Why do you fuckers feed the trolls?
Just hide, report, and ignore.
Ignore Bait You Dumbasses
Based anglo ally
Fuck off meme flag
Absolutely this. It's astonishing how many responses the dumbest most obvious slide/shill/demoralozation/datamining thread will get.
Two things though.
A lot of users don't know how to sage and report. I suggest posting memes informing them how to use that basic functionality.
If you filter out bullshit, you won't be able to help or guide others to ignore bullshit also. You block you from being annoyed by it, but the weaker mass of anons are trapped assuming this is the new board culture.
Posting some useful images. Please save.
Can we turn the Canadian flag into an option for those who like to use meme flags?
why are meme flags even allowed? they are useless
So the jews dont have to pay for proxies
Kiwi Leaf alliance when? It's the only way to deal with the Amerimutt and kangaroo cunt menace
>Why do you fuckers feed the trolls?
>Just hide, report, and ignore.
Cool proxy, bro.
To sow division and derail dialogue.
The Canadian Flag is not a meme flag
>leaf is a memeflag
Fuck off Israeli
Show your flag shrill
Why is it literally always the burgers who assume that all Canadians are cucks? Don't they know about Alberta?
>mfw normies are literally pissing in an ocean of piss in an attempt to disrupt the organization of a completely disorganized group of anons.
Link to this discord?
Do something productive and actually help retarded newfags out.
You can use 4chanX regex filters to hide memeflag threads automatically.
Here's the "flag" filter for convenience:
# That one furfag that keeps avatarfagging; only works on Jow Forums.
# Auto-hides all threads started by a memeflag.
/Black Nationalist/;op:only;boards:pol
/Black Lives Matter/;op:only;boards:pol
/National Bolshevik/;op:only;boards:pol
/Tree Hugger/;op:only;boards:pol
/United Nations/;op:only;boards:pol
/White Supremacist/;op:only;boards:pol
A fucking leaf
Sadly it's a secret club. I don't have the invite. If anyone knows be sure to shareblue.
I thought that was that Aero faggot and he got v& for pedo.
Good tip thanks.
do they honestly think they will accomplish anything besides making me scroll for about half a second longer?
It cannot be hard to infiltrate these idiots. Anyone claiming to be some sort of degenerate who wants to BTFO the "alt-right" will likely be invited in. Some of the morons in that discord are likely using public usernames leading back to legitimate profiles so it should be relatively easy to get friendly with one of them to get let in.
Still, pretty funny to know there are actual groups of people dedicating their own time to trying to shill their degeneracy on this board. I mean I like giving attention to desperate faggots but I'll be making better use of the sage keyword from now on, now that I know they are doing this as a collective effort to disrupt the free thought nature of this website.
JewSA is the biggest memeflag of all. Are you a spic? A nigger? A jew? A chink? A poo? A chug? I have no idea with that flag. All we say for sure is anyone with that flag is definitely not white.
LMAO your PM is a spear chucking shitskin.
That's what everyone says. It's addicting to collectively aggree that the scum can't infiltrate the board. But when you look at it, they routinely earn thousands of responses each day from many anons.
I'm going to kill all of this faggots
First advise
>it came up with an actual terrorist plot to spread it's own degeneracy
Man, the ethnic cleansing can't start any sooner.
>making fun of hiding canadian threads
back you go
Memeflags are cool. It allows people to show their faction.
I want more meme flags in fact. If someone is acting weird ask them where they are from and ask the to show their flag. Simple as.
Someone on Jow Forums yesterday said he recognised some of the names in that Aero screenshot mosaic. I asked for their Discord contacts but he wouldn't give them. Besides hoping to stumble upon an invite, I don't really know how to search for one. Discord is the degenerate hub of the internet. You can't toss a stone in there without finding a "Pokémon transformation fetish" group.
Dox them
When did they post this shit? I was under the impression the HRT pushing trannies lost their server.
I think it was a few years ago judging from what I've heard. I believe Aero has been dealt with. It's still worth reminding others of his crimes and to be alert for these people.
Discord tranny computer setup.
Welp, if anything the NSA must be having a fucking field day with this app.