Friendly reminder that Trump is nothing more than a tax cuts for wealthy republican

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Whoever edited this comic missed the point entirely. Fucking retards.

Anus nigger my tounge


post original

Jesus, what dumb edit. The left really can't meme

original was even worse though

No it wasn't leftypol, it was accurate

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whats the gray t shirt stand for?

It’s spot on accurate portrayal of the working class #maga shits

>We are actually supporting you when we attack your God, Nation, family and everything you love and cherish you low IQ rural Blue collar monkey
Nice try Commie faggot

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There are two classes of people in the United States, those that pay taxes and those that don't. By class I am closer to a billionaire that avoids taxes to only pay 10% than I am to some welfare queen that gets paid thousands to be a knocked up slut.

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>hurr fascists and libertarians are pals!
>I know this because reality is just like Jow Forums!

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Yea lefties look out for all working class interests. Country people need to get a grip on reality

>lowest bracket pays no taxes

I need more of this meme. Please. I beg you.

This. Communism is an internationalist ideology, it's antithetical to the national sentiment of white nationalists and conservatives.

Which member of the Meme Team are you?

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What's the leftist reddit edit of this one?

Faggots. Because its a literal faggot.

Can the left meme? Sadly, no. They cannot.

Same here Request

Still voting maga 2020

It’s clever and accurate

> taxing people with no money

bigbrain poster here folks

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Globalism is a code word for globalized capitalism. There are only two classes in America. The ruling capitalist class and the working class. If you have to sell your labor power for a wage then you are belonging to the latter and your fundamental economic interests are opposed to the former. Swallow the REDpill.

This comic basically sums up labor unions. I should know, I work for in a union and its like a cult. They want you to work your dick into the dirt to pay for people who dont want to work and import people that make it more difficult to compete in wages by increasing the labor pool of non-union workers. It boggles the fucking mind, their lack of logic.

>We leftists are for the working class!
>Literally uses the term "working class" as an insult and despises everything the working class does, says and thinks.
Wow. Why do people end up hating you? I am so stunned. Never would have predicted this. It's almost like you just use rhetoric designed to pander to the working class (marxism) whenever it suits you in order to further your authoritarian and blatantly sociopathic political ideas......or something.

Friendly reminder that the Y chromosomes in every cell in your body are crying out that you'll never be a woman.

>meme flag
Lol nice burn

He could've used the more apt Marxist term 'lumpenproles' but the problem with you guys is that you are so politically illiterate that you do not even know basic political terminology of the ideologies you are fundamentally opposing.

where does this idea come from? Who are these commies that hate working-class americans this board keeps talking about?

Except communism always morphs into something that isn't really communism because it's not upfront with its corruptibility. At least capitalism is upfront with its motives. Chinese "communism" is essentially a capitalist market at the top for the government and elites and peasantry for the rest. Communism cheapens the value of the worker.

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No. You don't, shiteater leftist enemy. You look after worthless nigger/spic/arab scum that slurp up welfare and vote for more leftist p.o.s. that offer them more welfare, and the political class that pay them off for political power.

There's nothing much truly socialistic about you. You take. That's all. You never contribute. You don't side with the worker. You side with whoever you can buy off. You and neolibs are the same piles of shit to everyone from the blue collar to the bourgeois. Or put plainly, you are an enemy to anyone making from ~30k to lower end seven figures a year. Only poor useless trash that lay on ass whining about being 90 or lower iq, and elites looking for zergs to recruit benefit from your bullshit.

This is the correct cartoon

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>Literally just more contempt and pretentiousness looking down upon the working class.
It is literally "let them eat cake" tier condescension, you have no idea and no self-awareness bro.
lol is this even serious? For one example just read the comment above that I responded to. Why would you even claim something so obviously and patently real "doesn't exist"?

>It’s clever and accurate
iTs ClEvEr anD aCcurAtE!

When people treat you like a woman, they're just humoring you. Nobody actually believes you're a woman.

what about that comment makes you think the person "hates" the working class? If you're really that fragile and angered by disagreement this is probably not the board for you

Friendly reminder that op is nothing more than cock holster.

Oddly, I find most communist states just turn into fascist states. They all worship the leader, think of the state above all else and everything is subservient to the state. They then use that to justify why some have more than others, despite it being a communist system.

Also, I find the Chinese to be like the Combine from Half-Life 2.

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So now we're "fragile" too, huh?
OK. So you hold people like me in contempt, it's extremely clear. I don't know why you don't want to admit it. I mean who do you honestly think you are fooling, at this point? This shit has been going on for some years now, and just who do you think you are fooling anymore?
Commies like you despise people like me who comprise the ACTUAL working class. You look down on us, you say we're stupid, you say you're better than us and that "we totally just don't understand Marx and what he was REALLY about".

OK, meanwhile you are fucking literally terrorizing us and destroying our lives, and you try to gaslight it at any fucking opportunity you get.

Fuck you and your little gaslighting bullshit, you manipulative demonic fuck. Whatever demonic entity you have given your body over to is going to lead you into your OWN destruction as well as mine, you fucking moron.

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>support lolbertarian candidates for XX years
>never get what you want
>support pseudo-fascist once for memes
>get US out of Syria

This timeline man

And yet the libertarians and fascists have been agreeing with each other for the past 4 years.


>you hold people like me in contempt, it's extremely clear.
based on what? Commie flag pointed out that most of this board claims to be anti-communist, but doesn't even know the terms used in marxist ideology. I said that seems like a very specific and reasonable criticism that isn't even related to the working class, and you flip out and write a paragraph about commie demonic possession that belongs on boomer facebook

who's really full of hatred here?

>Muh gaslighting, muh gaslight, muh gaslighting
Every fucking time. Every fucking time someone just says the patent and obvious truth with you people and you RUSH to try to deny it. Some day people are going to stop being fooled by your absolute Demonic BS.

>get US out of Syria
>hasn't even left the country
>defends Saudis against basically the entire rest of the world for no reason other than politics
>threatening to organize coup in Venezuela for oil
seems like libertarians didn't become fascist, they just have really, really low standards lol

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Also "Hatred" is OK. It's when you hate the wrong things that the problem arises.
When you have Demonic pieces of shit like you lying, manipulating and gaslighting all of the purpose of dragging humanity down into the dredges of a horribly authoritarian and statist ideology that seeks ONLY to dehumanize them and fundamentally enslave them on the most fundamental level, then it is completely and utterly warranted to HATE you. In fact, one would be INHUMAN if they did not.

Tax cuts for the rich can be a benefit just in the way that they can bring more jobs to an area rich people can more wereever the fuck they want so they try to go places that will increase their wealth if you tax them say 70% why the fuck wouldnt they just jump ship to china where they wouldnt be taxed out the ass they obviously have no loyalty to any one country just money

what is the black shirt?

This. Leftist pieces of filth say they support the working class, then do nothing but shit all over them. And these commies think they best represent the interests of the working class? They despise the working class!


>implying western "communists" would willingly go within 50 feet of blue collar working types.
>implying said commies have any sympathy for the working class that they feel they should be "managing" or "taking care of"

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This. Commies in the US are all rich trust fund kids and the only thing they care about is anti-racism.


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Nothing says supporting the working class like importing cheap labor thst undercuts them.

a fucking leaf


yes and?
what right do you have to anyone else's money you incel parasite?

>not posting the real one

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>but doesn't even know the terms used in marxist ideology
does even any communist shit?
All leftynigger do is just shill their stupid shit here, that is their only focus point, what real victory did they score against their actual "enemies". Whenever some right winger fights the system and gets shut down by the rich ruling class commie shits clap and go gaslit here because that is who they are shills for the current system hiding behind some retarded kike ideology.

Your ideas of what the working class is and where their interests lay are both highly distorted.


I’m hardly wealthy and my taxes compared to last years are less
Go pound sand

Yeah of course, why? What is that supposed to mean? Like these people are literally trying to take over the world and impose a brutal, sociopathic and authoritarian ideology upon every single man, woman and child on the planet. Of course I am "mad". Are you insane? WTF is wrong with you that you would even say that as if it somehow minimizes my point of view or any of the arguments I have made. You wouldn't even be truly "human" if you weren't "mad" over someone trying to do that. The fuck is up with people like you who say this shit?

i don't give a fuck about tax cuts lol
tax cuts for the rich don't negatively impact the non-rich
not that i think we shouldn't hang the rich, it's just, that's not even remotely on the list of reasons why, even without tax breaks they'd still be rich, and all of that "tax money" would just end up in their pockets eventually anyway
no, the real reason to hate the rich is that they're responsible for mass immigration and intentionally trying to lessen the power of our ethnic group in our own countries, which they do exactly to make themselves richer because it drives down labor costs and keeps the system running after capitalists made all the women work and they forgot how to have kids
you'd think if you wanted to get nazis on your side you'd point this out but it feels like you care more about being anti-trump/racist/whatever than socialist

niggggger faggooooots shillllllls slice your neck disufgting asiatic mongrels small dick yellow faggot refugees nigger nigger nigger ape monkeys

i wish my friend but sadly we can't all get paid to shitpost on this online mongolian horse husbandry forum