How can one be a true christian when Christ's message is almost completely distorted, and all the churches are just following the religion fabricated by the jew Saul of Tarsus
True Christianity
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Take the Gnostic pill
I've read most gnostic texts, but at this point it just looks like buddhism with extra steps. Larpaganism is shit, and chruch christianity is kikery. So why not just all embrace buddhism?
Oh look, yet another "muh evil Paul" thread.
Love God with all your heart , soul, mind and might and love your neighbor as yourself.
Believe in me. I am the Way the truth and the Life . No man comes to the Father but by me.
Where I am going to you can not come but it is better that I go. I am preparing a place for you in my father's house.
act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
I think this is a basic understanding of how one can consider Jesus Christ's message .
The word “religion” derives from the Latin root “religare,” which means “union,” The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root “yug” which also means “union,” At their base, the different traditions of East and West describe the same goal: union with Divinity. Religious traditions provide the map that one must follow in order to reach unification with the Divine. Every religion seeks to express the same core knowledge. But one needs the right tools in order to read the map. With the right tools and their proper use and aspirant of any religion or tradition may enter into direct experiential knowledge of the Divine. It can be seen, then, that there is truly one science, one path, but appearing with different names and faces. (For narrow is the gate and straitened the way that leads to life, and they are few who find it. Matthew 7: 13-14) In Greek, the narrow path is called Gnosis, which means “knowledge.” In Hebrew, the same narrow path is called Daath, which also means “knowledge.” This path is represented by the famous Tree of Knowledge in the book of Genesis. And the clue to entering into the direct experience of God can be found through understanding the symbol of the Tree of Knowledge. Genesis, the Judeo-Christian teaching of creation was written as a means to pass down the knowledge of the Great Arcanum to those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Its inception was influenced by both Eastern and Western traditions in order to provide humanity a Key contained in the foundation of all the great religions of the world.
Why embrace anything?
The only way to the Father is through Christ, and the only way to Christ is through the One True Faith.
One holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
Buddhism is a means to a goal but should not be the pillar.
abrahamic religions use fear to bind people to a belief system.
Hinduism tried to account for everything but trying to manage everything gets you nothing.