
We all know how /po/ feels about Hitler, but what about Pavelic, the leader of Croatia in WW2?
They say he was worse than Hitler, but who knows what lies and truths kikes spin nowadays...
What is Jow Forums's opinion on the Croatian Ustashe?

Attached: Ante_Pavelic.jpg (324x456, 37K)

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Based and redpilled, did nothing wrong.

he was just a Mussolini's puppet, brought in from Italy after the nazis invaded and defeated Yugoslavia. He literally accomplished nothing on his own.


Animals. Like Romanian Iron Guard

His wife was a half jew...

Did he even say anything noteworthy or inspiring? He's idolized only by some edgy twits and that's why Croatian nationalism is in the shitter.

>iron guard
I know Ustashe did some real crap, but when did Antonescu do anything remarkably vile or genocidal like Pavelic?

This is probably a bait thread but I'll reply to you:

His book Horrrors of Illusions is a solid critique of Marxism and Liberalism on the example of Bolshevist Russia and the French revolution. There's also the Ustasha manifest that identifies 5 main adversaries to his movement:
1. Bolshevism/Communism
2. World Jewry
3. Freemasonry
4. Liberal capitalism and world finance
5. The Serbian king and Greater Serbian aspiratons

He was a doctor of law and his writing style and ideas weren't bad. In the 60's he released his memoirs (Dozivljaji) which are an interesting read.

That being said, he came to power at probably the worst time possible and had either basically little to no choice in making certain decisions (treaties of Rapallo and Rome) or had to deal with conflicts that were already out of hand . Also, his cabinet wasn't great. Ustashe pre WW2 were a legit resistance group, the 4 years of NDH rule were a failure.

It ain't bait, they're an obscure regime which I'm trying to find more info on, thanks for the information though

He literally did nothing wrong because he did nothing. Pavelic was Mussolini’s bitch. He wasn’t even in Croatia when the Germans and Italians invaded. Guy wasn’t even as popular as Maček, who was considered to be the real leader of the Croatian nationalists. Mussolini just needed a yes man, and Pavelic was it. He then bitched out after the war, stole a ton of Ustasha gold and fled to Argentina. Then somebody shot him at an airport.

Thanks. I guess there just wasn't enough time for major awareness shift among people. It's said that they were connected to the anglo-jewry, like Italians, but how did it all play out I don't know.

Based POGLAVNIK did nothing wrong

He's probably talking about the Bucharest pogrom, which was an isolated incident that had nothing to do with Codreanu or Antonescu

last of the axis to lay down arms. last to leave stalingrad, bombed leningrad, went wherever needed, best warriors of the reich

Heroes, all of them


his regime was atrocious and outright genocidal but it had it's reasons to be as such
it was mostly a reaction to the treatment of croats in first yugoslavia
serbs and croats never liked each other too much but centralist policies of belgrade in kingdom of yugoslavia made it all the worse

There was interesting comment made by croatian writer Predrag Raos on now legendary tv show Nocna mora (Nightmare stage) about Pavelić. He said that he read his memoirs and was stunned by how intelligent Pavelić was. And Raos is not some kind of right-wing extremist.

Why would /po/ give a fuck about Ustashe? Was he into origami or something?

This. Partially Jewish leadership and friendship with Italian sandniggers are the only negative traits of Ustase

half of pavelics generals were jews BTW

Can't think of anyone besides Andrija Betlehem and Kvaternik .

i think but am not sure that italians occupied some areas that were to be parts of independent state of croatia
namely,governorate of dalmatia:provinces of zara,spalato and cattaro

> ukraine
Not even surprised

some older croatian dude I drink with at the local bar from time to time insists to me that his wife was Jewish, along with many other heads of the Ustasha movement having either Jewish wives as well or being mixed Jewish themselves

any truth to this?

>things that totally happened

He had the right mindset pre ww2,ustashe handled culture, etc, well. However he was a political retard and made many bad decisions. Croatia could have been in a much better state post WW2. Also too much aspirations, frontiers on zemun and drina are ultimately untenable, but that's part of being a political retard.

And the whole atrocities shit is mostly bullshit. They did kill a lot of POWs, though. That's bad. And chetniks and ustashe took turns massacring villages in reataliations, and partizans too, and partizans larping as chetniks or ustashe also.

The question is why there were any? National blood must be kept absolutely pure
Mussolini actually spoke about wiping out Balkan Slavs on istrian coast and Slovenian lands. I don’t know how come Pavelic decided to work with them

Well Hitler had his share of shabbos Yehudis too, field marshal Erhard Milch? One of his own bodyguards was Jewish, for Christ's sake the German Zionist Federation supported him the entire time!

His wife was part Jewish, although not Jewish by Jewish law

Pretty simple, racial purity laws weren't as strict as the Nuremberg laws in the beginning. For example, Kvaternik's father was a jew that turned catholic, he was given a pass. The amount of Jews living in Croatia also wasn't nearly as large as in other Eastern European countries and mostly confined to cities like Zagreb and Osijek.

> I don’t know how come Pavelic decided to work with them
By signing the treaties of Rome, he hoped to keep Croatian casualties by Italian troops within limits and later continue rebellion against Italian occupation. The situation in coastal Croatia was generally fucked. You had battles between Partisans and Italians, between Partisans and Ustashe, Partisans and Italians but also collaborations between Chetniks and Italians. On the other hand, Chetniks and Ustashe would collaborate in places like Bosnia against Partisans. It was a huge clusterfuck and Pavelic was not able to solve it.

This is true. His wife had partially jewish heritage.

Probably is true. Look at Mussolini and how many Jewish fascists he had amongst his ranks.