I mean I'm anti gay, and pro white, but its awkward because the Greeks and Roman where very gay, so I don't know what to feel; also that picture is disgusting jesus.
Mason Barnes
>WHITE MAN GENERAL >Posts pic of Alexander the Great (Non-White) Kill yourself and have some sage mutt boy
>Greeks Macedonians, Thracians, Thessalians, Spartans, Epirotans, Aetolians and pretty much every Greek except Athenians, Corinthians and Thebans looked down upon homosexuality and mocked the Athenians for sodomy. Learn Some Fucking History You Fucking Mutts
You can be in favour of something while acknowledging it has faults.
Gavin Cooper
Learn your history: in Rome, homosexuality was permitted but considered inappropriate for any man but a slave
Grayson Barnes
Nathan Turner
Wasn't Alexander the great and most of the Greeks that went to war with persians athenians? So they guy you posted to be a symbol of your pride a faggot, while you call people faggots?
Jackson Diaz
Also what a fucking joke, a gypsy calling me a mutt.
How can one be so fucking stupid, a quick look on wiki will show how stupid you are yet you still post it. Truly amazing
Dylan Edwards
>WHITE MEN ROCK! >PIC RELATED: Explorer and conqueror ALEXANDER THE GREAT. Kicker of black and brown ass and taker of riches and glory.
>white Alexander had red hair Alexander had dark blue eyes Alexander had pink or golden skin, depending on the season
Why do you amerimutts see yourselves white? Is it just to be as far away from "blacks" as possible? It's dumb. White as an identifier contains no truth, and as a result it is an identifier that is weak as fuck. Better to see yourself as European men, that disqualifies both heebs, towelheads and lightskinned slanty-eyes
From the ashes of tradition cast asunder by marxist fires, we will temper ourselves in the embers of the ruin. Like steel, red hit from the dying flames, we are wrought not as the Phoenix but as battle-ready steel.