Public Mass Transit hate thread

Rode a train yesterday. I can not find a good reason for it.

Slower than driving, even with a major traffic jam.

Filled with leftist whites, goblinas, and inconsiderate niggers.

Asians riding it, but acting as if they were still in Japan.

Nowhere to sit, had to stand. Nigress had a huge purse and wouldn't move it for other women to sit.

One train every hour. Not enough cars per train.

Cost millions of dollars.

Has a stop in a really nice white area known as Grapevine. Has a station in Northside where spics abound. This thing will inevitably ruin downtown Grapevine.

Will have a future route to Frisco. Got to bus in those illegals to work service industry jobs.

Post stories about why you hate mass transit.

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Kee crying bitch mutt

The desire to toss in a molotov increased

That's an odd thing to hate desu. It serves a purpose in some locations. Although yeah, the carriages are normally filthy like a public bathroom, and full of annoying people.

we need the state of cuba

Public transport is for minorities.

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Chan is about trains.

Trains is about jews.

Fuck trains.

This Is your average Canadian bus ride.

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Where in Pakistan is this?

Stop complaining and man up faggot

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Copy-paste of yesterday's thread.
But public transport fucking sucks. Busses are filled by economic migrants living of my tax money.
The trains are never in time. So you can never rely on them.

This is correct. I hate public transport in my town.

Transit worker here. We definitely serve the bottom end of the sociological ladder and it sucks. Where I live though we have shuttles that serve the welthier areas and universities. They are almost always clean and on time because the people that ride them aren't complete CHUDs.

They installed a tram in Dublin and in the city centre, due to congestion, it's only marginally faster than WALKING and all other forms of transport are way faster. Also you have to pay and share space with drug addicts and townies.

I refuse to use buses and trains. I cycle everywhere. Faster, on time, no bad smell, free also bonus exercise. Bus riders are vermin.

Based euro. Bikes are entertainment for kids here. Too dangerous to use as a means of transit in my town.

This won't ruin Grapevine most of the people riding it will never be able to afford to live there, poor in grapevine are living there temporary at best .
The train is just bringing money and cheap labor to grapevine.

You forgot to mention crime.

Grapevine Main Street will be less fru fru and more like flea market because of the riders.

Main street is a flea market they just good at hiding it

The 1800's decided we didn't. Puerto Rico is proof of how dumb that idea would have been.

You wanna see fru fru you DRIVE to southlake .

True, but Grapevine main is a bunch of dumb trophy wife businesses. Over priced handmade soaps and restaurants with too little space. The whole plan for a train station was an unmitigated disaster.

All those people holding their nose.

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checked. I fear that DFW will look more and more like everywhere else and become corrupt over time. Then, there won't be a Texas anymore. We're living on a thin line.

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>public transport in japan
>everything on time,people are quite, trains are clean, no scum loitering around at the platform because they have ticket gates and personal controlling the platform/station
>public transport in germany
>ayy lmao circus hour, loud music, low class scum, astronomical price if you don't have access to student tickets or your employer pays for the ticket (or the neetbux ticket)
>filthy as fuck, never on time, train stations look like ass 90% of the time and are filled with scum trying to mug you
It's not the fault of public transport, public transport just reflects the state of a society.

Hans is correct. If only the US would have ran Germany instead of Europe. We could have treated you like we did Japan. Imagine a neutered fascist Germany. My god Europe would still supply us with white immigrants. I'm sorry user. My ancestors should have joined you in the war.

public trans is okay-ish if you don't have niggers shitting the place up.

coming from hungary its nuts how people here don't have even the most basic public traffic etiquette

how the fuck do you guys even function


Honestly, I wouldn't mind privatized mass transit. Uber and Lyft should buy a bunch of school buses and drive them around. You could use the ap for an affordable ride. They could pick you up at home and share routes and stuff.

Public mass transit is a policy makers attempt at creating order.


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Lol you retard, Americans did run a portion of Germany and it ended up a degenerate Shithole while Eastern Germany which was rule by USSR remained based for a while longer with East Germans to day being more conservative then there west German counterparts.

Americans where responsible for destroying a huge amount of Japanese culture after the war, leading to a large number of practices to die out. Japan would of been better without America, everything America touches it corrupts.

>Be a bus driver who drives through Nigville multiple times a day
>Don't stop for niggers after dark because I pretend I can't see them
>Drive through muddy puddles and splash pakis
>Short change kikes
>Slam on the brakes so fat sheboons fall down the stairs
>Pretend the bus is broken so everyone has to get off when really I just want to ruin their day
>Release disgusting farts all day that the passengers are forced to smell
And these are just a few perks of the job.

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Has Australia ever made anything better?

Anyways, the funny solution to creating economic libertarians is to have them live under economic authoritarianism.

You guys really need someone to make the trains run on time.

Australian's have manged to turn a Island shithole where even the trees can kill you into a developed country in only 200 years with degenerate backwards convicts.

USSR had many flaws such, but they encouraged many traditional conservative values and encouraged strong family units, they banned homosexuality, degenerate music and media and encouraged people to love the Army and Nation which later carried on once the USSR fell apart.

The communism in the USSR was shit, but it was nothing compared to the communists of today who have turned communism into a perverted social movement.

Public transport in America is a 400lb black mammy in cheetah-print spandex waddling up to random elderly white people and shouting "DA FUQ U SAYIN BITCH" and then grabbing one of her four children by their unwashed nappy dreads and pistol-whipping people with them like their kid was a medieval flail. Then when the mammy gets reported, the Hispanic bus driver/train operator doesn't do shit because he's an illegal, so he mumbles something about "Vatos and lowriders gringo, ay ay ay ay ay!" while throwing gang signs and smiling with his three yellow teeth behind a sweaty handlebar mustache that looks like two caterpillars died while fucking on his face. Afterward, the footage gets smuggled in to CNN so that the Jew anchor can call in a Jew lawyer from some Finklestein-Coinblatt Center for Bad Goyim Studies and dox you on national TV to ruin your life because you're a 'racist' for complaining.

That's why everyone just drives cars instead. Shit I would drive if work didn’t pay public transit, and if traffic wasn’t awful.

Petty. I like it.

fucking lol the sad part is this is actually realistic

Move to red river county op

It’s not a sustainable model, Uber and Lyft only exist because they don’t have to hire employees

Hey Swede are you talking about the tunnelbana or the actual trains? Or the buses? I took the bus from drottningbolm to bromma and the bana to city centre. Everything was all on time and nice. Conversely if I did the same trip from kista where all the refugees are in the towers, probably would’ve not been as nice a trip

the only plus is the women

Oh, you rode a train in suburban Dallas. No wonder you hated it and found it useless. I will say that I'm surprised a station was built in Grapevine, I'm sure that didn't go down without a fight.

Texas sucks, by the way.

I like Homers view of public transportation

No dumby routes like this bring crime. There is a reason light rails are called the crime train.

White flight is about preserving that which is good.

It’s only week one. Just wait a few years and see the once beloved white people place get flooded with hipsters, niggers, and spics.

If any of you poor fucks have to ride public transit, id look into an electric scooter. Rent one from the bird app if you can. They go like 18mph and are fun as fuck. I'm looking into buying my own.

thats glorious.
you better be real

Let's be real, these exist solely for the faggots, leftists and subhuman nonwhites who can't drive or are too poor or lack responsibility too much to drive and own a car.
NEVER take public transportation. Don't go in the hub of the shitskin and kikes. Or if you do, do something fun like spraying poison or something.

government workers can be pretty damn nasty user.