They’re right you know

They’re right you know.

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Other urls found in this thread:

money doesn't make you happy

Then what?
You live your hedonistic, self-serving life and leave no legacy behind. Would you trade succeeding at the biological imperative for $500,000?
Why not offer that money to castrate one's self?
It's the same affect.

This but unironically.

Money > Genetic 'lineage'

Think of how many Nintendo Switch games you can buy with 500k

Exactly. It’s all the things you can do with money that makes me happy.

OR you can have as many kids as you want, leech off the tax payers and never pay a dime.

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Geeeeeee I wonder why they feature a picture of a WHITE FAMILY

They know nonwhites don't actually pay for the cost of raising their children.

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Think of all the travelling you could do!

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But what about the economy?

Oh so blacks and Mexicans pay half a million per kid?

Fuck you you fucking corrupt pieces of god damn slimey shit mother fuckers. Liberals are pure hod damn evil. Period. Disgusting creatures attempting a genocide. The vilest of humanity.

I was fully into the don't have kids and so fun stuff with my money but my wife convinced me having a kid was a good idea. It's hard to believe now I ever even considered it. The joy a child brings to your life is like nothing else. I really pitty couple's I meet in their 30's now who have actually committed to not having kids.

How do you know our plan?

delusion at 1000

Being rich isn’t that bad

Yes it does.

I don't want to save money, I want to be a father.

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How much money are you spending on they're replacements?
>get raped
>get robbed
>higher taxes
>higher housing costs
>longer waits in emergency rooms
>shittier schools
>literally shit everywhere
>crime rates skyrocket

This isn't wrong and that's exactly the problem. Why does not having children save you half a million? Because you have guaranteed retirement. This guaranteed retirement makes children a net burden. But who finances your retirement? The younger workers who pay taxes while you're chilling and enjoying your Golden Years. But uh-oh! Because you're not having children, there's nobody paying taxes! That means we need to import third world migrants to replace the children you're not having but uh-oh, they're a net drain on the system and only speeding up its collapse!

The solution is to abolish retirement and restore the direct connection between having children and being taken care of when you're too old to work. This connection exists indirectly but most people don't bother seeing it. Compare the short term connection between sniffing toxic fumes and having your lungs burn up on the one hand, and the long term connection between smoking and lung cancer on the one hand. Nobody sniffs toxic fumes, yet cigarettes are part of one of the most profitable industries on earth.

Half a million? Why, that's about as much as a child costs!
Really activates those almonds.

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Well. Somebody has to step up, and NOT be the aunt/uncle, but the parent.

>muh half a million shekels
JEW TIER argument

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So we've proven:

That we aren't having enough kids and need shitskins, apparently

We've also proven that this kind of propaganda shit can encourage people to have children

So really it's not a huge stretch to assume that it could also work to encourage people NOT to have children.

But why is it still being run if we are in need of children? And why does it seemingly only target white people?

>you have a suspicious amount of money
>just came back from a vacation

she aspires to be a whore for Saudis?

Thank you for weeding out the people who would fall for this and making the white races stronger than ever, you stupid jew.

>Worth life's greatest joy
Zoo wee mama

Same story

you can save even more if you kys

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>Remove all old people
Nah, remove pensions. The old people that want to live will have enough children to provide for them when they're old. The ones that don't will become dependent on charity or die. Fuck 'em (unless they were infertile or whatever, in which case they can and should still be able to rely on extended family). That's how it worked for most of human history and it worked fine and dandy.

But how do you prevent retards from voting the pension system back? Simple: restrict voting to net taxpayers. You've already eliminated old people, young adults who haven't entered the workforce yet, minorities and women. That only leaves white, working age men who aren't keen of getting their money taxed away by the government. As such taxes will decrease, as will government expenditure. Just don't make the mistake of letting these men fall for the vaginal Jew AGAIN and implement universal suffrage.

>don't have kids goy, think of all the materialistic shit you do with the money
>oh no our birthrates are too low, better import millions of third world migrants to replace the natives

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it's heinous

Then why doesn't it show to nigger babies then? I guess that's not their target audience, after all.

Yeah, I'm sure all that money will really care about me when I'm fucking dying.

Fuck of shlomo.

Too many questions, goy

>"Muh liberals are causing White genocide!!1!"

How have you not opened your eyes yet, goy?

Kids arent even that expensive. Just dont buy every bullshit contrived item of convenience for them. The number of people I've seen on food stamps whose 2 yr olds wear nikes...

people stupid enough to fall for this deserve to be shuffled loose

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I wonder who's behind this.

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That's grand and all until you end up some decrepit unloved mess that need some lad named Bobo Jamal to wipe your arse and steal your pension.

kids like playing with paper bags, boxes, and simple balls more than anything and you can get all their clothes at a goodwill until you send them to catholic school and then they have uniforms

Yes and you can save a half a million dollars if you do have kids, you just gotta save half million dollars and have kids.
You can also do a naked backflip off a mechanical bull if you don't have kids. Really you can do whatever the fuck you do and also not have kids at the same time.

I'm genuinely curious: do these women think the world just magically works on auto-pilot and their actions do not affect it in any way, shape, or form? If every womam listened to her advice, there would be no aunts at all, because nobody would be a mother so there would be no nephews or nieces and thus no aunts.

Does she think she will be able to go on a vacation when the whole of society comes crashing down under the weight of a pension system that is an unsustainable ponzi scheme and will readily collapse if birth rates fall? Oh, but surely all these unskilled migrants from Honduras, Somalia, Uzbekistan, and who-knows-where will pay for everybody's pension and will keep our society in shape.

You could save even more money by killing yourself immediately.

I never understand articles like this.
Save it for who? It's implied that that's how much will I save during my lifetime, okay, so why would I want to save it if I die at the end nevertheless?


no they're not. kids are not that expensive



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It's too late. Old people could have easily filled the role as caretaker/babysitter of the kids.
But the enticement of unlimited golf and travel was too much.
SS based on your grandchildren's income could have solved most it. but my infertiles...they can adopt. but they don't want too...but the articles say one saves 500k more than enough to invest and live off of.

Voting should be restricted to married people.

Only time you can guarantee a picture of whites is when they talk about not having kids.

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It’s almost as if nobody realizes they’re being fired due to... well... this.

>Voting should be restricted to married people.
Yeah, and the moment you give married women the right to vote they'll vote to be "liberated" from their husbands. Get the idea of giving women the vote at all out of your head, dipshit.

Also, placing restrictions on bachelors doesn't help. Every bachelor tax in human history failed. What DOES work is making marriage attractive, make it a net benefit to men once more. That involves depriving women of their unearned rights so they submit to men once more.

>They’re right you know
Not if you factor in nursing home/assisted living costs when you have no offspring to help you in your old age.

Well worth it

>do these women think

Don't fall for the "kids are to expensive" jew trick.
If single mother niggers can do it so can you.

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>leave no legacy behind
Legacy? What legacy? What has the average Jow Forumsack done to be proud of?

I have more ideas but I'm looking at what is possible.
Married women vote republican btw. I would push more for only married people with kids if its possible.
Obviously I would be for the repeal of no fault divorce, etc. The scary part is the amount women would lie under oath.

People are not getting married because of women not men.
Once a women decides to settle down she does.
Only the top percent of men think contrary and a few percent of men who gave up.
Its not because its not a net benefit to men its because women feel like its a net loss.

These people do realize that kids will make money, right?

>They are right you know
*They are wrong, you know.
Having two children generally costs much less.
What utter brats to be throwing a thousand dollars at each of them a month. I got a belt round the earhole if I asked for stuff and was grateful for it.
What absolute slide thread incel OP bullshit. Imagine the cockster who posts such rot, he must just take it in as fact because he read it. What a blue haired skeletal armed incel.

Nothing like living a lonely barren existence followed by death

>being this new

False equivalency.
Without kids men dont try as hard and stay unemployed or minimum waging shitty jobs.

t. Minimum wager fuck-up.

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Nothing like a memeflag posting in a meme thread

I made a short little video about white genocide...

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Yeah - you know what? It is. Death to Niggers. Death to all Jews. Death to the Muslims. White power.

>Married women vote republican btw
As long as these republicans directly appeal to women. Notice that Trump lost the house after siding with Kavanaugh against his false accusers. Women are women are women. Married women simply vote republican because republicans are generally for lower taxes, which is favorable for women who are married to men who earn more than minimum wage.

>Obviously I would be for the repeal of no fault divorce, etc
Yes, but would married women? The answer is no. Not even the most hardline republican woman would oppose this. So simply don't have women vote. Problem solved.

>People are not getting married because of women not men.
Correct. However, women need men more than men need women (in the absence of state interference). Therefore women will want to marry in a system without welfare.

Money does make you happy up to a certain amount.

Kids can make you unhappy if you’re in a country that basically punishes you for having kids, like the US and the UK do, but in a country like Norway, that has paid parental leave and subsidized childcare actually sees parents happier.

What's the logical extension of this? Well, I'd better go and rape my kid to show that damn white supremacy who's boss.

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>as long as...
please look at female republicans believing the accusers.
>Yes, but...
I told you I was looking at what was possible and then you shat on me. Now I tell tell you what I would want and you take a shit again.
So are you for public opinion policy? or just dictatorship?
Are you for what's possible or full fash? I try to see whats possible.
I have a lot of policies I would want republicans to use as bluffs such as h1b's for school teachers and dare democrats to pass it.

And the government will give real the nogs (sudes etc) half a million dollars to invade your country, buy a house and pump out 7 kids on your tax dollars.

Have kids and be poor. We have to keep breeding no matter the cost.

im guessing not living in a total shithole neighborhood where kids cant remain innocent to the trash around them is privilege to them

You can also die alone with no one to love and take care of you, which is worth half a fucking million huh? You're not gonna have that in the end, just surrounded by useless shit you bought in life.

Exactly. And what sort of legacy will you leave behind, think your children will amount to anything ever? If you want to have kids go nuts, be simmer down with that holier than thou attitude faggot

How depressing is that.

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This bro, they don't see the big picture how people not having kids just negatively effects them WHEN THEY ARE OLDER AND NEED NEW PEOPLE.

Plus all normies want it fucking sex. They're so delusional thinking they can get it without babies because that inconveniencing them. If nature wanted you just have sex and feel pleasure for the sake of it, it wouldn't have it attached to the reproductive system. They're basically asking to stop being biological life and be robots that just consume.

Beats living with some worthless whore that will nag you 24/7, beats raising ungrateful little shits that are too busy to visit or worse are loser, beats walking on eggshells cause if you fuck up all you've worked for is gone. Nah, I'd rather have the money, someone's gotta be your daughters sugar daddy user ;)

really. you have to force your kids to think every community is a shithole. if you raise them in a good, white neighborhood and then they grow up and see every other neighborhood is a shithole, they might commit wrongthink!

I fucking hate these Jews.

Or you can have three kids and save half a million dollars in taxes.
Liberals! They are retarded!

It does until you make 125k a year then youre on your own

The author of the article's name is Yoni Blumberg and he lives in Brooklyn New York

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Nice slippery slope, faggot. Someone will always pick up the slack. Look at popular media. It still makes bank even though it's easy as hell to pirate everything, yet those corporates want to still convince people they will die because of pirates.

this is exactly the end point of that philosophy

Half a million? Hahahahahaha


Not in fucking Serbia faggot, here

hahahaha, wasn't expecting any other answer desu good mutt

What if your children lead the uprising to destroy the Jewish menace?

No future. No love. All this bitch cares about is money. This world deserves a better class of villain...
Gamers rise up.

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Statistical fantasy. Most people live and die average user, best case scenario your kids end up being one of the many outbackcong during the great culling

But then who will I tell my dad jokes to?

based nigger