I want to play a game

Alright Jow Forums if race is more than skin deep.
Identify the races of these albinos.
Hard mode: No google image lookups.

Attached: IwantToPlayAGame.png (879x466, 439K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Whity, jew, like monkey, nigger, ape, Jew, kike

A based and redpilled jew? wtf... lads, are the timelines shifting again?

Attached: 4234536457658.jpg (250x236, 8K)

Albinos are the result of alien DNA. They aren't even the same species

Attached: 1518418714411.jpg (529x502, 44K)

Probably an arab.



totally just felt a shift, my pede ;)

>Probably an arab.
Not all jews like jewry...

projecting so hard with that flag

how would i know?
there's genetic screening for that.
i love the third in the upper row the most, he looks like a pan-roasted embarrasment in JPG format.

Are you trying to say that some whites are Indian?

So you're saying you can't actually judge based on race just color?

I don't care, but the race is indeed more than skin deep. No need to play your game at all.

Attached: 1505697560084.png (962x578, 372K)


Left to right: 1rab,Sea asian,indian , too low resolutin
Snd row:nigger, mouthbreather,muttmix and niggress
Did i pass the course?

If race is more than skin deep, especially for groups such as Indians.. then why can you suddenly not tell them apart?

If you meet an immigrant and have to rely on just skin color to figure out whether they should gtfo the country or not... Then the liberals are right. You are literally just judging on skin deep color.
Some of them are from Europe, others are not.


They're all Finns, aren't they?

One of them is.

>Race is only skin if plebs on pol can't identify these pictures

lol, dumb

Attached: Only 1% are human.jpg (1311x800, 324K)

AYO you pull down theyre pants and the shrimp dicks areayos LMAO


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You don't administer IQ tests, or do genetic testing before you decide to descriminate in real life. You simply judge based on looks.

If we take color out of the equation, turns out you can't judge at all.

ie; You are literally dumb enough to make decisions based on colors like a 3 year old. "Oh no that's the BAADD color, we like GOOOD color! HMPH".

Racists confirmed for retards.

that's why i thank god why albinism isn't the norm so i don't have to resort to genetic testing to determine wether an individual is a genetic pollutant and an outlier.

Attached: 12512515125.png (116x119, 28K)

Not with Albinos, m8.

nice try

Attached: 14f77cc7-413d-4ba6-9f33-9ea1494764f4-2060x1373.jpg (2060x1373, 945K)

stop impersonating Nihil you filthy faggot.

Attached: 1547446926654.png (5504x6424, 3.06M)

>> He still believes in god in 2019.

Here's a statistic for you faggot, Religious belief is STRONGLY correlated with being a literal nigger.

I don't need to resort to genetic testing either to determine whether or not your a pollutant. I just read your comments.

My point being that, if you can't judge with Albinos, and albinos are just mis-pigmented, then you're primarily relying on skin color to judge race.

So when you start saying race is more than skin deep. Not to you it isn't. To you it's more or less just colors in your day to day judgements.

So when liberals come around and say "it's just skin deep" based on how you function in the world they are 100% right.

Attached: religion[1].gif (383x266, 13K)

1,2,3&6 are finish and the rest are Swedish

Theres atleast one black guy in there.

Same thing
Also atleast 3/2 of them are aphgan

3 or 2* fuck

i'd say you ran out of arguments if you had one to begin with.
shittiest aussie youfishing i've seen in 2 months

>If we take color out of the equation, turns out you can't judge at all.

Not true, none of those are of my kind. Not one. I have not the slightest care in the world for knowing what specific kind they are of, or what citizenship they hold. They are not of my folk, they are not of my race. Hell there's not even one of them that are even of my species.

Not being able to pinpoint their specific ethnicity or the letters on their passport does not change this fact. Lions do not need to know what specific breeds of hyenas intrude on his territory in order to know that they are hostile and detrimental to his tribe.

Your argument is nonexistent, you fail.

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>You don't administer IQ tests, or do genetic testing before you decide to discriminate in real life.
Everyone discriminates. Only a three-year old can't see the obvious patterns. Oh, and a black albino doesn't look like a Swede, so don't pretend you can't tell. Do you think that if everyone had albinism then society would become racially egalitarian? Ignoring or hiding information (such as disguising someone's race) doesn't make for a smarter, freer, more equal society.

a depigmented pajeet would fit in the indo-gypsy countries, or indo-european sorry

One on the left is quite pretty, also the only one wearing clothes...

>> Claims I ran out of argument.

>>Doesn't even counter the one argument I gave him.

I thought you Germans were meant to be detail oriented.

>Not true, none of those are of my kind. Not one.
Literally 3 of them are white albinos you hilarious faggot.

Your racists crack me up when you get confused like this. It's cute.

I'm not saying black albinos look white. I'm saying that for a lot of races you are using skin color and nothing else to differentiate.

Not aggression. Not IQ. Not likelihood to commit crime.. just color.

Pajeets are basically mutt mixed whites. And not 'arab' whites like say Iranians. The pajeets that look 'white'.. I mean bone structure wise have more in common with Russians and Norwegians than they do with Afghans and Iranians.

lol, bone structure common with russians and norgs.
Where'd you read that?

would it work with snakes

Attached: skin.jpg (654x360, 112K)

I'm sure if you walked around all day with snakes all around you, on the subway, in the cubicle next to you etc.. then yeah, you'd be able to pick them out even if they were all white.

this one and the guy with glasses are clearly rocking nigger lips

forgot pic

Attached: C6F64512-433B-475E-812D-D76449F328B2.jpg (514x580, 152K)

Med master race reporting in. No Albinonigs allowed!

>Doesn't even counter the one argument I gave him.
I'll pretend your "game" is an argument of sorts.
For all i care europeans could be dark skinned if that didn't go hand in hand with being double digit IQ mud hut dwellers
did you know that skin color is one of the best visual predictors of IQ? perhaps we should gas albinos so they don't go under the colour radar

Lurk moar faggot. Statistics trump your fee fees. Who hurt you? Why don't you get a real job? Or start your own business? Why do you insist on being a drain on the people around you? Why do you disappoint everyone who cares about you?

there all shit photos

middle east/white
Asiatic like Eskimo or Sherpas
white and sun burnt as fuck
white and sun burnt as fuck

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Simply because most native Iranians and Afghans are hugely semitically mixed.

The Aryan invasion of India occured 3000BC. BEFORE Islam even existed, when people who were ethnically 'middle eastern'... existed in small isolated communities.

In this world the groups that split into the nords, and Russians were occupying lands from Modern day Moscow, to even south of Turkey, all the way up to the balts and beyond.

This is the group that initially invaded India. In some parts of India, more to the SOUTH than the North, pockets of these genes still exist.

Pic related for instance from bone structure alone isn't an Australoid. Nor is he an Arab. He is an albino Dravidian. The genetics behind these people has little to do with both Australoids, OR Arabs. They are something else entirely, something far more ancient.

Attached: 807c64bc1c3ec79a88a75ecba6439532--indian-family-delhi-india[1].jpg (352x412, 18K)

same with people then

I think you've classified a few shitskins as white.

The left are the ones obsessed with race.
This obsession is what caused, and is causing, right leaning people to reintegrate it into their politics.

Yet without color we're having a heck of a time identifying the images in the OP.

>Literally 3 of them are white albinos you hilarious faggot.

White isn't a race, only mentally ill burgers believe that it is.
None of those in your picture are Nordid or Cro-Magnid = They are not of my kind and I do not care what they believe that they are.

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there bad photos
i can pick a trap from the hands if there not fucking clenching.
i can tell the ethnicity of the person if there not making fuck faces or bleared.

In this one rigged specific instance. On average? Not so much. Which is what generalization is about. Averages.
Should we look at some numbers that lead to certain generalizations?

All I'm saying is if tomorrow every one in the world woke up albino. You would start feeling like the white population just trippled.

Probably not. Even if I couldn't identify by skin color I can always rely on their violent behavior.


do you believe in evolution?

Would niggers finally manage to invent the wheel and clothes if their skin changed color? Ridiculous

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Let's take the US for example, and let's take a caucasoid dark race. Indians.

Let's now turn them all into albinos.

You now have a white skinned, white bone structured race, that has high IQ (immigrants pajeets tend to have an above average IQ)... low crime rate, low STD rate, low divorce rate, and a high level of wealth.

What now?

I think it's the most sensible explanation.

user, why are you such a disappointment? Go call your parents, they miss you. They still love you even though you have no achievements they can boast about.

>If race is more than skin deep, especially for groups such as Indians.. then why can you suddenly not tell them apart?
Are you really that retarded? Sure there can be similarities, but for the majority cases niggers have different skull shapes then whites and it's very easy to differentiate between a fucking nigger and a white person. I'm not just judging on skin deep color, I'm judging on skull shape. Fuck off you inbred abo. I hope you fucking kill yourself.

Attached: skincolor.png (1317x1598, 611K)

That albino was probably sacrificed and her bones used to ward off the giant eels that Africans believe will get inside them if they go near the water

>immigrants pajeets tend to have an above average IQ)

IQ changes every year to normalize at 100. Poos don't have higher IQ than nordids in America, they have a higher IQ than the average american - who by now is dumbed down to about 50% non-European. Very big difference.

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so animals adapt to there environments
and human are animals
living in different environments
some of those where cities

cities = law
violence = death
rape = death
self control

cities = trade
wealth = power
intelligence = wealth
wealth = breeding
smarter social people

if all you need to do to breed is hit someone with a rock, you will be 75IQ living in mud huts.

>cant differentiate people based on shit photos
Oh wow gg. The moment they speak you would figure it out real quick. And if they have diets like indians then youll smell them first. Nogs are easy and smell too.
>inb4 cologne and other trickery

so is this like a game?
how is my score?

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look at that abbo skull

beautiful innit. just like us

Attached: abbo.jpg (900x598, 115K)

You know if you pulled all of someone's flesh from their body you might have a hard time telling the race of the person.
Take that racists...

Indian girl.

Attached: 47520B5E00000578-5178549-Miss_Ganatra_s_appearance_believed_to_stem_from_her_ancestors_ha-a-15_15137 (634x950, 137K)

Asian albino girl

Attached: Albino_new_4.jpg (412x580, 52K)

Norwegian female

Attached: 1511623301723.jpg (640x961, 95K)

Swedish families

Attached: Find Sven.jpg (1632x976, 631K)

Founder of Turkey

Attached: Attaturk.png (488x404, 265K)

yeah, but what I posted are actually indigenous people, not inmigrants, dumbass

i’ve always played it safe and considered all albinos niggers.

What? That's like saying: "You only know that people have liver failure because their skin is yellow, therefore liver failure is only skin-deep for you!"

Just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there, you absolute fucking moron

top kek