So Jordan Peterson recently shared a video on youtube talking about why he's dishonest and hides his intentions

So Jordan Peterson recently shared a video on youtube talking about why he's dishonest and hides his intentions.


After following his link and watching it I really have to ask why he would even do this considering not only is it pretty thorough, but is well produced. Maybe some vain hoped "if I show it, that means it's wrong" kind of idea. Also, if you were wondering his income it's over 8 and a half million a year.

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brave Mr Peterson. all it will do is bolster his numbers, a good move.

Also, this spectator made a pretty good point.
The only people going to Peterson's rallys are young white men and barely anybody else because they don't need/want what he pretends to be selling.

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I used to be skeptical about Jordan and figured most of the advice he gave was well intended. After watching this brilliant video I can quite clearly state he is just another disgusting kike looking to underminde white identity and push hyper individualism


no one cares about your e celeb crush faggot

Not watching the video, but seems similar(if it's good) to when Ben Shapiro posted the guy taking him apart for the "Nigger James Bond" straw-man. Miscalculation or the population is just that far gone.

Peterson is an actual celeb, for good or ill. Maybe you're just one of his bootyblasted fanboys dropping a lot of swear words to try hard to fit in here.

Who even cares about this guy anymore?

stfu, I imagine that you are white because you are so I hope u die in the hands of niggers

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his cult i guess

Also, Peterson goes onto Molymeme's show, agrees with his points on race/iq/democracy and then when he leaves goes right back to saying the same bullshit as before.

Why does this guy and many of his followers seem to think that everybody else can have in group preference, but if whites have any it's the same as wanting the fucking SS in charge of society, it's such eyeroll inducing bullshit.

Better still, in spite of who he is he's still called a racist, but unlike his followers he has millions so what should he care.

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>why he would even do this
So his paypig army that recently discovered penis washing would massively downvote the video. He knows that he can attack smaller channels. He wouldn't share a VoxDay video sice Vox would debate him in a heartbeat and expose his bullshit from big lies like his gate keeping to small yet shameful lies. That fucking faggot Peterson claimed he didn't sleep for like a month yet the world record of sleep deprivation is 11 days.

His income is 8.5 million——> this year.

Not every year. I’m sure he was making a 100-200k before he wrote his book and went on tour, but his book blew up and his lectures sell out in all cities.

Didn't watch, already know JP has an agenda that's counter to white identity, while offering no solution to identitarianism in other groups.
Liked the video simply to counter the JP sperg followers

That is a good video. I want hkm to respond to it.

I never thought of it that way, pretty dumb on JP's part. That channel got few views comparatively, now that video has 50k views since yesterday. The dislike bar still favors the author, it even has more likes than he has subs so maybe it got to one of them.

Likes have more effectiveness if you watch the video, just let it run while you go to the loo or something for future reference.

Only response I've seen him do is to Burger King.

this one is also good -->
MM also lampooned him for his "Radical Individualism (but only for white men (but I don't notice since I don't think in those terms) )"

Why the fuck do so many of his fans have no defense though for some of the points raised?

>worked for the UN for years on their protomarxist bullshit (wealth/outcome equity)
>paid by the actual protege of Soros
>talks about how in group identity is evil and wrong, but promotes it in others and even mocks those who point it out
>talks about how bad a leftist takeover might be, has no ideas to stop it, attacks those who do

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His Patreon account had 30k a month roughly. OP is a leftcuck

He literally states his income sources.

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I would advise against advertising this faggot on Jow Forums, or anywhere. He's reached the point where any publicity at all is beneficial to him.

Wait, is this to redpill more.people to true right wing ideals? Is he playing the traitor to save us all?

No, it's more like thots parading themselves around naked for attention.
Maybe it's a dare to his friends, "they watch this, but they'll still send me money"

JP is the shill of all shills

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The goyim know...

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Bump, we are winning the war of likes, its reddit versus pol here.

So sick of JP.


Might be best to post when Americans are likely to be awake, it's early morning there.

I've sometimes wondered if he is a master strategist playing devils advocate by taking on the role of a civic nationalist that puts forward the best possible alternative argument to ethnic nationalism in the West, knowing full well that it will never succeed and that his spectacular failure on the world stage will have allowed people to walk through the necessary dialectical steps towards understanding and embracing ethnic nationalism in the West.

His axioms are identical to the far right and if you notice, he has no practical solutions to the current problems, only idealised solutions that can only be achieved by high IQ people with healthy personality types. He's pointed out repeatedly that there are some people too stupid for modernity and that they wouldn't be able to serve in the US military. He's never provided a solution to that problem, he just said "yeah that's gonna be a real problem".

I seriously wonder this about the man. He may just be maverick enough to be doing this. Or, he could just be a cuck.

good post, especially the end "He's never provided a solution to that problem, he just said "yeah that's gonna be a real problem"."

young white men... im literally shaking... this is not a good sign.

white, RACISTS? were they also... CIS GENDERED?!?!!>? OH SAY IT ISNT SO!?!?!?!?

>Why does this guy and many of his followers seem to think that everybody else can have in group preference, but if whites have any it's the same as wanting the fucking SS in charge of society
Better question: what is wrong with wanting the SS in charge of society?

HIS INCOME IS 8 MILLION?! Im LITERALLY shaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if he gave each of us 50,000 he'd still have 100,000. thats MORE than enough. IM SHAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when will the government CORRECT THIS AND REDISTRIBUTE TO ME?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

n-no ethnic f-fo-food?

>follow me as i will now debunk Jordan peterson

God damn it you people suck

It's called taqiyya, ya chumps.

>.t low IQ poster

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>white identity politics of the nazis were different from the communists because REEEE MUH WHITE PEOPLE OF EUROPE

the tl;dr of this video is nothing new, it's literally just " this guy is a profiteer!"
you can lay that claim against any political personality so fucking get a better argument faggot

>People are gonna see it anyway so I might disregard it myself before it blows up
I don't care about what he says or what he makes doing it. All I know is that he's a textbook charlatan. Some figures don't change no matter how many centuries pass, people will still make money selling smoke and there will be people defending them for doing so.

lurk more

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Two options: they’re retarded or they’re shills. Either way, these e-celebs suck.

> wanting the fucking SS in charge of society

>hes not a NAZI REEEEEE lurk moar
fuck off

watch the video first please.

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If Jordan was controlled op he wouldn't have been able to lecture about solzhenitsyn and present him in a positive light/his writings are valid.

Jordan peterson references him heavily in his work and is a direct path to a historian that many people on pol would agree with. Solzhenitsyn is the smoking gun.

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Not an argument. Why even post this?

>I really have to ask why he would even do this considering not only is it pretty thorough, but is well produced. Maybe some vain hoped "if I show it, that means it's wrong" kind of idea.
He finally grew up to the divisive stage that more progressive liberals than him have reached a few years ago.

Reminder that liberalism started out as an ideology of unity (at least superficially). There is no "us" and no "them", we are all brothers (well, actually, siblingkinds). Hate has no place. A world without violence is totally viable, it's just a matter of education.
Niggers are equal and will have equal outcomes if we abolish segregation.
Women are equal and ditto.
Then the reality slowly started to hit them. Niggers still weren't performing equally, so let's give them some little advantage in university admissions and bank loans. Women still suck dick (figuratively speaking, tho literally too) so let's run some special job training programs for them and shill for cunnilingus if we are at that.
But they still failed to perform equally, so SJWs finally realized they just won't have their way, ditched their rhetoric of unity and started that whole divisive garbage about oppression and white male privilege.

Peterson is now repeating the whole history of leftism himself. Initially, like every other idiot, he thought that a message of unity, equality and individual penile hygiene will unite people of all races under the New World Order. But then reality came, so today he spends increasing amount of time ridiculing those who criticize him before those he already converted to divide and radicalize the latter.

In short, they know they are wrong, they see themselves losing, they grasp straws and prepare for warfare.

I really really do enjoy his analysis on the Bible and some other facets of literature/storytelling, especially his way of debating against marxist culture. However, legit criticism is just that, and sadly this video does make quite a lot of valid points. Disappointing but I can't say I am surprised.

Literally whomst’d’ve?

because those points are indefendible, and it's easier to just point at it and laugh smugly

This kills the brainlet

Pterson is a losers whos target are other losers.

Where you dumb mountain kike?
Calling someone a nazi doesn't make him so

no, that's just what it ends with. The main theme is to point out the hypocrisy of his radical individualism and how it's a (jewish) Frankfurt school ideology for the whites.

It's a great video.
I think JP still serves a purpose though.
Maybe his message is a kind of bridge between the bluepill and the redpill for people who don't have the ability to get straight to here first.

The only issue is the fact that he seems to create a weird cult following, which is dangerous. If there were a way to have his main message about getting yourself together without all the weaponized bullshit attached, it would be pretty decent as a babby redpill for getting people to wake up.

Once someone starts to take care of themselves, then they can take care of their family, and then they can take care of their community, etc.
One step at a time.

>Solzhenitsyn is the smoking gun.

Until 200 Years Together gets a full proper translation, we only know half of the story.

that's what he sounds like??? LMAO

this criticism of JBP only makes sense if you think jews control the world

wash your dick buckos, and die out

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He was just wanting people to report it, and de-platform the guy. Pretty simple.

fundamentalist in group preference is cancer, and that's exactly why judaism must be dismantled. fuck jews, fuck nazis, and fuck peterson for being a lying dishonest kike

His cult following reminds me of Sargon's, they're all these weird memers.

He retweeted it because the guy who made it comes off as mentally ill, it's all conjecture, easily brushed off, and contains no empirical arguments. Why do you think he retweeted this bullshit from a literally who instead of Ryan Faulks Peterson video? JBP is unironically smarter than 99% of Jow Forums, fucking niggers STILL don't understand what "optics" are.

>wanting the fucking SS in charge of society
I would do anything for this to be reality

The stuff he has to say is so basic, but it's essential for people to realize so they can get outside the rationalist, modernist worldview.

It's similar to AA which is also like a cult. AA is also all about forcing people to realize that their own rational faculty is not God. it's the realization that rationality is used to produce the means to an end in the human mind, but the end comes first and is not determined by rationality. So in making this realization, since it's kind of anti-rational, I can see how so many of the people fall into cult-like behavior or get taken advantage of. But it's still true.

he points out problems and spreads the word of great historical thinkers without acknowledging any solutions, but if you dig around on any of those subjects you'll find natural race supremacy/discrimination

what disappointed me the most is his simplified hollywood view of WW2 how everyone could be a nazi under the right circumstances. while first of all even then most people werent nazi camp leaders so that's just statistically wrong but secondly hitler's nationalist rise to power was quite understandable if you look into the circumstances and thirdly the atrocities commited by the allies against the german people during and after the war should red pill anyone

it's like he's talking about the right things against the right people and if you look to criticize him you can only find out how we should go full nazi

>contains no empirical arguments
How so? He literally repeats Peterson multiple times. Are you saying that because he sounds like a young kid and is reading from a script? Or because of his previous content? How is it bullshit, I'm genuinely curious.

I think that people are just so desperate for a way out of our bullshit life that they cling onto the first thing that makes sense with everything they have.
Being led is easy and comfortable.

And actually, having really big faith in someone, and then having it broken in the most mindfuck way possible can actually be a good thing for getting people to wake up even more.

Compare it to to understand why he retweeted the one he did. The video in the OP requires a bunch of presuppositions that Petersons fans don't have, or else they wouldn't be Peterson fans in the first place. The alt-hype video can take someone who knows nothing about WN and really get their noggin joggin after watching it.

He's clearly only in it for the money, he hit the jackpot when he managed to entice a bunch of stupid kids on a college campus to act like animals then capitalized by using the then-momentary fame by providing answers and guidance to insecure people. Intellectually he's a joke, just look at how he repeatedly humiliated himself in the Dillahunty debate trying to defend un-defensible ideas.
The lesson here is if you want to push a particular ideology, you have to work your charisma on susceptible people, and there's a ton these days.

Yeah maybe, I also think that they don't want to think racist things even if they're true, so sign onto these people as a half measure and overcompensate by attacking the "alt right".

The alt hype video admittedly delves into more specifics about racial politik and uses that angle to criticize Peterson's thesis. OPs video uses more of Peterson's actual language to censure him, which by definition will have less of the presuppositions found in AH. Regardless, OP video is still an effective tool to denigrate Peterson because it attacks fundamentals and hypocrisies, which is an easy form of criticism.

>OP video is still an effective tool to denigrate Peterson
If that was true, he wouldn't have retweeted it. You're low on empathy in the proper sense of the word. Normal people don't think like you, Peterson understands this.

omg this guy is a anti-White faggot

I will never wash my dick again!!

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Interesting post user.
That actually makes alot of sense.

I watched it earlier. It's pretty much just his own words. The guy's thesis is basically that Peterson is a leftist and wants to dismantle white identity. If you asked Jordan Peterson if he is a leftist, he would say yes. He would disguise it as "classic british liberal" because he knows his fan base, and the truth about Jordan Peterson is he is a charlatan and in this for the money. If you asked him if he wants to see white people acting as a collective, he would cite nazi germany, start crying, pause, do something weird with his hands, and say "No! And that's that!" The most consistent thing about Jordan Peterson is his inability to understand his own words. He's not as smart as his low IQ fans think he is. In fact, Vox Day claims Peterson has an IQ in the range of 117.

Hey leftypol

I have a theory that Peterson has new handlers.

It really doesn't.

will he ever work for a prestigeous publication such as the washington post or cnn?

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Good post.
I think Peterson will stop cold at the last stage though before just realizing the truth like many here did, because he has financial incentive in the form of millions to do so.
Plus all the other personal pressures.

Yes, they are called CAA

>Vox Day claims Peterson has an IQ in the range of 117
Vox day is a tard and Peterson is obviously highly intelligent. Jesus fuck, how deluded do you have to be to not see it? He claims kikes aren't more intelligent as well, funny enough they just released a paper on the higher polygenic score of g in the Jewish population. Listen to Sean Last on anything to do with IQ, not let comic book man.

His new handlers are just business related. I think he was in the works for a TV show, so he has handlers the same way Dr. Phil does.

He's about to get a tv show in Canada........ His handlers are CAA. Jew jew jew

So heres somethign that you can do since the peterson crowd is starting pouring in.
Sort for newest comments and upvote the people who call him out.

Might have an effect if his people are finally confronted with other opinions and see that they are not the majority.

It's a garbage post doesn't sound anything like what Peterson says.

Imagine if Jordan wasn't a shill and became a white nationalist, this guy is legit a very good speaker, he could convert so many white people to white nationalism... Really a shame...

JP is a GOY TOY, used by the Juden to confuse white ppl so the Zionists can continue with their ethnic cleansing of the white race.

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A lot of people? Are you kidding me?

His audience is slowly but surely dropping because his whole shtick was about the trans pronoums

He's a phenomenal communicator. No matter what he believed, he could persuade a lot of people to believe it: that's the power of rhetoric.

It's laughable that people try to deny this, just because his views differ from theirs.

>His audience is slowly but surely dropping

Is there evidence for this?

I don't care?

Hey I was the first people who shilled this video on Jow Forums, when the video was at 300 views, I HATE THIS Jew Puppet.

But I recognise the strenght of my enemies : he speaks so fuckin well (Im actually jealous of his rhetoric abilities)