Which side are you on?

which side are you on?

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>which side are you on?
total and complete chaos


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I'll pick the one that has running water, please

map is wrong.

Nigger, it's not like a vote was taken for this, was it now?

you're either for or against ZOG

i take my own side

the fuck's zog, a cartoon monster or some shit?


hello newfriend, I'm assuming you're a visitor from reddit?

pretty accurate

I would rather kill them all.

hatred for jews is normal here
doesnt mean i have to like commnies, muslims and shitskins

As if Turkey is not a Jewish puppet

And I assume you're some delusional faggot with no friends?

Whichever puppet "leader" is in charge of that commie shithole next door is of no importance to me.

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you already are a subhuman worse than them

>he doesn't know what ZOG is

ok nigger

> Playing the jewish game

I know perfectly well what the ZOG is, but unlike most of the retards in this board I don't change my opinion on how powerful it is or how often the people behind it display their tendencies to play both sides of the conflict when it allowes me to play dumb and/or it suits my argument.

so you're okay with being their pawn? got it.

Newfag, ZOG is the Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG), aka, the American Empire that serves Israeli interests in the Middle-East.

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>At this moment I am Euphoric

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Ill go with (((them)))

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its true... you even go after countries that are small and irrelevant like mine

Maduro is a murderous disgusting commie and should be removed asap. However, Russia has pointed out correctly that the US went too far and is threatening to break international law yet again. I think Venezuelans need to sort this shit out by themselves.

Christ cucks are jews.

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Who's asking?

LMAO GOd can't make his countries have running water lmao.

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actually, yes

>he isnt edgy



turkey should be apart of either side, right now they've gone completely rouge, they're apart of nato, but have distanced themselves from the US over the kurdish issue in syria

jesus no

Man, this is fucking gay.

wait. why does Jesus look like...?

Attached: Benedict_Cumberbatch_Illuminidol_Jesus_Candle_grande.jpg (400x600, 18K)

because he doesn't

Russia of course!

Both sides are big gay, but the murica one pays you better. So i will pick murica, thanks.

>tips fedora

My daddy was a miner

Hail Satan!