The Beginning of the End. Censorship

YouTube Algorithm change. (((They're))) stopping any recommendations of "conspiracy content" in order to (((protect you.))) Nothing to see here, just all of our (((favorite))) news sites again, saying how (((they're))) helping us. Anons should read the comment sections, it's a classic shill circular assfuck, similar to any real habbening or FE threads, whether you are FE or not, spotting the JIDF shilling is easy optics.


This should be a wake up call anons.
If they keep doing this, I'm worried Christ is going to be coming back earlier than scheduled.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Vanessa Cage

cool. it's about time they did something about all the retarded right wingers gaming the algorithm

That's great, but someone explain to me how there was a disappearance of 2.3 trillion dollars declared by the defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld the day before 9/11 which was being investigated by the DoD staffers the day after at the same budget analyst section of the Pentagon which was hit by one of the terrorist planes in all convenience.

Did you Ameriburgers ever get to the bottom of this?

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>Stopping recommendations of "conspiracy content"
Good. Stop shilling ideas with no evidence attached to it.

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hmm it's almost like we should stop supporting one company exclusively until they have a monopoly over their industry. we're stupid as fuck and we do this with everything. history repeating itself, americans willfully enslaving themselves.

>The company did not provide a clear definition of what it considers to be harmful misinformation, but said that some examples were “videos promoting a phony miracle cure for a serious illness, claiming the Earth is flat, or making blatantly false claims about historic events like 9/11”

Explains the level of JDIF shilling pretty clearly. Best part of this is, that (((they))) are reinforcing that all of these "conspiracies" should be looped together, essentially making it so that if any one of them are EVER discovered by the average person to be true or possibly true, it's a domino effect shining light on all the other theories as also probably being true.

They are tying themselves up and digging their own graves at this rate anons, this shit is fucking hilarious. What a bunch of fucking idiots.

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Not bad. I taught my grandma how to use YouTube so she can evade poisonous TV and now I see all her recommendations are about religion, gossip, and conspiracies.

Absolutely disgusting

>Did you Ameriburgers ever get to the bottom of this?

Nope, too busy fighting wars for Wall Street and Israel.

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Welcome to the 4channels, cocksucking JDIF filth. Now go neck yourselves.

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I knew it. Over the last week or so, I have noticed my related videos on youtube becoming more and more left wing, and not just left wing, I'm talking far left trans/communist philosopher type stuff.

This is much more dangerous than most realise. Youtube is actually the biggest on ramp for genuine intellectual curiosity which leads to right wing content by allowing
a user to progressively follow a train of thought, which is aided by the related videos.

I would even say that this is more damaging than censorship, as it's actually using recommended videos to aggressively attack right wing points of view as people are trying to research. It's closer to indoctrination.

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Imagine your fucking kids being online now. Instead of being redpilled, they are being extra indoctrinated.

Wow you can suck so much cock so well, I'm so impressed.

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The irony is that with 2.3 trillion dollars, you could have funded more-than-successful coups in those nations mirroring some of your successful projects in Central and South Americas as well as Africa, banking on that already existing experience, without losing a single US soldier.

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Your meme's are shit shill. You need to upgrade. Maybe you could afford more storage space on your shit israeli paycheck. Must be a sad life posting shit for pennies. Your gonna have to start sucking cock in back alleys to afford your wifes wedding ring for her and her black bull husband.

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How lonely are you to be on here just to annoy us?

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Play Time is OVER! Go after Elite Jews and Whites to destroy the ability of the (((Masters))) to keep a lid on everything. Sniveling Darkie Idiots can't maintain their own shoes, much less computer programs.

the patriot act was a big win and signed in over christmas break with not a bat of an eye

I enjoy shitposting on here. It's comfy and you assholes are funny once in a while.

>Has to post pic of soon to be fat ass girl to get anyone to respond to his shit thread.
sad :(

that pic...oh lord, please...I've seen enough in this world, please take me back to heaven, sweet Jesus, how can people be so degenerate...

litteraly the first thing I see when I opened youtube after reading your comment

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>create independent algorithm that sorts the right content according to each user
>algorithm is capable of sorting through content of videos to see if they are good or not
>lefty content gets shit recommendations because its pure shit content
>right wing content is recommended because an unbiased, independent AI algorithm considers it
>have to fucking make the AI algorithm biased to indoctrinate people with shitty lefty content
Even fucking AI considers lefty shit to be just that, shit.

YouTube literally only shows me videos I've already seen
Never new content unless it's the cancerous normalfag trending shit


That never happened.

Why are you waiting for Christ to return for him to do something about this? Why dont you go out there and say something about this nonsense instead of sitting around on the web? Get out there faggot.

It clearly did happen, the only change is the clear-up regarding the money situation itself, yet the investigation and the announcement and the plane crashing into that section, still happened. The debunk itself says the money not being able to be tracked does itself not clear it of corruption and suspicious circumstances involved.

Also if you scroll down, the very PDF source as outlined by other posters doesn't make an account of where all that money is or is being funneled into or is located.

I mean, it's interesting and all, but it only brings more questions to the table rather than answers.

The shameless promotion of individualism and the demonizing of collectivism keeps us from experiencing philia, therefore nobody believes they have meaningful support even if they do, and so all of them wait for a savior or idol (that will never come given the above climate) to rally behind.

When you have 0 support from like-minded individuals in the real world, putting your life and well-being on the line for an ideological stand doesn't get you anywhere except financial ruin and dead. No hero's parade, no martyr status, no success - and not only your opponents, but THOSE YOU WERE FIGHTING FOR will ALL mock you and use you to dehumanize others taking a meaningful stand once you're eliminated.

No steps forward, two steps back.

This is the social landscape (((they))) have been working towards for the past hundred years, one where critical thinking is harshly punished because it roots out our best and brightest and keeps them from reproducing, either by imprisonment or socially ostracizing them.

We need 2 things:
A) a committee to decide with authority the course of action for the body/movement to take.
B) a private publication to disseminate the opinions of the committee and unite the cause.

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>Contents: balls

Cant wait to see what comes after Gang weed

There are a lot of quality 9/11 truthers on YouTube now that do great investigation and are growing. That’s why they’re scared.

They didn’t worry before when Alex Jones was the biggest conspiracy channel and was used as their controlled opposition.

This action is proof of jews controlling what people see and know
This makes it no longer a theory

>No evidence attached to it
I assume you've never watched a good conspiracy video. The whole point is to inundate the viewer with evidence. Just watch TWA 800 on netflix. It'll blow your fucking mind. Or watch just one of the many good holohoax videos. They just dump evidence on you.

Seems like they learned and use VPNs now instead of meme flags.

You going to post sauce?

>Good. Stop shilling ideas with no evidence attached to it.
no, fuk you. Its not your job, or someone else's job to tell me what I can think about ans wrestle with intellectually. You're basically saying, "Good, stop asking questions and accept your lot in life goy."

Why be worried when Christ comes back? I am looking forward to that day.

>be censored
>change it up, have .onion site and distribute videos over bittorrent
>there, uncensored
It sucks that the platforms are all so politically slanted but the Internet can route around them. Until Ajit Pai declares Youtube to be a public utility this is the next best thing.

while susan is giving 25mil to the msm.
>conspiracy theory=rightwinger=bad
only cbs,fox,abc, and the public education system are allowed to lie to me

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brap hogs cant censor the tooth @dannyocoulson

>Be conspiratard
>Believe youtube algorithm conspiracy videos
>Youtube throws literal retards down rabbit holes
Its almost like shareholders have something to lose actively worsening mentally ill.

Honestly, it's difficult to decipher if this is Rupert Murdoch winning, or just one massive jewing of the west in general, and Murdoch was a convenient scapegoat.

>fucking Copernicus, you know the earth is the center of the universe, stop advancing your quackery against the consensus.
In all seriousness, user's, you should be learning to code, and buying up servers of your own.

>Anyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi conspiracy theorist.
Political discourse in 2019 folks

youtube confirming flat earth is real. Globers getting beat once again.

So no more russia collusion or global warming videos?

Hopefully 10 minute videos of people rambling on aimed at the gullible snowflakes subscribing for more super sekret klub (((in-info))) that never question or bother to research the topic for themselves when they can be spoon fed their favorite youtubers' take instead, hit it on the mark.

Fuck off.

>im worried christ is going to be coming back earlier than scheduled
>coming back

everyone needs to star watching bitchute or something because youtube has been only bad news for years now.

It's not an insult (though I realize it was used as one):
LEARN TO CODE, if you don't, they're gonna stay in control of all of this.

Looks like someone was punching her left kidney while railing her asshole.

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They cover up the stargate...

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where can i learn to code
dont they have people who can code better than the average joe

Reminder: Make backup copies of videos you think are worth preserving. Youtube is not forever, and entire channels can disappear forever in the blink of an eye.

Well there are other platforms, and it would be nice if everyone left Youtube, and populated them. YT does not realize how many actual right leaning people there are, and we need to organize people to leave to teach them a lesson.

you speak about christs second coming like it's a bad thing

there are at least 3 websites that will teach you how to code, a number of them are free.

>genuine intellectual curiosity

Video is GREAT for delivering high-impact emotional content. This is good for entertainment - music videos, lets plays, movies.

That same quality makes it very bad for delivering unbiased information - it's very easy for a Youtuber to gloss over flaws in their arguments, focus on destroying a strawman opponent, or use various narrative tricks to give their positions much more emotional credibility than they deserve. The fact that the flow of information is primarily controlled by the author makes it a lot more effort to question them seriously than to agree with them (or to explode in knee-jerk REEEEEE opposition).

There's also a huge-ass hole in the comments system - the threading is terrible, and every time you comment on something you didn't leave open you start to provide an extra view, which means that anything that attracts a lot of shitposts gets more attention in the algorithm than the original video's content alone would merit. If you can get the magapedes arguing with SJWs in your comments you rise to the top of the popular vids list - and you rise further the STUPIDER the comments are, because idiots can post 'libtard!' 'racist!' 'stalin did nothing wrong!' 'get in the oven!' faster than intelligent people can dissect the flaws in an argument.

>Instead of being redpilled, they are being extra indoctrinated.

Redpilling is indoctrination. Just because you've drunk the righty kool-aid doesn't mean it's not kool-aid.

>>right wing content is recommended because an unbiased, independent AI algorithm considers it

not really

Ben Shapiro's trash constantly pops up everywhere

The algorithm is tuned to maximize profitable engagement - ad views. Especially COMPLETE ad views that don't get skipped. An ad that plays in the background while the user types out a comment is still a COMPLETE ad view, and is in fact more likely to be a complete ad view than the preroll on a video that the user actually WANTED to watch.

This isn't an unbiased judgement that the video is better. This is an unbiased judgement that the video sells more ads.

Consider what it'd be like if the same algorithm were applied to Jow Forums threads. A quality thread like this one, with real debate, is going to rank lower than a Trump General in election season or a successful troll... but is that because Trump Generals and trollposting is better? Nope.

At this point it seems like someone could make a YouTube clone that's just different enough to skate by, and clean the fuck up

This time it won’t be a hoax

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Anything to help the Democratic Party look good.

>Even fucking AI considers lefty shit to be just that, shit.
In fact, there's a credible argument that the surfacing of rightwing content on Youtube indicates that redpilled people are much more gullible than average. Take a look at their pricing:

>Only pay when people choose to watch your ad
>For example, when someone chooses to view your TrueView ad for at least 30 seconds

So yep, they get more money for shitpostbait than for content people watch on its own merits.

>engages with your ad - like clicking on a call-to-action overlay, a card or a companion banner.

Consider the sort of person who CLICKS ON ADS. A person of higher than average mental malleability is more likely to be inspired to click on an ad. If the algorithm tracks individual users across multiple videos, IT WILL FAVOUR VIDEOS THAT MAKE USERS MORE MALLEABLE.

>In fact, there's a credible way to lie about statistics
and you just pulled one.
increases in ad revenues for "right wing" ideas? can't be because people are actively looking for "right wing" solution and harmonizing with those ideas.
>must be that they're stupid.
I would suggest people kill your kind on sight, you rotten scum.

I don't even know what to say anymore.
I've been anti-censorship ever since I was a little kid and adults told me "no you can't draw that" or "you can't say that ." And ever since the Patriot Act in 2001 I've been speaking out against censorship, and how it's been getting progressively worse and worse. And now we're here. If you have a conservative opinion you're a nazi, and if you do research and connect the dots like a journalist is supposed to do you're a conspiracy theorist.

I don't know what to say. I'm sure it'll be met with:
No one understands the consequences of these actions. No one sees the muzzle and the blinders being slowly constructed that they're forced to wear. There's nothing I can say or do that would convince people that this shit is totalitarian 1984 to the letter.

Your shitposting needs an upgrade

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All you need to do is watch it with an open mind and with no preconceived notions

Explain how the sun never sets at the south pole during northern hemisphere winter?
Unbelievably goofy.

>south pole

lol, see

You're a winner. Unplug your wireless.

Conspiracy theories are just bad, yeah I'm sure some major events have shadow details nobody knows about. But schizos and paranoid individuals tend to take it too far and think everything is some mastermind plot. That type of paranoia has driven men to do awful shit, Stalin for instance was always paranoid of the west. So much he was ignoring intel about Hitler moving in on Russia as western tricks, and he fucking almost lost Russia because of it. Many such cases. Conspiracy theories are bad for society.

The level of butthurt I'm seeing shows that rightypol doesn't actually believe normies are actively looking for "right wing" ideas. The recommended videos list is what gets played to the most passive users - the ones too lazy to turn off the autoplay button.

If I go to Youtube and SEARCH FOR Alex Jones, I get a huge pile of Infowars videos in spite of the fact that he was banned. Banning his channel only stops passive users from finding him.

>>must be that they're stupid
>I would suggest people kill your kind on sight, you rotten scum.

Vague threats instead of an argument? That doesn't exactly DISPROVE my argument that your faction is less intelligent than normies are.

I can’t take it anymore, someone please give me this girls name now!


Start downloading everything you think is gonna get shit-canned and make physical dvd copies of it, fuck INGSOC

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Ironically enough, it's all too easy for REAL conspiracies to exploit paranoids by telling them that someone ELSE is plotting against them. (Example: antivaxxers get piles of money from idiots who think Big Pharma is lying to them to preserve their profits...)

fucking republicans trying to hide Russian collusion with their mega corps.

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That's a good point, makes it even more confusing. It took me a minute to realize what you were saying.

not watching 2 hours of bullshit. tell me, yourself, how.

>i gauge public opinion shifts by how easily and often I'm proven wrong, while claiming I am a sophisticated banter lord, or a master baiter as you might know me...
Yea, the sensitivity is over your incessant willingness to lie, and not your verbosity or your lack of convincing skills.

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>Being educated and aware is "drinking the kool aid".

Relativism is gay.

The funniest part, that dumbass actually is vain enough to believe that education, or intelligence, equates to honesty, while being the perfect example of why that is false.

>2 hours of bullshit

What did you judge that by, the thumbnail? Dont watch it then its no skin off my nose.

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We don't exist to save our peers, but to punish their oppressors. Those who cannot save themselves deserve no salvation. The warrior is called to administer wrath. That is his purpose.


Name the shareholders of the largest central banks on planet Earth.

So you can't answer, and thus that video taught you nothing.
No, I've presented a logical question which creates a physical bar to the functionality, and if you cannot answer it, from that video, that video will teach me nothing I need to know.

Right, you cannot convince people who won't listen.
But most will not act either.