Listen to sanity

Listen to sanity

Attached: 1545413168962.jpg (1220x1030, 221K)

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good .. Britain, America and Russia MUST and will* be utterly destroyed so that Europe can thrive again.

We can't allow regular Brits, Americans and Russians to fall though. It's not the average guy who is behind this. It's NOT their fault.

Not that there is much we can do. The only thing to hope for is that one European country collapses soon-ish - maybe that can wake others up.

I'm feel sad for regular Brits. Such great people - and now they have everything slowly taken from them. I wish I could magically fix all things. But I can't.

Well yeah, the country is fucked.
We all know this, even if some try to forget.

Attached: tonyenriched.png (1670x586, 267K)

What do you think of Peter Hitchens based Brit brother? A bit interesting that he used to be a marxist revolutionary but later turned 180 degrees and became pro European culture.

His quote: "When I was a Trotskyist, we were in favour of immigration not because we liked migrants, we couldn't have cared less about migrants, but [because you hated Britain] exactly. Silence. Very important point."

He seems like a really honest man (doesn't even try to hide his past), and make me see a tad bit of hope that most NPC leftists can be turned around given the right remedy.

I will do everything I can (albeit small) to save Britain.

What the fuck i can literally smell some of these places through my screen. I'd never think an image could invoke such a sensation but Ive never been to tower Hamlets but i know what it would be like walking down the street there. fucking disgusting.

Nice find. Thanks

these stats are incorrect. A lot of these places are already minority White let alone white English.

The stats are always wrong , the only time they will tell the truth is when it's already to late

I've been to many of these places and can say the only thing actually propping up white statistics are 70 year old boomers who die each year and who's houses are bought by immigrant landlords to house immigrants only.

>the only thing actually propping up white statistics are 70 year old boomers
Yea it's the same for America and most of Europe id guess . We've got a shock coming when almost over night boomers die and whites become minority

And just to think, a bit more than a century ago, the Anglo-Saxon man dreamed of filling all the empty spaces of the world with his race. A tragedy.

What people should look at is newborns (if they even make statistics about that - and the children in lower grade schools).

I rememer I watched the Norwegian national day in Oslo a few years ago and was shocked at all the black children walking there (we have children bands playing etc)... it was night and day from just 5-10 before.

One day not far from now.... white Europeans will make out 50% of the European population.

Then 20%

Then 2%

Where is the breaking point, lads? This cannot stand. I would gladly push a button to kill myself if I could purge all of our nations of the foreign hordes.

It will actually be accelerating faster and FASTER because old white people are dying off. We are living in interesting times (times we thought was only long gone historical events).

Are you ready to become part of history?

Bitter sweet. On the one hand, boomers dying will accelerate our political discourse and allow us to deal with reality better. On the other, we will finally truly realize how sunk we are.

I just don't understand why Europeans are gleefully allowing this to happen.

At least we know how the Neanderthals felt

I don't and practically everyone I've talked to don't.
Our democracy is a SCAM where you have multiple (tiny) parties ganging up to secure power. Coalition governments should be banned. Only the party with the most votes should be in government.

Still.... even that won't save us nowadays.
People are "gleefully allowing" this to happen because they don't really have a choice in the present climate. You would need to be very bold and sacrificial (willing to sacrifice everything you own and even your family)
It would be so much easier if people were starving left and right (this is the time you can make change). Not today.... when peoples personal major conflict is about whether to by an iPhone or an Android phone.

Before change can happen, people must suffer, starve and die. When your children are starving to death you will suddenly be capable of greater things.

I don't understand how America could go from 90% white to less than 60% .
The elites wanted this Nobody else did

The problem with the US is how big we are. We have tons of space and we have traditionally dealt with non-whites by white flight. The taboo on white identity politics has to be broken in order to fix it.

Just remember White Man. Our "betters" care more about their economy then their own kind. They're more afraid of rebalancing the population over a long period of time than exterminating it. Money > Blood

They have lost every right to rule us through their own actions. Anything we do from this point on is justified against the traitors.

The same will happen in Europe.
Yeah, 60% doesn't even sound that bad... if it stopped there.

Problem is it doesn't stop there or at 50%, it will only accelerate faster and faster (this is what most people don't realize). We will find ourselves below 10% within this century.

And, by then.... even the leftist money grubbing elites will be watching Hitler videos like this while crying:

If only Britain had allied with them instead. REEEEEE

(wouldn't have made my country better, but it would have made the white race FAR better)