Why is Jow Forums against WMAF?
I went out with a beautiful SEAsian girl last night and she was great.
Why shouldn't I continue this relationship? I'm a white American of Italian descent if you would like to know.
Why is Jow Forums against WMAF?
I went out with a beautiful SEAsian girl last night and she was great.
Why shouldn't I continue this relationship? I'm a white American of Italian descent if you would like to know.
Nigger-tier, kill yourself race traitor
Come on what's wrong with Asian girls?
I'm not a Jew. I hate Jews.
Shut the fuck up Anglin
>I'm not a Jew. I hate Jews.
I'm not Anglo. I have a very Italian last name and my grandparents (father's side) were from Sicily.
I really do though I'm Catholic. I did my fist communion and confirmation and everything.
Jow Forums is full of mutts white roasties white knights and asian males nowdays
One and the same