Is it ok to punch nazis? of course it is! fuck off nazis

is it ok to punch nazis? of course it is! fuck off nazis.

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Spencer is a pussy. Swing on me and a gun gets drawn.

swing on you when you are out in the streets and you are gonna get fucked up like dickie spens o y

You gotta wait until a life is threatened in most states. However in my great state we have both castle doctrine and stand your ground. Castle doctrine all extends to vehicles here so if someone attempts to enter your vehicle while you're occupying it you can empty the clip.

Should replace Nazi with Whites. I with that was a think. Punch Whites.

It’s ok to kill trannies and their sympathizers too

Bold words for someone on pol. Sage



It's okay to punch anyone
Morality doesn't exist and basically we're all gods

Notice the negro has obviously run up from the side out of Spencer's field of view and literally sucker punched him.
But yeah obviously he's a hero cause he punched a white guy that refuses to buy in on white guilt.

Someone swinging at you unprovoked is typically considered reason to fear for your life in many states.

Ok to burn liars too. Gas them all romans 9:6

fuck off nazi

>be Internet tough guy telling nazi's to fuck off and get punched when so called "Nazi's" are standing up in public and taking punches for their beliefs.
Cool story coward.

What have you done to smash white supremacy today, comrade?

Ban Dual Citizenship for US Congressman and all Elected Officials.

post bait threads for free on Jow Forums

it's ok to punch ANYBODY. let society collapse, kill each other. I'm fucking bored

It’s never ok to try to punch someone whom you will likely get your ass kicked by if they retaliate. Unless you enjoy having your ass kicked or something. Otherwise. Feel free. If you have the power to do something your entitled

You take it up the ass, dont you faggot?

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Go back nigger.

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Now every pudgy virgin thinks he can “punch nazis”. Pic related

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you gotta be pretty fucking based to be that confident about yourself ngl.

No, but it is okay to punch people who believe that it's okay to believe all women, even if it means sending an innocent man to prison.

I don’t punch them, but I do take joy and pleasure from seeing them punched. If they don’t get up after, it’s even funnier.

dude kavenaugh wasnt even being threatened with jail you snowflake retard

Nope, he’s a faggot “nazi puncher” on Twatter. Might be trans.

did you just defend the man gosh thats brillant of you, you shining sun you.

It's okay to punch faggots and dykes also


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you sound like a loser at life, probably a mindless yellow vest pleb

>is it ok to punch commies? of course it is! fuck off commies.

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I like your meme flag. We done have those here though. We just have a national history of Nazi killings. Which is why I like seeing them punched. Because they deserve it. Like they deserve everything else done to control them.



You know what you and Richard Spencer both have in common OP? You're enormous faggots.

Only because our government was full of Stalin's agents and allowed Jewish organized crime to attack right wing people. Its time to revisit things.


because you are a nothing less more then a human how do I know you are not baiting with some sort of reverse psychology pretending you hate nazis when you could possibly be one

well that the human rule

rule of fear

hope see you in fema camp

can you even make a fist faggot? anyone hits a fag like spencer and he doesnt splatter that says that faggot was weaker than dem propaganda.

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lol imagine being such a cum slurping ass eating queer that you
A) actually believe that shit and
B) need that to justify your toxic masculinity