
>When did you realize, what
Anarchy is the answer

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Anarchy cannot exist. Hierarchical structures appear in any and every social situation.

That's why God has to be placed above man.

The only thing that will save America is the complete breakdown of government and anarchy. That is until the people regain control of states that embrace National Socialism.

Every form of anarchy always leads to creation of some form of order, or to "creation" of individual who will enforce his vision on everyone. Anarchism is not real

Anarchism is not safe for life for right wingers

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Fuck off, there's a difference between natural hierarchy and paying cunts to enforce shitty laws

>tranny won't have his state funded dilator
Sorry bby you lose

Not really. What does the leader of the "Natural Hierarchy" get out of making all the difficult decisions? They'll demand compensation for their efforts, and they'll need incentives for their followers to carry out their orders, and they need a source of the incentive to give to their followers, or else some other warlord who can provide incentive will just attract that person's followers. Anarchy cannot work, because the moment people aren't protected by laws, they'll immediately go to try to find someone to protect them, but their protector in return will demand compensation for their efforts, and suddenly you're back at the same people you started, except now you've got an absolute monarch ruling over you who has no limits of their powers and can simply have you thrown to the wolves if they want-- all because you wanted some guys with a little bit of power to stop demanding compensation for their efforts.

No, theres really not. Remocing the state mafia only ensures that another type of mafia has a chance to enforce its rules upon you. You forget we dont live somwhere in Africa where urban populations wont simply instate their own rule over the surroundong areas innorder to keep them fed and satisfied.

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Anarchy is a social construct , an illusion created by the delusional.
Nature is the ultimate Fascist and the answer to a natural life.

ancaps only


true anarchy

You are all retarded and don't understand anarchy. You live in anarchy right now. You have an absence of a ruler other than self right now. This would be true even in Hitler's Germany. Anarchy is the truth, the ocean on which ships of government sail. Government's are but ships on that sea. Regardless of the type of gov you have you still choose to comply or defy. In that regard you see that governmental systems are just illusions, hats worn by monkeys in the universal state of anarchy. Most think anarchy means absence of a gov, but the absence of that illusion or even the presence of such are immaterial to the fact that you live in anarchy whether a formal state exists or not. Anarchy is not one of many forms of government, it's the very server that clans (gov) play the game on. Whether you abolish or require clans you still play on that server. Do you have a ruler? Who rules you? You cannot even imprison a free man you can at best kill him. People say oh without gov the biggest monkey would rule..mbut that is what govs are, the biggest monkeys. The jungle didn't disappear just because the biggest monkey claimed the banana trees.

Big monkeys don't build banana trees.

Also we really have to stop fannying around with all this peace and love shit and engage in a huge die-back, or the human race will not survive this millenium.

Stop breeding you worthless polyps, we need to tech rush, not waste all our resources spawning low-tier niggers.

They're only useful for early game jungle expansion, and are a garbage mid-game unit.

Ever heard the story about how John McAfee started a gang in a central American country and operated a drug lab all while threatening anyone who would try and stop him?
With enough money you can start doing some crazy things. Big corporations would become the new governments.
Might would make right in an anarchy.

Might makes roght regarldess. The will to power is the final word in every societal and political system.
>Stop breeding you worthless polyps
Fuck off, zerg rush is a valuable strategy, easier to do, and is inevitable as the quality of life increases in a nation. And they all have voting power, so youre fucked there too. Stop getting angry youre being outplayed by elites who know how to control their units better.

Who else here is an Anarcho-Fascist?

a while ago but radical socialism/communism isn't ideal at all, those guys also pull no true scotsman with ancaps (who also have issues)
seems there may be other forms of market anarchy but hate the idea of being stuck into two areas of anarchy

The airport can select all it's units and buildings and issue move build gather orders at once while the player is disadvantaged by their inherent limitation of clicky interface.....long live machine!

Ai not airport fuckshit

>the A-pill
it's a suppository, isn't it

Then would you be an ancap or an individualist anarchist instead of an classical anarchist.