Maine being ruined

>Maine’s largest city, population about 67,000, is now struggling with an influx of asylum seekers, to the point where a local official is alerting shelters in other parts of the country to discourage people from heading here.

>Asylum seekers, who are primarily from African countries, now make up 90% of the people living in Portland’s city-run family shelter and overflow shelter, where new arrivals sleep on mats.

>Portland’s challenge is expected to drive new debate around immigrant assistance in the state, where Democrats recently gained control of the legislature and the governor’s seat.

>Legislation recently filed by Democratic state Rep. Michael Brennan would beef up state assistance to asylum seekers. He said it would give them flexibility to settle in other Maine communities that need workers in the fast-aging state.

>President Trump and numerous administration officials have said lax asylum laws have encouraged migrants by the thousands to come to the U.S. illegally, but the administration has faced setbacks in attempts to limit asylum seekers.

>The foreign-born population fueled more than 75% of population growth in Portland and the surrounding area in 2011-16, according to a report co-produced by the city.

>Under Maine law, asylum seekers who have filed an application may qualify for general assistance, for up to 24 months. Funded by the state and municipalities, that program provides vouchers for rent, utilities and other staples.

>In Portland, 65% to 70% of the 1,000 people now receiving general assistance are noncitizens, primarily asylum seekers

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Maine is the closest state to Africa

sounds like we need more refugees. Diversity is strength go- I mean guys!

>that need workers in the fast-aging state.
>65% to 70% of the 1,000 people now receiving general assistance are noncitizens
>Asylum seekers, who are primarily from African countries, now make up 90% of the people living in Portland’s city-run family shelter

The solution they give will be to import more "workers" because it's worked so well


they are all Somalis Blackhawk Down my dudes

Urghhh it's fucking heartbreaking to see somewhere you imagined being white isn't anymore.

i just picture these dumb fucking sub humans ruining every beautiful postcard and high street. Black and brown NPC's walking around looking depressed. Fuck (((them))) for facilitating this but fuck the third worlders for forcing themselves upon communities they could never dream of creating or maintaining.

they should be quarantined in one area, not split up, ruining everybody's life. Fucking sub humans

fuck sheltered whites, i was born by niggers and the only reason the jew media can portray blacks as intelligent and cultured is because of ignorant white democrats who don't live within 1,000 miles of them

Fucking christ.. This is exactly where I wanted to move. Fuck this timeline.

Maine did it to themselves because it's full of drug addicts and welfare trash who elected a coke snorting carpet muncher named janet mills because she told them she'd give them free shit.