This is the modern American woman, fellas

I fucking love these commercials. I see ads like this and laugh at their target audience: the 20 to 50 something white American female who, after a lifetime of antidepressants, Sex and the City, traveling the world, cock hopping, female empowerment and otherwise discovering herself, is mentally fucked and has panic attacks and usually ends up committing suicide. I can also see why so many white men are searching abroad and/or getting Yellow Fever. Literally anything would be better than dating the type of thot depicted in this ad.

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White women are loyal user.

Why don't you try getting a woman first, user, instead of lashing out at templates. Women need a guiding hand. Be a man and sort it out.
Or you're some mutt chick who hates blondes maybe

betterhelp was outed as a scam.
its just tech support pajeets larping as white people

Most people still marry inside there race. I don't understand why so many nazis hate their own women. They can't even get their ideology right.

It's not just women user, most people are fucking apeshit now of days . It's because humans were never meant to live the way we are forced to now.


was going to post this

What kinds of nationalities and ethnicities do you tend to find more attractive? I don't blame you for thinking the way you do about lots of American women, but I wonder. Thank you.

I’m white and have a loyal, loving white girlfriend who is also the mother of my son. That said, I know and have met women like the one depicted in this ad. They’re everywhere.

Thank you for the explanation! I am not married, and I am celibate by choice, but I understand hesitations for getting involved in difficult people to deal with.

I am not sure about most, but it certainly seems as though it is. Perhaps you are right. Regrettably, so many people are unbalanced, and exhibit actions and ways of thinking that would have been seen as madness in previous times, even in recent times ago.

Disconnection from nature causes all of this. We should be outside constantly, tending to our homesteads/families, civilization second.

Ok autist

The problem is you'll get curb stomped by people who put civilization first.

These aren’t nazis they’re kike shills trying to sow division between whites

These ARE funny, but they don't represent "white women." they represent the rejects, the detritus, the leftovers. They are the 15% or so of their demographic who have failed to accomplish something with their lives. We must ridicule them publicly as much as possible to ensure the younger women coming up see that this is a poor course of action that ends up with you being a public joke.

this is correct. nature is a complex thing, and it doesn't just mean trees and ocean breezes. jews hate nature and africans fear it - start there.

Is she texting chad?

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reminder that they want everyone "anxious" so they can be put on mind altering drugs
braindead $$$ for life

>white american women
>white women are the enemy goy
>hate your own people goy

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>#1 Get happy
Lol holy fuck...deny reality and keep the fake lie going.

This is why women make all their mistakes, they aren't realistic and don't realistically envision their futures until all the damage is done and they aren't viable for anything.

So what do they do? They double down.

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Stupid (((ad))) aside, it's perfectly natural that women are more prone to anxiety than men because they were meant to spend every waking hour of the day tending to and protecting their children. Anxiety is essentially self preservation that tells them to keep vigilant and make sure their offspring stay alive too. Even if you are a roastie with 5 abortions under her belt, you can't unlearn this.

Or find a decent girl, take her to church, pray with and for her. You can't fix crazy but a lot of these women are fucked up because they never found a man that led her in this way.

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how is it any different than you coming here to cry like a bitch to strangers?

This. God bless!

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>its just tech support pajeets larping as white people
It's unbelievable that they think we can't tell it won't call them on it... I abuse every fucking pajeet who dates answer my phone call, for this reason alone. I'll show those fucking street-shitters.

Conflates subversion ads with real life. /nupol/ is a fucking joke

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