How is homosexuality a mental illness if it isn't disruptive to their lives?

How is homosexuality a mental illness if it isn't disruptive to their lives?

Attached: Thinking on my way to police station.png (640x640, 708K)

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god hates fags, do whatever mental gymnastics you need to justify it faggot, youre going to hell

Increased risk of self harm, diseases like HIV/AIDS, increased risk of suicide, higher rates of molesting children, higher rates of depression....

Google how many gay/lesbians have been molested or are molesters the percentage is huge

jewsus doesn't exist

Only virgins and people who dont get sex are anti gay

delete this NOW.

There are a bunch of tangential negative conditions linked to the gay lifestyle, namely STDs, drug abuse, lack of commitment, a feeling that their life is pointless, jealousy of straight couples with kids, etc.

it disrupts you from being able to have a child, also if youre a gay bottom you have an increased likelihood to have an anal prolapse, which is when the muslces in the anus weaken so much that your guts fall out of your ass

Mental illness isn't a dichotomy I consider valid.
I just think they're grotesque ass-clowns who want to ram everything up their cavernous queer-holes.

Isn't being a rainbow-coloured ineffectual prancing bum-fiddler repulsive enough for what it is without us having to label it as a disease?

I consider it more like being a furry; a shameful lifestyle, likely rooted in developmental trauma stemming from "interference"

Do it if it makes you happy, but don't expect everybody in the world to be put under compulsion to embrace it; you are allowed to practice, be thankful for this and sit the fuck back down, you're making everybody else feel uncomfortable and slightly sick.


you forgot
>no offspring

Fucking hell. They are not mentally correct in the way they prefer intercourse with the sex that cannot produce children. That is obviously a poor defect.
Unironically kill yourself leaf

From a biological perspective, which is the relevant perspective, anything psychological that impairs the ability to reproduce should be considered a mental illness

>mental disorders
>self-destructive behavior
>genetic dead ends

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This is from a faggot leftist. Yes, it's highly disruptive to their lives.

I don't care about fags in general, but the socieatal normalization and advertising of this lifestyle feeds my hatred towards them.
Put a pink triangle on them and send them to labor camps.

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For once I can say I understand how a kraut feels.

Dunno man, rectal prolapse is pretty disruptive.

IT IS, homosexuality or more properly terms sexual attraction disorder is the result of a mental association issue of sexual relations, caused by childhood trauma, stress, and general mental disorders. this leads to sexual degeneracy and mental degradation.

this leads to an increase of STDs, promiscuous lifestyle, deception, and a host of other mental disorders. should a couple wish to adopt or one have a child with another partner, then it would lead to that child, without a doubt being mentally handy capped, because they would not receive balanced interaction with male and female role-models and stable home life. lesbians and Gays will argue that the child is capable, this is untrue. by demonstration of a comparison of strait only, where homosexual activity was punished and homosexual or hetero sexual where homosexual activity was not punished, the results are overwhelmingly in favor of tradition family units.

as a clarification of LAW and ORDER.

the implementation of forced treatment, is not an acceptable option.

the removal and refusal of homosexual unions, is an acceptable option.

the forced acceptance of homosexuality as a mental disorder, is an acceptable option.

the active punishment for homosexual acts, is not an acceptable option.

the active crack down on bullying tacktics by the LGBT+, community is an acceptable option.

this is a layout of acceptable and unacceptable actions that encompass moral and ethical attitudes about homosexuality. this is the most ethical solution.

Alright, I reckon' but it'd take less paperwork to just herd them all into a roller-disco and shoot them all with a punt-gun like geese.

There'd be less of an uproar too, relatively speaking

As is bug catching and pup nights

immoral, doesn't prove the issue can be resolved without violence or without population loss. conversion is possible, breaking mental fortitude to commit self-harm is difficult, just ask attempted suicide victims.

>if it isn't disruptive to their lives?

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Ass fucking is pretty fucking dangerous, also the fact they can't reproduce is disruptive itself.

Moral grandstanding is irrelevant if you kill your enemies, and their children, and burn their homes, and their books, and make a national holiday dedicated to pissing on their memory, and drive what remains of them so far underground that they cannot even tell their children what they once were out of fear.

The "moral actor", or for that matter the "apparently moral actor" is powerless against the surprise appearance of an utterly amoral force hell-bent on destruction by any means.

Impromptu lynchings have this weird thing where they go out of fashion, then suddenly people remember that they're a thing and a bunch happen in quick succession.

There will come a day in merry England, when we will roam the streets with nooses and dogs, hanging communists from lamp-posts and burning their manifestos in mounds.

It is disruptive because instead of doing something productive they're scraping feces out of their foreskin. Feces belongs in the toilet not smeared In folds of skin

God doesn't exist and hell even less, cuck

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yes, with almost 8 billion people on the planet and less than 10% of them being homosexual, "breeding" is definitely a big issue


funny how shit like this is always reposted and reposted and reposted but sources for all those "FACT"s are never given

Those aren't inherent to it. They're largely a consequence of the way people treat them.

>how is fucking men in the ass until their anus prolapses outward four inches and begins hemorrhagging blood not a mental illness?
damn OP you outsmarted me

Do you not know why this is?

The basic "After The Ball" desensitization moves on /pol?
A decade later and you're still here thinking you can normalize sodomy to these thinking people?

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You mean hell even more, faggot.

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Sex is not something that should be given but earned, if you can stuck your in about anything and call it sex, then that is mental illnes

>le epik anal sex meme

>trivializing the mental health of seriously ill people
Shame on you