Should hoarding be illegal?

Should hoarding be illegal?

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>Netflix show has an asian woman promoting good house keeping values
>(((media))) white woman plays the bad housekeeping strawman
Gee I wonder what's with the sudden increase in yellow fever in this board :thinking:

remove that which does not spark joy

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I hoard guns bullets food and silver. fite me fagget

I'm not talking about that. I mean saving clippings from 30 years ago of your kids first hair cut.

I agree with that.

Double double
It's already illegal.

People who think like this should be banned.

Does this spark joy?

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All that you have dies with you. There is literally no point in having anything if at the end of it all dies with you. The people who hoard are the people who worship the creation more than the creator. There is no object in this world that means more than any human life, so what is the purpose of keeping it? Only worthless, dirty, sluts hate this show

Yes kill that journalist now, dont fuck with Marie nigga

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FUCK Marie Kondo, my battle station sparks joy just the way it is.

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No because my sister has that same nail polish

Only things that should be saved are things that can be passed down to children and grand children. The


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I'd love to see her face dealing with something like that.

she's a slant so you wouldn't notice any difference.

>their call MEMEntoes
that's what all mentally ill hoards say about the piles of trash in their house.

like many mental diseases, the left will say its a feature

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You have never seen a true hoarder. Even Chris Chan's house would shit on that

I count at least 5 piss bottles

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>gun collection

yeah thats pretty fucked senpai

This isn't even that bad, I could clean this up in like 15 minutes, that includes tying up the cords . There are just a lot of bottles and papers than can be thrown out.

For leftists, passivity or indifference is equal to advocating for things e.g. if you don’t condemn ___, then you tacitly support. You’re always supposed to be screeching about some cause. So of course they hate a extremely inoffensive and traditional woman like Kondo.

i love this qt

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>those last few frames of the wife's hand quickly coming in to get her husband's attention after he laughs at the qt japanese girl
my sides are in orbit

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Someone calls people out for having too much useless shit and the jews are trying to demonize her. Shocking

My fiancee has been doing the tidying and cleaning thing since she's heard of her but it has only strengthened her position more of being more feminine and wearing more skirts

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Marie is an anti-capitalist commie jap

Fuck Her!

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why are yellow fever fags obsessed with white women?

Try not to speak in contradictions.

Yes, but use the better image

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Shoo, shoo, roastie

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yeah because we should throw out anything that reminds us of anything other than slave labor and how we are going to live on less resources so we can have more time to work as wageslaves. You should only own 1 set of clothes that you wear outside of work. Everything else should be work related so it does not get in the way of work or distract us from work. Also we should all live in a shoebox so that there is plenty of room for all the other workers and we can fit more workers in.
Fuck off slanty-eyed kike.

t: hoarder of cars, trucks and anything else on wheels.

I remember you!
You were the same piss bottle user that was on the GDQ thread weeks ago!

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You are truly a disgusting animal..but around here, many such cases!


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Where do people this disgusting come from?

This show is a case study in white woman getting btfo by Asian women.

I dont see it

Kondo is cute as f but this is the deal breaker >does she have a dick?

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I must know. What if she does and what if she doesn't?

It's just higher res.

Whoring should be illegal

Because if she does she has the same facial structure as 4chans original tranny and we have a famous trap sandwich fantasy

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My new fetish is seeing blond hair blue eyed western women being put in subservient positions to white skinned Asian women.

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Poor bailey jay she looks so manly now

The eye for the one on the left.

Good taste. Too bad it's so rare.

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No tranny ages well, male pattern baldness and obesity is just escalating with hormones, degenerate traps stay trappy don’t do titty skittles

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you should be illegal. probably are, communist?

lol, nice catch, user.

t. Xi Jinping


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>used to hoard electronic parts
>lengths of wire, bulbs, knobs and switches, battery boxes
>had it sort of organized but it always ended up a mess on my desk somehow
>decided to clean house one day and toss all of it since I barely use the shit and I'm only keeping it "just in case"
>working on a project a month later
>need two things I threw out
>RadioShack went out of business
>options are paying AutoZone $14 for a switch that costs $0.25 to manufacture, or ordering online and waiting
>go back to hoarding parts just in case

That simple style of Asian living only works if you live stacked on top of each other with everything you could possibly want available for cheap purchase 50 feet away, as Asians do.

There's a difference between hoarding parts that have an use, and hoarding inane shit that brings nothing but feefees and will never have any value whatsoever. You played yourself

Eh I’m a old dad now but at one time pre responsible adult I would have loved everything organized into a tiny room with a two layered bed and battle station/ mini fridge. If it wasn’t for the 14 hour a day job Chinese locker apts would be a dream for your average 4channer

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Not pic related but I'm actually watching GDQ right now. Have a fallen? No piss bottles yet.

It's okay, user. It's a learning experimental. Credit yourself for doing it. Try to organize the stuff u keep, and arrange it in a way that saves space and makes it easy to find. Like stacking it in clear containers. Brings u joy xddd

the real question is, which asshurt yellow monkey man made this? asian women dont work those beauty salons cause there subservient, its because those places make a fuckton of cash money with little capital investment and are open to the friends and relatives of the women who open them who may have a lesser command of english. And why would the idea of white women working in salons be a problem? They already do, they just dont call them "Thailand Nail Salon" caus there not Thai and such shit.

Those piss bottles are so small it's counter productive to any reason for having piss bottles & comes with a big bunch of drawbacks, explain yourself.

I occasionally piss in bottles (doing a wow raid/ dungeon, in a ranked league game, or my anxiety playing up because there's people in the other rooms or walking around my hall) and I'd sooner just walk to the toilet than fuck around with those tiny bottles. Get a half gallon bottle & cut down the neck somewhere so your dick can get into it a bit without piss going anywhere other than into the bottle.

fucking brutal chinkanon

every white/honorary white mother does that.

isnt that the "braphog" officer from live pd?

This guy gets it.

Also my dad is dead now but back in the 90s he had a shed he'd sit in all day when he wasn't working, out in our garden.

He used to piss in a big gallon old paint can or something, he thought we didn't know but we all did, my siblings and me were always indifferent about it (a guy's gotta go and all that) but my mother always spoke about it with disgust, she's always been a horribly judgemental and cold person and she made us hate my dad for most of our childhood though in adult years I've thought back about everything and she was mentally ill the whole time.

He was a robot from an older generation, stuck in a loveless marriage, now that I think about it. Without the internet & compelling reasons to be housebound, half of the recluses & weebs of the internet in their 20s/30s/40s would be married with kids. We live in the first century in civilisation were robots have been enabled this much, with the exception of niche life paths like monks or shepherds.

I used to do eviction clean ups. I specialized in particularly disgusting ones.
I have seen shit that you couldn't imagine. Pictures don't do it justice without the smells and bugs, and rodents involved.
Put on a full haz mat suit and respirator and have at it with a coal shovel.
So, yeah. It's illegal, but it's not like they throw anyone in jail over it. You can lose your house/property over it, and of course you can be evicted for it.
People are disgusting creatures. Even most animals won't shit where they sleep or eat.

>good housekeeping values
>just throw everything away goy then buy new shit
we need a nuclear holocaust

It'll take an hour to do it right.

Buddhism is for cunts. American bounty ftw.

This is not how white people are supposed to live.
Clean your space at least once per week.
And shave you fucking neck beard.

Hoard if you want to. Only an anal rententive commie sleazebag would argue otherwise.

Nobody would give two shits what she had to say if she wasn't cute.
Fuck this. I'll live how I want and throw away what I want. Females have no wisdom. And even if this particular one did it would still be dumb to follow her to be trendy.
If I throw away stuff it'll be because I have actually thought about the pros and cons and absolutely not because I saw a picture of a cute girl who's known for starting a fad about throwing away stuff that one doesn't need.

It's always the same, keep the fucking piece of shit for 5 years, never use it
throw it away, two days later you need it

that whyte womyn just lost her husband

Or u could be doing that deliberately, so u can justify hoarding shit forever.

womanlets give birth to manlets

Why does this qt make white women so angry?

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Keep it up, and you'll end up having a bottle collection of your own and no penis to pee out of.

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How does she deal with roaches and bedbugs?

fuck i hate this

I have an Asian wife and we've thrown away a bunch of shit that was useless and cheap garbage. We also built shelves in the garage and organized the useful stuff. I still hoard electronic parts because you have to have them in a box or you will have to buy it later, but those are in the attic. We've cleaned out my parents garage 3 times in the past 5 years and they've already filled it back up with useless crap. It's ok to hoard useful stuff, but there is a lot of junk that people store that will never have a purpose. Most people are just too lazy to clean on the weekend and most Americans can't fit their vehicle in their garage.

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Not sure if it's a criminal offense, but filling your house with crap can get it condemned in some localities.

Would love to put her on her back

Kek why do gooks always draw themselves white? The women in those drawings are clearly meant to represent white women but sure as fuck don't look like them

No. It will all just go to the dump. Pointless.

She's everything they wish they were without even trying. White women live and die trying to obtain that airy, unburdened outlook and lifestyle that lets the ones who have it float through life like a lotus flower on the surface of a pond. Of course the finer points of how to obtain this lifestyle are entirely lost on them so instead they attach the superficial trimmings of it (i.e. Eat, pray, love) to a lifestyle of simply disregarding the notion of consequences and just doing what they feel like. When they're confronted by the genuine article it makes them acutely aware of how entirely empty and vapid their entire philosophical outlook on life really is which cuts them so deep they can't help but project their self-hate onto her.

Hoarding is retarded, but ultra-minimalist shit also is annoying and usually comes back to bite people later. Asians are better at it because of crowded lifestyles and smaller dwellings. Look at historic European aristocrats and they were all 'hoarders'.

>mom had shittons of clutter in the house growing up
>constantly complained about how messy the house was
>did nothing to get rid of all the junk that would make the house messy
>my aunts and grandma would stop by all the time and give her worthless trash from Marshalls and TJ Maxx because "it's pretty"
>would never let my dad our I throw junk out
>actually cried her head off when we took an old bed frame to the dump
>every chick i've dated is either messy as hell or refuses to clean shit
Where do I find a woman like this?

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Hm not sure. My mother is basically the perfect woman though. She was raised catholic, so that may have helped. Currently, I know someone who shares many of her virtues. But this girl unfortunately likes to party and drink, so into the trash she goes.

based sandnigger gets it

Where is this magical place and can I work there?

There's a difference between throwing everything out and keeping things that have legitimate value. Should you thow out/donate that mass market paperback you got at the airport? Yes. Should you throw out a cast iron skillet that's a little rusty? No. Buy shit that is well made, and has a lasting place in your home.
Unfortunately most shit these days is cheaply made Chinese trash.

no retard, the sand nigger doesnt get it.
how about not buying useless shit in the first place?

throw it away. Do not rebuy. Do not pass go. Do not compliment sand niggers.

Aristocrats also had large estates and a team of servants hired to maintain their home and move/throw away/clean anything they desire. Stop coping and throw out your old garbage.

why did you have to try to ruin this thread?