Get to triggering those Libshits
Trump president for life?
Jace Clark
Eli Davis
I want Trump to stop sucking off Israel, build the wall (not a fucking fence), and shut the fuck up in that order.
Tyler Richardson
btw I didn't click
Jaxson Nguyen
Is he even president now? It's hard to tell.
Levi Nelson
Michael Johnson
oy vey goyim! Yes trigger these evil anti trump libtards, im sure they dont even wanted to move the embassy in israel to jerusalem.
Amerixan tax money is needed to build and protect the wall, not in the US of course but the one in Israel.
Gabriel Long
you discord shills are painfully easy to spot
Angel Sanders
No American should want any man to be president for life. This is why we 1776'd.
Alexander Bennett
I don't have a twitter account
Levi Gomez
Why would you want a president for life? That's the most retarded thing I've heard today.