Continuing a discussion with the deluded Portuguese from last thread/also incidental /fio português/luso/Portugal/ wtv
I specifically referred to the ethnically french people you disingenuous lying faggot, it's right here Your entire post up to the > This is the Iberian ideal is void because you're too dumb to even argue my premisses.
>And beauty terms don´t define anything, or i would be in a category far above your's for certain, and you would be on a different one, it's laughable. lmfao, the mind of a literal 10 year old
> Absolute bullshit. For example, the proportion of people with blue eyes is completely off, in Portugal it's probably 6%, from 12% in the Minho to 3% in the Algarve, for natives, as per the last anthropological study of the Portuguese population, by Eusébio Tamagnini in the early 20th century.
In those first 2 rows alone people with blue eyes number the same as the people with light brown eyes and only 2 men have dark brown eyes. This is insane. It is completely uncharacteristic for the Portuguese, you have to go to Germanic countries to see these numbers. Furthermore, many of those people are washed out in the photos, here's a picture of what Diogo Morgado looks like irl,0,214,317_AL_.jpg and there he's washed out to the point he shares the skin colour with Liam Hemsworth.
You're absolutely batshit crazy and deluded on what the Portuguese REALLY are, the image you have constructed in your head does not correspond to reality, which is why you're lashing out at every poster who tries to point that out to you.
If you think the french are based or even remotely better than portuguese you have never visited the place.
And about history or culture he is right, Portugal does not lost with almost anyone in those issues, even looking to the size of our country and population..
Visit Guimarães in th north, in the south algarve beachs are top
Caleb Lewis
>Quer a prisão perpétua para condenados por homicídio ou violação >ou violação So a roastie falsely accuses you and you get life in jail, right.
Grayson Allen
As long as he makes Catarina Martins mad he's based
Elijah Evans
a roastie only accuses you if you are a beta. betas deserve death penalty so its good in the end
Gabriel Peterson
Since based and remotely better aren't objective, I've specified the points in which they are better, which for those points is objectively true. They were also just a comparison point, Basques and Leon and Castile, though, are based.
Caleb Morales
Plenty of alpha american football players, politicians, finance guys and CEOs have been accused in Burgerland though.
Bentley Murphy
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. I guess Ronaldo is a beta now.
Aaron Brown
>aren't objective
The user posted an image that shows, Portugal above France on that, if that is not objective i don´t know what it is, but i don´t care either. And about history, for example compare the basque history with portuguese history it is non-sense and even pathetic. On that we are no less than top 10-15 worldwide
Nathan Smith
I don´t think so, he is not even agains't immigration
Adrian Gray
That image does nothing to prove anything about the ethnic french, which is why that guy was being a disingenuous faggot. France is legitimately blacked to an almost unthinkable extent and yet they still outdo us in PISA (math and verbal correlate the best with IQ, especially verbal). Not to mention physical prowess.
>And about history, for example compare the basque history with portuguese history it is non-sense and even pathetic. On that we are no less than top 10-15 worldwide Who cares? Not only is that subjective as fuck, but history doesn't even matter that much unless you've made your mark on the world to a point where it pays back to you. Our influence in our former colonies is negligible, and far less than that of China or the USA. Furthermore, in terms of intelectual pursuits, we're next to a zero.
Jonathan Williams
Not openly, he clearly doesnt care for blacks doe
Brayden Rogers
> France is legitimately blacked to an almost unthinkable extent
user, are you implying we have no immigrants too? About IQ, i don´t think either they would be better than us, Buj study, it is maybe the only IQ test done on europeans all over the continent with a well explained methodology, and Portugal was way better than France.
About history, our impact in the world was outstading, in face of our dimension, any person knows that, it was impressive and done with so few population.
all I want is for him to kick PAN the hell out of the Assembly of the Republic. What a fucking joke of a country. Hopefully theres going to be a huge migration of votes from cds and psd
Chase Evans
Buj's IQ results are invalid extrapolations to the whole country. I believe I was one of the first to post that pdf you're linking to here, because I wanted to understand the methodology.
Long story short, he only tested pupils in capitals, which like most large cities are known to have much smarter people than smaller towns and the rural world. He also screwed up big time in some places, in Italy he went to Milan and only tested pupils in a pair of private Milanese schools. Btw this is also where the famous "102 IQ" score for Italy comes from. It's also, unfortunately, not correct.
PISA is not only the best, it's the only instrument that works as a proxy for IQ across borders. GDP per capita works as a weak proxy, and for sub-national IQ you get the scores of national exams.
>our impact in the world was outstading, in face of our dimension, any person knows that So was that of the Black Plague. Who cares. We can't even capitalize off that impact.
Bentley Foster
Edit: I didn't recall correctly, it was Rome and not Milan. Still, because IQ tests are very expensive, I remember debating with a guy who knew how the study was conducted, and that students came only from a pair of private schools. Memory is never perfect though
Dylan Gonzalez
>So was that of the Black Plague
Comparing the discoveries and opening world commerce roots with the black plague, i will not continue, because you are maybe in some sort of personal mission to be disonest or you just hate your country.
I was making the point that having an impact on the world is meaningless. I've detailed the areas where the Portuguese excelled, which incidentally are not areas of especially heavy intellectual demand.
The Portuguese, we never could capitalize on that. GDP per capita despite all of that wealth never soared past the Western European average and eventually declined. All of the colonies are lost and Portugal hold no sway or influence over them. Mozambique isn't even fully evangelized, with a 45% muslim population.
I don't hate the country, I see it exactly for what it is. It is you (are you the guy from the other thread?) who hates what Portugal really is, you hate it so much you prefer to construct a fantasy and not stick to facts. If it weren't for communism, we'd be the poorest country in Europe except for a few shitholes in the Balkans.
Nathan Kelly
> he only tested pupils >The sample included individuals from all ages from 16-20 to 60, in 10-year increments
Jaxson Ramirez
Except they weren't equally distributed. They mostly consisted of pupils in schools. N is much greater for the younger cohorts than the older ones in that study. Buj did account for this when obtaining the estimation, but the N for the 60 year old cohort was very small.
I remember reading Buj DID however control for socioeconomic factors though, so there's that. Somewhere in here is the full discussion of this paper, though I can no longer find it.
I did an IQ test in skool back in the 90's, whole class did.
Brody Gomez
There's no point in those anymore, PISA is literally an IQ test with a thin veneer of "academic related prowess" over it.
Seriously, just look at the questions, the only thing better than PISA to assess the average IQ of a population is the national exams scores since just about every student will get tested