Refusing the body scanner's

Everyone should start refusing these things. or demand an alternative.

Together we can crush the fascist's, if we all refuse to go along with these cancer causing devices.

Attached: body-scanners.jpg (512x407, 28K)

Consequences of Refusing a Full Body Scan
Anyone who is chosen for a full body scan at a UK airport and refuses will be banned from the intended flight. There is no alternative method of security search available to passengers. This consequence extends to every age group, and the exemption for under 18s that was in place has now been removed. Civil liberties groups are critical of this infringement of rights especially since no alternative to the full scan has been set in place. Members of the public who have refused the scan on religious grounds have been banned from flying.

why is there no alternative in the UK?

>be bong
>go to buy a spoon
>have to let a paki take pictures of your wife's pussy and tits
Enjoy your future faggots.

I'd gladly strip down naked rather then ever go through one of those

vote for corbyn

TSA here.

Go ahead do this. Just know that you wont make your flight and also we dont care if you make your flight. Also we will just go super slow to get opt outs. We arent in the customer service business, we dont care enough about you to care if you need to make a flight.

What about people who can’t use body scanners? I thought that people with internal medical devices have to get patted down, so they could have a legit case against the TSA if they miss their flights due to a backlog of other opt-outs in front of them.

You should neck yourself, faggot.
The TSA is literally a bunch of retards gobbling around in the name of "safety" and "security", yet don't seem to give two shits that they are violating the 4th amendment on a mass-scale daily and unironically do nothing to assist "safety" and "security" as they have a 95% detection-failure rate.

you will not have a job when everyone starts refusing to go to the airport.