The Kierkegaard Pill

After spending too long in daily threads about Christianity and which version bettter, my conclusion is that Jow Forums is fucking wrong about Christianity.

Y'all motherfuckers need some Kierkegaard. How can one man be this based? He knew exactly what Jesus wanted. To believe passionately and completely that Jesus was the one true Son of God, who came to die for our sins, and that complete faith in Him and seeking forgiveness is sufficient to achieve absolution. Kierkegaard BTFOs literally all of you:

>But what about muh apostolic succession
Motherfucker, does Jesus need expanding on? Not enough that he literally died for your sins?
>But what about Peter being told to make a church
Yeah, so others could hear it all, he didn’t give them magic saviour powers.
>But muh faith and works
Jesus should prompt you into doing good

>But we are the original church
So say everyone, why are you so special? Catholics have an unbroken line of leaders too
>But muh mysticism
Because figuring out how long a sould takes to reach purgatory was the most important thing to Christ
>But we are based politically
Thinking he who takes his faith into his own hands can't form a political opinion by himself

>Yeah Kierkegaard is a protestant bro
Only by virute of birth location, he had no time for your arguments. If anything, he's an apostle born in the future.
>But we don't worship a pope
Brainlet, you think not worshipping a pope (which they don't) makes you the real McCoy?
>But muh scriptural supremacy
Brain melt, there was no bible and Jesus never asked for one (and no Cathocucks, this doesn't make you the best cos he asked for a church). You think human retellings, no matter how accurate, are gonna deliver you to heaven? You can't even agree on the version, the stories live outside the pages.

Take the Kierkegaard pill Jow Forums and rid yourself of this waste of time in fighting, we are all brothers.

Attached: gordon_1-111016.jpg (1600x2244, 787K)

Other urls found in this thread: 11:6&version=KJV

I fart

Op just discovered kierk as part of his 'philosophy class' and is eager to set everyone straight. quickly ask him something before our enlightened sage leaves

be gone blackpiller. I've had Kierkegaard around for 10 years and he has never yet been besteed from anything I've read. I bet you're one of those fanboys that sticks with his [insert church name here] unto death. user puts his church before Christ. gay shit user.

good for you user

>true Son of God

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what is your point even with this? are you one of these conspiracy theorists that claim Jesus was from some non jew tribe in the desert and didn't even belong to the people that worship Yahweh?

based and sorenpilled

thanks user, I thought so too. Who needs these old men to show us the love of Christ.

Are you implying Yahweh is the true god and Jesus is his son?

I saw a witch flying on a broomstick the other day too

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