GOP moves to block anyone from running a 2020 primary challenge against Trump

>Amidst collapsing poll numbers and an unmitigated defeat in his standoff with House Democrats, one contingent still has President Donald Trump’s back: the Republican National Committee (RNC), which is planning to stonewall any efforts from potential GOP challengers for the 2020 nomination.

>As ABC reported, the RNC passed a resolution on Friday that threw their “undivided support” behind the president as he gears up for the 2020 race — a resolution that effectively undercut any other Republicans thinking of running. And the RNC passed this resolution as state Republican parties are considering even more drastic moves to immunize Trump from a primary challenger in 2020.

>Trump reacted with effusive thanks, praising the RNC for its decision.

>Along the way, state Republican officials have started discussing even more drastic steps to make sure that no challengers take on the weakened president. From Kansas to South Carolina, state-level GOP officials have begun openly discussing canceling 2020 primaries and caucuses altogether.

>State-level officials have defended the potential move by claiming that they don’t generally hold primaries or caucuses during an incumbent presidency. But the potential cancellations would effectively prevent states from throwing support behind “favorite son” candidates, and would instead make sure that registered Republicans don’t have a choice about whom to support for the 2020 ballot.

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A ross perot style independent would shave off enough of his votes.

Why? What are they afraid of? If Republican primary voters still like Trump, he has nothing to be worried about. If Republican primary voters want someone else, their will should be abided.

Let the people make their decision.

By doing this they're basically guaranteeing that any conservative who challenges Trump in 2020 will run as an independent or third-party in the general election and split the conservative electorate.

>Not learning from the travesty of the Bernie.

Answer this question; how many times has the RNC supported a primary challenger? In other news; water still wet, sky still still blue.

This is why anyone who called out the DNC for its corruption while implying Republicans were any better were fools. Did you not forget what the RNC pulled in 2012 against Ron Paul?
You want to talk about media collusion? They smeared and ignored Ron Paul in both 2008 and 2012. I still have the disgusting 2008 debates burned into my memory.

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I think he should have a Primary challenger. Roy Moore should run.

They are afraid of Rand Paul running again.

What about Jim Webb?