Why incels hate white women so much

As you may have noticed, the hate is immense.

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fake tits are gross

What if you're an incel and worship white women?

because they think it will be different with asian women
secret: all women are trash regardless of race

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Anyone who unironically uses the word incel is a shill in israel

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what if you're a white woman who worships incels?

no one hates white women
its literally a meme being pushed deliberately on this site to encourage race mixing

Maybe because even I, at 40 years old, have gone from having fun with White women, enjoying their company....to actually avoiding them...within the past 5 years....due to the fact that their hatred of their own kind and the "West"....has made them absolutely insufferable CUNTS....as a whole.

most incels are nonwhite and white women are the most attractive so it kinda makes sense pham

Most incels are ethnics who disgust white women. Come to think of it they probably disgust their own women just as much if not more pic unrelated

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Those swings are amazing btw....totally out of control just getting used and bred.

Are sex swings fun or just an expensive novelty?

I don't hate white women. I just hate the vast majority of people as a single man because everyone's fucking like bunnies and with way too many people. I have no desire to date someone who has been with a bunch of other guys and it makes the VAST, vast majority of women completely untouchable in my eyes. Absolutely disgusting.

because they behave like pic related


It's pushed by /lgbt/

Anyone else remember when Jow Forums had robots instead of incels supposedly?

They’re absolute trash. Me and my girl broke 3 of them and the last time she fell and sprained her wrist and got a black eye. Now everyone thinks I beat her, and I’m too embarrassed to admit the truth

don't date a landwhale, problem solved...

>nothing to do with politics
>1 post by this ID
>sexually provocative image
>17 replies
clean up your act Jow Forums this is pathetic

get in here and try to do something useful:

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LOL you cuck, you're supposed to be proud of sexual athletic injuries.

Because Asian woman are 100% better then white trash

If you mean by posting realistic asian uni class pics to counter incels' white women hatred.

Racemixing is now a staple at Jow Forums.

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This. And flat is best



because, get this: most incels are shitskins.
Brown guys of all types and blacks especially are undesirable and the smarter ones are aware of it and give themselves complexes and end up spending all their time online being angry about pussy.

because incels act like jealous women

Because young white women are the top of the SMV heap. Everyone wants to fuck them. A hot blonde white woman with big tits and a nice ass? EVERYONE wants that.

When you cant have what you want, no matter what, you start to hate and resent that previous object of affection. The line between love and hate is razor thin.

"Women seem wicked, when you're not wanted..."
Jim Morrison

Married an azn and never looked back. Best decision ever and biggest eye opening experience that led me down the rabbit hole to truly see how trash-tier white women are.

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because unlike you chang, we have to put up with their bullshit

you can buy a hooker for 2 cents

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Was this her that ate cereals out of Roxy Raye's rectum?

Women are the real niggers, and especially white women. Now I happen to be a nigger lover, so I can admit their charms, but white women these days are feral af.

But it means ‘involuntarily celibate’ user.

Why would using Incel make someone of Jewish backround?

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Anyone who hates white women might as well be a Jew. You can’t be pro-white, while also being anti-half-the-white-race, period. Also remember that white women give birth to future white men, without them, white men have no future. Again, incels are on the side of jews

Most of the hatred is from arabs and south asians.

Remember next time you see a women hate thread, make sure you say "hi mohammed"

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Incels are people who can't breed with a woman. We DON'T WANT to breed with with white women because they are trash.

I see you in every white worship and Asian qt thread bitching.

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That's what all of the roastie worshipers are, projecting.

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based and redpilled
imagine wanting both white society and a nonwhite family

Jews worship blonde women. Fuck off, kike.

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Because their advancements were constantly being rejected by pretty looking women. Isn't it obvious?

Exactly, we can’t restore our civilization with someone else’s babies

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Degenerate filthy goy, you have to leave.

>spamming east asian idol/model pics 24/7 on Jow Forums

>not an incel

You need help seriously.


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>working in china
>worshiping roasties from afar
>spams 10s of threads, worshiping roasties
>claims others need help

Is this thread the story of your life?

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fucking lol

he looks like a mexican tho

I wouldn't masturbate to her, she's not that great . At least post eye candy OP

There is no such thing as "incel", only volcel.

Also, the hate is not unwarranted.

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I don't even fantasize about them so I don't need to hate them.

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Please define “incels” and “white women”

>tfw have a redpilled bf to pound my bussy.
I bet you incels wish you had a trap bf like me
Later nerds

Fuck that’s hot

>There is no such thing as "incel", only volcel.

if only Jow Forums allowed sounded webms
it's 10x better

If I can feel ‘em they’re real

They dont care it is a social standing insult.
Social standing insults are the most threatening to them as they are not powerful enough to be on their own, thus being kicked from the group is death to them.
They project this vulnerability on us and insult us in ways that would hurt them.

Married for 20 years guy here, and I fucking hate all women now despite not being the "incel" who you're so threatened by. Basically, I won't hire women in my biz any longer (not going to deal with a false rape/harassment accusation, your feminist friends ruined that one for you, sweetie), for the few women who DO work for me, I now only speak to them so long as there's a witness who I trust present to be able to confirm the conversation. Women-owned businesses? Fuck that, not getting my money. Companies that keep pushing the "toxic masculinity is bad and all women are good innocent angels" shit don't get my biz anymore, either.

You want to know why most of you cunts were let go from your cushy media jobs writing articles about how men are ruining everything? It was your own doing, you took the fucking feminist b8 and ran farther with it than anyone could have imagined, and now, you're witnessing the beginning of what will eventually be women returning to their rightful place as 2nd class citizens. We gave you a chance, you fucked it up horribly, so no more, we're driving you out of the workforce and soon, you'll either become subservient again or die cold, alone and broke. You pick which road you'll take, honey pie, but remember your past mistakes, because history won't be any kinder to you the 2nd time around.

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What even is an incel? Sounds like a made up word




We own this motherfucker and we decide

Gaslighting kike
Whybnot take the easy way out like youve always done?

Roasties' new favorite word when white men choose Asian girls over them.

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>Why incels hate white women so much
For once, there's no such thing as an incel. No really. I seen women with fat ass disgusting men. I seen dweebs without jobs get a girlfriend. Anyone can hook up. Period.
Second, men are pissed off because white women in particular, are disgusting by and large. They're sluts, too hard to please, wild, non loyal, and spoiled.
Men want wife material and families. It doesn't work that way anymore. So they're pissed.

You Jews are creepy as fuck. Hitler described you perfectly.

>"out of their league"
god damn none of these shitty scum tier women is out of my league. fucking trash.
why would you date a 2/10 shitty trash woman using phrases like "out of your league" while you could date a 7/10 asian qt who would never use such a stupid phrase for anything?
god damn someone took a big shit into womens heads. i guess tv did it.

yes. it is Attack of the L. what is never talked about is how Lesbians hate men, hate white men. actively hate. they are the real jews of the rainbow. lesbians are behind it all, just that most people don't meet lesbians but if you do, it clearly becomes evident that they are harbouring real hatred and venom towards all men.
probably a hangover from their conversion inducing molestation or whatever.

true. incels secretly love whores (wishing they had one) but hate women. they also blame white women instead of blaming the jews. they SHOULD be hating non-whites and whores.

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>no one hates white women
>its literally a meme being pushed deliberately on this site to encourage race mixing

Wew lad
Stop posting

Women are walking incubators, we can hate them just fine all we need to do is put them back under material limitations that give us the ability to do whatever we want with them and they'll still be good for breeding.

It's not so bad a thing, really. Almost all hapas identify as white. Sure, a white girl is preferable. But if they've allowed themselves to become unacceptable, there are acceptable options.
Mostly Spanish Hispanics being one.
Russian qts.
All of eastern Europe.
Japan, Korean, Thai and Chinese (in that order) from the East.
And, hell, if you're one of those guys who just has to have a black girl, I wouldn't ostracize...so long as she had trading values. Though in America, half and half black is culturally difficult to navigate.

But, absolutely, a good share of white women these days are absolutely caustic.
Good thing there's a younger, hotter and tradder generation crop coming of age as we speak.
Let the millennial thots and roasties be a cautionary tale and a byword for generations to come.
They shall be shamed to everlasting scorn. They're getting old quick, and they're not aging well.

Thing I like about college girls, I keep getting older, they stay the same age.

>Goddam I love being a white male.

>t. White roastie

this is like the batman of women hating

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