>Still choosing to have kids
>Still choosing to have kids
I'm starting to think I don't have the choice. My damn swimmers ain't making it all the way up the river if you catch ma drift.
The voluntarily child-free life is peak materialistic vapidity. Go on r/childfree and sort by top. It is a parade of modern banality and ignorant bliss.
Good goy, chase endless hedonism until you are miserable in your 50s as you country burns down with gimmigrants.
Stop fapping
The best stuff is the delusional women having their tubes tied at like 18. They tell stories about the older women in their life, nurses, doctors all trying to talk them out of it but they are so childish they have to have their way. By the time they hit mid 30 they will be looking for surrogates to do the single mother thing.
I love how this board gets so butthurt over this. Maybe stop voting for politicians that are destroying the middle class. Couples will then be able to not have to work 60 hours a week to live comfortably.
So, so sad that they make such life-altering decisions so young. But then again, many of these people are the same people declaring that children can choose their own genders around age 9...
...a truly sad state of affairs.
You know, by now things are so bad and I'm so fucking blackpilled, I actually applaud them as it means not having some niglets. At least in the big cities this should be made mandatory for these sluts.