I can't even play minecraft without fucking leaf niggers getting mad at me for building swastikas in my own damn block...

I can't even play minecraft without fucking leaf niggers getting mad at me for building swastikas in my own damn block home. How do canadians feel about free speech?

Attached: are you fucking.jpg (406x451, 39K)

Canadian's aren't a race.


Using Hitler as a seed will place you in the middle of a pine forest.

WTF is with USA thinking the world has free speech?
The internet is WORLD WIDE
Most countries do not have your luxury
Stop shitting up everywhere you go thinking you have your countries rights everywhere.
Reality is, you dont.
Suck it up princess.

shut up nigger
video games are for children

>playing minecrap

Attached: pitifulsight.png (1845x963, 1.91M)

Why cant we build a north wall instead

Sorry, my mistake thinking Canada wasn't a shithole, and for assuming other places aren't shitholes.

>not playing minecrap
A pitiful sight.