! Therefore it is not pleasing to the gods that men should know this.

-Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

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Being born into the world is the same thing as being a product of nature.

>Nature is a product of God
>God is Being. He is Pure Act.
>Polytheism was destroyed by Augustine.
>Read Aquinas, you uneducated rube.

I am self, and I do not wish to "reunite" with the all. I would be quite content to remain what I am till the end of time. oh, and I do not wish to get back here in one of your "reincarnation" thingy. fuck this place - one time is enough for me. I'll go and create my own place after I die

Space aliens is the better comparison.

Are you saying God is nature?
I've had some thoughts about that, but they conflict with my deep feeling that nature is inherently cruel and sick.

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Sauce on pic pls?

>Ask question
>See post
>Agree with everything
>Get berated

You misunderstand, reuniting with the Supreme Self stops the cycle of reincarnation. You become one with the eternal infinite Bliss pervading all of existence like a river merging into an ocean but without the awareness of the river vanishing

Most polytheistic religions just take humanities' various tendencies, blow them way the fuck out of proportion, and assign them to supernatural representatives.

Sorry, looks like a nirvana parody

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Sorry. I jumped the gun. Go in peace, brother.

There were different views and ideas on this which changed with time. The closer you get to the present day, the more cruel, pointless and impossible the task is made to appear. Also, keep in mind that the majority of these texts have undergone a multitude of (((edits))) and (((revisions))).

The least batshit-sounding ideas that I've come across were that everyone can achieve godhood and those referred to as Gods by us were merely a much older civilisation from a different place which figured out how to perfect their being, shed off the bullshit and achieved immortality.

The newer the theology, the more omnipotent and impossible to reach the gods are meant to appear, until ultimately, you get to modern Buddhism, islam and christianity with their absolutely nonsensical ideas. inb4 it's just a moral code - most of the ancient teachings had a lot more ideas to them than a simple list of X things that you shouldn't do.
Also, as a sidenote, 99% of mythology is supposed to be allegories and not taken directly.

unfortunately that's BS. if you merge, you merge. I can share my experiences with the Supreme One :D but kindly fuck off with the merger - as I stated above - I'm getting my own place. this creation sucks donkeys dick big time.
not in the mood merging with someone who created/allowed the creation of kikes and unleashed them on this world

quite based!

Be easy friend

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dolphins have bigger brains than us, they are more peaceful and live much happier lives... we are gods to no one lol. you should realize there is a difference between God the creator of the universe and "gods" which are people/entities who claim to be a god. even if its strictly theoretical its important to understand the difference as it is a huge one.

So it's a Gnostic understanding of what you are that leads you to the ocean?

How does that mechanism lead you there?

I need you to get super technical. I can only explain what I mean by analogy.
So in the Christian religion, Christ "saves" the sinner because the sins are no longer attributed to the individual in that Christ paid for them.
This is the mechanism by which you are freed into the ocean.

How in reincarnation, or Gnosticism, does the knowledgeable understanding of what you are or what the truth is lead you to that ocean?

Even in Christianity they say, You can know I am God, so what? Even the the demons know that.

Explain the mechanism to me if you get my question

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You premise is incorrect.
Nature is the product of the deity.
You also spelled deity wrong, because you're probably 16, and retarded.

I think we completely agree. I am on the side that idolatry of anything shorter than the first cause that existed eternally is worthy of the title God

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Damn I did spell deity wrong like 50 times, that's on me.

But I think people keep confusing my shit.
I AGREE with what you say.
God must exist before nature.
I must have messed up

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see ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>not in the mood merging with someone who created/allowed the creation of kikes and unleashed them on this world
Again, you don't understand, part of the merger is realizing that kikes and everyone else don't actually exist, there is only YOU, you are the only thing that exists and the universe is part of you, when you merger everything from kikes to niggers vanish because they never actually existed and you finally see the truth of it and basically just live as God forever eternally contended and blissful, there is nobody to share it with because the whole universe is just YOU falsely appearing as other people and objects, you are God but you don't realize it.

It's Advaita Vedanta, you can look it up (its based on early Hindu scriptures written by Aryans). There are thousands of pages of texts explaining it which have been translated. This is a very good text which explains it, focus on it carefully and it'll make sense and you will experience a blissful peace.


>does the knowledgeable understanding of what you are or what the truth is lead you to that ocean?
Because it's ignorance which prevents you from realizing that you are God and the whole universe is just a illusionary modification of yourself, as just as only knowledge of the contents of the box can remove the ignorance about the boxes contents, in the exact same way only knowledge of truth can remove your ignorance about the absolute truth of the nature of existence

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Yes, truth deletes other possibilities.

But how does learning the truth stop the cycle of my reincarnation and help me find peace?

Once I find my peace will y'all cease to exist?
I'll be God again having explored another timeline?

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>But how does learning the truth stop the cycle of my reincarnation and help me find peace?
Because it's craving and attachment which draw you back to another life when your body dies, when you fully realize the truth while alive you attain permanent bliss and just live happily without desires until you die (this type of person is called a Jivanmukti), then; because there is nothing drawing you back into life at the moment of death instead of being reborn you merge into the infinite God which you were all along but didn't realize because of ignorance.

>Once I find my peace will y'all cease to exist?
Neither you nor me exist in reality as individuals but there is fundamentally only one consciousness that exists, the consciousness of God; and this just falsely appears as multiple individuals just as one moon appears as hundreds of moons when it's reflected in hundreds of separate puddles. When you realize the truth you are freed but until the other individuals (which are really the same consciousness as you) realize the truth they will continue being reborn until they do

>I'll be God again having explored another timeline?
When you attain Godhood there is no other timelines or adventures, you become unlimited, infinite bliss-consciousness, pervading throughout the entire universe, eternally contented and at rest in yourself without need of anything and without any desire for amusement or objects

sure I understand. seen your kind around, heard your preaching, not interdasted. and usually that doesn't dissuade your kind...

>, heard your preaching,
All I did was respond to OP, and then correct the mistakes in your posts replying to me, I never forced my views upon you, you were the one who struck up a conversation with me my friend

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I'll read up on the stuff you linked.
but for now, one question:

If being in the infinite bliss consciousness is so wonderful, why am I here?

Is the origin of your belief not that we were originally part of God because we are god?
I've heard it explained that way before. I can think of other ways that could be possible, like the Sophia deist beliefs.

But from your own perspective, if we were originally part of that God Bliss State, why are we here?
Why is the world like this?
Why isn't magic real?
Why would we make a world like this?
Everything runs by consistent nature, there has to be a cosmic reason for that.
Why is nature restrictive, why do we live in a world with restrictions?
And did we place them on ourselves?

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>correct the mistakes
mighty presumptuous of you, fren :D
anyways, I'm off to bed

read the original story of enki and enlil

Is it only us nerds that can understand your elegant logic? Existence itself is proof of an eternal thing

>If being in the infinite bliss consciousness is so wonderful, why am I here?
>But from your own perspective, if we were originally part of that God Bliss State, why are we here?

There are considered to be an endless series of universes being created and destroyed in an endless cycle and these have always existed as a part of God, the cycle is without any beginning in the same way that God is eternal and without beginning. The reason why God has the experience of feeling as though He is individuals is that he got entranced by his own creation, He created the universe and it has always existed as part of him but it's so beautiful and interesting that parts of his consciousness began to forget that they were God and began to identify with the reflection of God in created living beings, making the mistake of thinking that they were those beings. It's like the same thing as when you are sitting down on the couch contentedly without any desire of anything and then you suddenly have the urge to play videogames or watch tv.

>Why isn't magic real?
It is real, but most modern people have lost the knowledge of how to do it properly and it's extremely difficult to quantity or measure scientifically anyway. The rest of the questions take too long but in the scriptures and philosophical texts of the Advaita Vedanta school they explain all of it.

>Existence itself is proof of an eternal thing
Nature (Eternal universe)
Creator (Monad/First Principle/God)

Once you get past the anti-theist riff-raff this is the ultimate question, I lean so hard to the latter.

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Give me examples of the types of magic one can do.
Easy simple practical ones.

Also, how does channeling or offering something to a deity resonate within the universe to change it?

Again, what mechanism causes the universe to change when a prayer is spoken?
>(example of an explanation: our consciousness is connected to the infinite number of universes and these prayers manipulate which universes are destroyed as we slip through new ones every moment)
or something

Also, I know these questions would require sit downs to fully understand so we're just chilin no worries

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pro-tip: unless you are a primitive tribesman doing hunting spells or something, most forms of magic are a trap and a distraction from genuine spiritual progress, the idea is to let go of attachments and if you are desiring to do magic and attain whatever results it causes that's going in the opposite direction you should be. There are legitimate forms of it like various types of healing (like Reiki and the Chinese qi techniques that its based on are real) but the only reason you should be doing those is if you devote long hours to studying under a genuine teacher of it.