Starting to get why y'all don't like the jews
Other urls found in this thread:
is that the same Talmud that forbids blood transfusion because it's not kosher?
==Operation Redpill James Woods on the Jewish supremacism issue==
The idea is, swarm James Woods twitter with pics suggesting that he reads this book called “When Victims Rule: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins”, which is 100% normie friendly and written in a 100% respectful and optics friendly way.
If you haven’t read it yourself, you should, its a great introduction to the issue of Jewish supremacism and its 2000 pages with over 10000 citation from, and this is the best part, JEWISH SOURCES ONLY.
The link to the book is this:
The archive link for that link is this:
Kek wouldn't be surprised
And include some sort of call to action, like:
“Hey James, love your work and the fact that you’re keeping it real on your twitter. I want to suggest to you that you read this great book called ”When Victims Rule”, its very well written and it broaches a subject that gets constantly censored EVERYWHERE by the globalist mafia. I’m sending you this suggestion in an image because the globalist mafia flags the links here on Twitter. I hope you’re having a great day mate, keep on keeping on!”
Chop off baby dicks and ritualistic animal sacrifice all for religious freedom of course
>if it will save the pregnant person's life
Literally never an issue during the 3rd and most of the 2nd trimester. That late in the game you can deliver the baby with the same amount of effort it takes to abort it, with no real difference to the mother. It has to come out either way, only in one case you don't inject it with poison or tear it apart first.
Lets be real, James is definitely aware of the JQ. Most people still avoid calling them out because they run the world.
The amount of times an abortion is required to save a woman's life is so abysmally uncommon it's approaching zero