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Should we ban video games in order to stop the degeneracy?
Brayden Thompson
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Levi Phillips
Jeremiah Myers
We should ban Japan from making videogames.
Julian Sanders
Daniel Nguyen
>banning a tool
I know this is b8 but if you let your kids play shit games the fault is on you.
Alexander Lewis
>talking about banning things
um... your nose is showing
Samuel Evans
Video games are my only outlet for violent urges. If I don't have them, I'll have to find another.
Christian Ward
Boxing? Lifting ?
Wyatt Reed
>Implying the EU wouldn't do that if they could
The EU would ban the "time off work" if they could.
In germany, you used to get paid double when you worked on holidays, Sundays or nights.
Now it's just 2 Euroshekels more.
If you're lucky, mind that.
It's going to be fun when the working majority will stop working.
Justin Adams
Thanks and have fun.
Aaron Thompson
No. We just need a sense of natural morality to adhere to.
Christian Gomez
Stfu Japan is based at Vidya
It's the SJW's in USA that are ruining gaming
Luis Gray
>sense of natural morality
Are we talking about video games?
Joseph Jackson
>social media
It is designed to take advantage of the risk/reward (gambling) center of your brain, as outlined in the Talmud.
When you refresh the screen checking for updates, or change the channel on the TV, or get to that next level in Cowadoody you get a blast of dopamine just like when you pull the lever of a slot machine. The loading bar, the channel hiccup, the countdown in the multiplayer lobby creates excitement which releases adrenaline much like the spinning slots on that same slot machine. That fleeting moment of uncertainty that makes you crave it even more.
And they're not taking your money, not directly anyway, just your time and progress toward whatever it is you're working on - so to them it's morally acceptable, again as outlined in the Talmud.
Nathaniel Hughes
Parker Torres
Jow Forums is the same thing
David White
>Should we ban
checks flag, like pottery
Levi Butler
Anyway, video game indoctrination is what made all the idiots on this board follow the literally Satanic NPC meme ideology , so yeah I'd ban them in an ideal scenario
Evan Green
Sebastian Hill
I find it amusing how NPC meme believers don't realize that their belief that most people aren't human come from them being conditioned by gamrs
Robert Lopez
Reminder that the path that led to Trump's presidency & where we are now began with Gamergate.
Banning them isn't going to get us further along it; it'll just shove them firmly in whatever the opposite camp to those banning it is.
Robert Allen
Yet here we are, falling victim to the same gambling demon that binds them.
Brody Stewart
Unironically this.
Jason Bennett
Gamergate was a psyop, except for the fringe segment looking into the gamifcation agenda. But as the NPC meme propaganda shows, they just had to rebrand the same techniques for the right wing and it worked on Jow Forums too.
Sebastian Brooks
We should ban e-thots from stealing money from lonely people, which will also massively cut down on degeneracy for both men and women, instead of only degeneracy for males which is the only thing the left can talk about. For some reason women being slutty cunts is completely okay with them.
James Nelson
>Boxing? Lifting ?
Nahh Holocausting !
Jackson Long
>Gamergate was a psyop
one that hilariously backfired?
Charles Rodriguez
Brandon Campbell
new game has Snake and Zero Suit Samus asses and tits reduced. Fuck Sakurai
Kayden Wood
Paranoids don't believe that anything goes their way ever. Everything is literally out to get them, even their own side.
Anthony Russell
GG was the natural result of fucking with the "circuses" part. Societal control is only achieved through both.
Only way to get rid of the vidya & not be on the receiving end of the heat from it; better start praying for that massive CME, or find a way to get the left to do it.
Nobody's going to be happy when the bread & circuses are over; but nobody is going to "wake up" right away to who they actually should be pissed at, they're coming for whoever shut it down first.
Austin Phillips
Jow Forums is worst because the kikes run this, they perform psychological operations through this platform almost hourly and they give you all the illusion of anonymity. Let's ignore the fact that they routinely post degrading porn and homosexuality encouraging material. This place is leagues worst then vidya, at least if you aren't blind and retarded vidya can be seen through and dissected, this place is a pure mind prison.
Austin Jenkins
The worst is Fortnite, a kid's game, with HUGE ASSES glued in the screen. That's intolerable.
Someone has to do something about it, that's intolerable the ultra sexualisation of children aged between 6-12 years old.
Colton Diaz
>Jow Forums is worst
Jow Forums is worst because there are always novelety, it is so fast and it's TEMPORARY, which is the worst thing. If you don't follow a thread, you miss the information. It's so addicting, it forces you to stay here for hours if you want to follow discussions in full.
At least, 8chaan is so slow that you can visit it in peace after several days or week without being archived or deleted.
Jaxson Martin
No its worst because of what I posted the fleeting nature you alluded to is just a repackaging of the point mentioned earlier about the talmud encouraging kikes to lead guys astray via their addiction to gambling. The "discussions" that are allowed to progress here are designed to push an agenda always. That agenda is the subversion of goyims to the benefit of kikes and their kike allies always. Also stop hiding behind a memeflag long nose.
Ryan Mitchell
>this place is a pure mind prison
>he said, in the mind prison
Daniel Nelson
Hey guys, this isn't your discord chat. Nobody on Jow Forums talks like this. I will leave you all with the statistic that 60% of you are going to slit your wrists and die before Trump's next 4 years you Tranny faggots.
Zachary Gray
Ban video games but leave strip clubs, bars, night clubs, casinos, ect. fuck off faggot.
Brandon Cruz
Fortnite has hidden Nazi subliminals.
Thus proving Nazi shit is satanic and Jow Forums is deceived by it
Wyatt Moore
Parker Nelson
I prefer to ban all the rest and keep vidya if I had to chose.
Parker Allen
Pol is not "deceived" by it as pol isn't an entity or individual. Pol is a [P]sychological [O]peration [L]ive. It's one of the most popular psychological operations which you can view and take part in at any time of the day. The fact that you think pol is representative of any one individual or group of individuals while the site maintains its illusion of anonymity its telling in respect to how far the indoctrination has progressed in your case. You believe that this place is, in some way authentic or real. You believe that the memes, ideas, and concepts pushed here and propagated by this Operation are indeed legitimate or at the very least represent some legitimate feelings or ideas held by some anonymous individuals somewhere. The reality is that these ideas are carefully crafted and spread to better manipulate those who routinely use and visit this site. The more often you come here the better the indoctrination works, the fact of the matter is the kikes that run the show are out witting you because you want to be played.
Sebastian Sullivan
If you want to start banning things, look towards porn and social media first
Kevin Brown
Most of Jow Forums is porn
Brayden Jackson
Its Jesuits and Masons. not Jews
"Jews" is the big lie here
Connor Davis
That's how deep your gambling addiction runs within you.
Vidya, social media, talmudvision. All of it has got to go.
Kevin Collins
POL as "path of light" is also Luciferian
Liam Howard
was that a super bad example or something? Looks like an average DOTA game on a good day
Jack Rodriguez
Yes but also no because I don't believe anyone should have the power to tell me or anyone else what to do within reason
Lucas Sanders
t. weebcuck
I like the cut off your jib
Dylan Gutierrez
Nah dude
It's not the game it's the person. If you were raised in even a slightly good household you won't be killing people or masturbating to femalle characters in skimpy clothing or playing overwatch.
It's all part of being a normal human those who do otherwise aren't that normal.
Landon Carter
Let's start with banning jews and other nonwhite subhumans. Then we'll talk about videogames.
Gabriel Cox
>Morality is defined by what media decides
Moral things are quite easy to figure out on your own without any hints
Don't be like those christcucks who pretend the Bible invented morality
Brody Gutierrez
>you get a blast of dopamine
Nice buzz words
I enjoy the artistic merit of games and what they're able to visually or contextually convey
It has fuvkall to do with dopamine
Cameron Lee
>began with Gamergate
Stop acting like an Anglo
Taking credit for shit you have nothing to do with is a disgrace to your ancestors
Oliver Butler
>I'll have to find another.
*hank hill voice* How about...establishing an ethno-state?
Jonathan Johnson
>being upset at a video game
keked, saved and saged
Dominic Howard
>I enjoy the artistic merit of games and what they're able to visually or contextually convey
>It has fuvkall to do with dopamine
everything you do has everything to do with dopamine you basic cunt.
Justin Sanchez
Jow Forums is a mirror, you only see what you're looking for
Wyatt Cooper
>Banning porn
I don't think you truly understand how hard that would be
Lincoln Clark
Save this one then,it's better.
Carson Nelson
>everything to do with dopamine you basic cunt.
It really doesn't
Nathaniel Ramirez
It's shit art for a shit game with a shoehorned boring woman
Leo King
Then it's not a mirror.
Jackson Collins
You have 0 understanding of how the brain works.
Juan Stewart
There is masonry is talmudism for goyims and the Jesuits and Catholics are controlled op
Ethan Phillips
More like a .... Black mirror. The kind John Dee used for scrying
Thomas Ross
>literally complaining about pixels on a screen
How about you fuck off and make a thread about the degeneracy of something real and actually affects society, like thots?
Robert Williams
Luciferianism is talmudic in origins as well. It all points back to the so called Jewish people.
Jeremiah Collins
Luis Collins
The sooner you realize video games are a dead end the better.
Love video games, but wish I was focusing on skill producing tasks instead of focusing on the false payoffs of the interactive digital world.
Jeremiah Peterson
Jesus fucking christ
Ayden Thompson
why the fuck would i read some random ass hindu book..
Thomas Smith
You wont.
Aiden Jenkins
Why do you guys who LARP as Nazi's believe we reject literature and the path to advance our understanding of the things around us? When you open your mind to these ideas and research and understand, that's what turns you into a Nazi. Not rejecting shit because it sounds like a fucking Hindi name. If you aren't a shill you are a complete waste of oxygen.
Chase Williams
No A loser will always find some way to waste his time with or without them What's next Banning sex?!!
Adrian Brooks
i miss brawl, they nerfed snake's ass in the new one
Jayden Myers
Last Soulful Smash game.