She's going to win in 2020

She's going to win in 2020.

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ok retard

Nah, if biden or sanders throw their hats in, she doesn't stand a chance

Trump already won 2020
Why even fight anymore?

She's got to blow alot of white guys to do that desu

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We found out she fucked her way to the top the first day of her running. First day.
You Dems really know how to pick em.
She's finished already. But you just go ahead and run her.

Probably correct. She's a literal unknown from a commie shithole, but is in fact BROWN.

Exactly the same reason we were forced to suffer under Obama.

Nah, the vote is going to split again. The DNC will pick an establishment candidate, the under 35 AOC/Sanders vote will get butthurt and not turn up to vote and Trump will sneak through.

>be CA
>elect reps that
>hike taxes up
>drive out native rich people your taxes target
>have highest crime rate
>failing political system

The worst part is OP is right, she'll win.

she's already won.. my contempt

She could probably win a dick sucking contest

Win a dick sucking for promotion job? Yea your right.

I’m a leftist and this is exactly what’s going to happen. She’s dogshit and will attempt to cover for her cop background and the far left will crucify her.

I don't understand what the fuck democrats are thinking with her. Let's see

>Home state is Cali meaning she has no extra state advantage since Cali will be blue anyway

>Shitty credentials. How can they call trump stupid when he went to Wharton while she went to some literally who schools?

>Basically a black low class Hillary who has none of the upper class advantages hilldawg possesses.

Yeah, she just needs to suck some more dick to get what she wants.

fuck off, nobody wants brown Hillary
Tulsi is going to win

Literally she sucked an old married man’s dick for $600k jobs that she attended two annual meetings and the ability to attack white men

>no brown Hillary
>Brown Hillary is going to win
Pick one retard.

I hope you’re right. I support her.

Okay all you people calling this guy a retard and not taking this woman seriously just need to take a step back.
Look at the canidates.
Bernie > old crazy man.
Beto > Lost to Cruz with the backing of the GDP of a small nation.
Hillary > We know her thing; not even the democrats want to try that again.
Harris > What do we know about her?
Between her and Beto they have the best chance at beating Trump.
All they have to do is keep their heads low and avoid the extreme left.
Her biggest enemy is the Democratic party.

excuse my spelling.

What about gillibrand. She's pretty much a Hillary clone.

Fuck off with this Zionist niggress. Even AOC is better than her,

>implying Tulsi and Hildawg have anything in common

Obama was a man + actually charismatic. Kamala is boring as fuck and is currently being painted as a woman who slept her way to the top. Once polls start coming out I guarantee she will be near the bottom of the pack.

AOC is lacking one thing Kamala has.

1 shade darker.

You know damn well she is going to win because browns are sub-100 IQ racists who will vote for 'muh shitskin'.

Obama was literally the President for this very reason.

Kum-Allah Whorris

Gillibrand won't get close. She's a notorious flip flopper, trying way too hard to be a "woke" now, and unlikable without Hillary's name recognition. She also just recently supported giving illegal immigrants drivers' licenses - imagine that going well in Iowa, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, etc. Swing voters there vote economically, they don't tolerate the sjw bullshit.

They are fielding litteral no-hopers, also-rans, 100-1 outsiders, three legged nags. Just so Cankles can save the day and rescue the dems. Cap this.

>Camel Hairs is gonna be Prez!
Her "political ability" faded years ago.
Enjoy a fresh Camel meme

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